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Last active June 11, 2018 19:09
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Musical practice in JS
// ************************************
// Marc on how to practice effectively
// ************************************
import Universe from 'universe';
import Player from 'player';
// teaching and practicing methods, implement .teach() and .helpWithPractice()
import flowkey from 'flowkey';
import PianoTeacher from 'piano-teacher';
const universe = new Universe(); // keep defaults
const person = new Player({ skillfulness: 100, iq: 131, humor: 80, taste: 'good' }); // typical average piano player
const teacher = new PianoTeacher();
universe.onEvery('day', () =>
brain: person.brain,
body: person.body,
function practice({ brain, body }) {
//* preparation
const important = brain.askQuestion('Was ist in dieser Übesession wirklich neu?');
// FIXME: This should not be needed, brain should be motivated all the time if possible.
// Maybe implement in Player class in onWakeUp eventHandler?
const goals = brain
.filter(goal => goal.isPositiveGoal) // e. g. "Play song at 100 BPM" instead of "Don't be too slow"
.reduce((finalGoals, goal) => {
if (goalIsTooBroad(goal)) {
// e. g. "Play song at 100 BPM" instead of "Improve on song"
const concreteGoals = reifyGoal(goal); // simplify
return [...finalGoals, ...reifyGoals];
} else {
return [...finalGoals, goal];
}, []);
if (goalsContradictEachOther(goals)) {
// e. g. contradicting goals: "Become boulding chamption" <=> "Improve articulation on piano"
const practicingHabits = brain.habits.practice;
// e. g. playing the same exercise every time even though you don't need it anymore
//* actual practicing
doPreparationExercises(); // play scales and so on
for (goal of goals) {
practiceForIndividualGoal({ goal, method: flowkey }); // flowkey is a good default for the beginning
assessWhetherGoalWasReached(goal); // e.g. make recordings etc.
//* follow-up
const answer = brain.askQuestion('Ziele erreicht? Was mache ich nächstes mal anders?'); // whatever
function practiceForIndividualGoal({ goal, method }) {
while (!archievedGoal(goal)) {
practiceForGoal(goal, method); // dependency injection for the pros
if (hasPracticedALot()) {
if (brain.isSatisfiedWithPracticeForGoal(goal)) {
function doPreparationExercises() {
// ...
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