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Last active May 21, 2019 20:42
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  • Save remasis/1900202a9dfc4620513554ec989a4214 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
SSD, lvm w/ crypt
Ingestion rate comparison using the same data source: 'documents-2.json' from the esrally benchmarking tool, which is based on
Gravwell Results:
JSON Full Indexing strategy:
Completed in 1m54.227479463s (3.29 GB)
Total Count: 11.40 M
Entry Rate: 99.77 KE/s
Ingest Rate: 29.52 MB/s
Size on Disk: 5.3G (No compression)
JSON Bloom Filter Indexing Strategy:
Completed in 29.314072397s (3.29 GB)
Total Count: 11.40 M
Entry Rate: 388.77 KE/s
Ingest Rate: 115.04 MB/s
Size on Disk: 3.8G (No compression)
Unstructured Time Series Only Indexing Strategy:
Completed in 21.499331103s (3.29 GB)
Total Count: 11.40 M
Entry Rate: 530.09 KE/s
Ingest Rate: 156.86 MB/s
Size on Disk: 3.7G (No compression)
Unstructured Full Text Indexing Strategy:
Completed in 2m54.693792832s (3.29 GB)
Total Count: 11.40 M
Entry Rate: 65.24 KE/s
Ingest Rate: 19.30 MB/s
Size on Disk: 5.3G (No compression)
Elastic benchmarks created using
Elastic results:
_______ __ _____
/ ____(_)___ ____ _/ / / ___/_________ ________
/ /_ / / __ \/ __ `/ / \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
/ __/ / / / / / /_/ / / ___/ / /__/ /_/ / / / __/
/_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /____/\___/\____/_/ \___/
| Lap | Metric | Task | Value | Unit |
| All | Cumulative indexing time of primary shards | | 18.4408 | min |
| All | Min cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 3.65007 | min |
| All | Median cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 3.70658 | min |
| All | Max cumulative indexing time across primary shards | | 3.71848 | min |
| All | Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards | | 0 | min |
| All | Cumulative merge time of primary shards | | 11.4575 | min |
| All | Cumulative merge count of primary shards | | 65 | |
| All | Min cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 2.14453 | min |
| All | Median cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 2.34482 | min |
| All | Max cumulative merge time across primary shards | | 2.41233 | min |
| All | Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards | | 5.33243 | min |
| All | Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 0.973067 | min |
| All | Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 1.08328 | min |
| All | Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards | | 1.15768 | min |
| All | Cumulative refresh time of primary shards | | 2.61215 | min |
| All | Cumulative refresh count of primary shards | | 287 | |
| All | Min cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 0.501133 | min |
| All | Median cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 0.519183 | min |
| All | Max cumulative refresh time across primary shards | | 0.545917 | min |
| All | Cumulative flush time of primary shards | | 0.406283 | min |
| All | Cumulative flush count of primary shards | | 10 | |
| All | Min cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.0517333 | min |
| All | Median cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.0907833 | min |
| All | Max cumulative flush time across primary shards | | 0.0931 | min |
| All | Median CPU usage | | 208.8 | % |
| All | Total Young Gen GC | | 18.988 | s |
| All | Total Old Gen GC | | 1.572 | s |
| All | Store size | | 3.01775 | GB |
| All | Translog size | | 2.79299 | GB |
| All | Index size | | 5.81075 | GB |
| All | Total written | | 16.7849 | GB |
| All | Heap used for segments | | 17.0043 | MB |
| All | Heap used for doc values | | 0.0584068 | MB |
| All | Heap used for terms | | 15.8423 | MB |
| All | Heap used for norms | | 0.0664062 | MB |
| All | Heap used for points | | 0.244881 | MB |
| All | Heap used for stored fields | | 0.792381 | MB |
| All | Segment count | | 87 | |
| All | Min Throughput | index-append | 63540.7 | docs/s |
| All | Median Throughput | index-append | 65287.8 | docs/s |
| All | Max Throughput | index-append | 65857.2 | docs/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | index-append | 480.793 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | index-append | 824.972 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | index-append | 1206.77 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | index-append | 1421.59 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | index-append | 480.793 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | index-append | 824.972 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | index-append | 1206.77 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | index-append | 1421.59 | ms |
| All | error rate | index-append | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | index-stats | 90.03 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | index-stats | 90.05 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | index-stats | 90.1 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | index-stats | 5.02459 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | index-stats | 6.80742 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | index-stats | 52.6074 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | index-stats | 76.1535 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | index-stats | 80.6901 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | index-stats | 4.91623 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | index-stats | 6.53336 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | index-stats | 10.6029 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | index-stats | 40.1381 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | index-stats | 80.6252 | ms |
| All | error rate | index-stats | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | node-stats | 90.05 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | node-stats | 90.08 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | node-stats | 90.22 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | node-stats | 4.70302 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | node-stats | 6.74459 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | node-stats | 35.4466 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | node-stats | 61.1687 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | node-stats | 61.638 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | node-stats | 4.61692 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | node-stats | 6.28146 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | node-stats | 18.3385 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | node-stats | 29.3664 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | node-stats | 30.3881 | ms |
| All | error rate | node-stats | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | default | 50.03 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | default | 50.04 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | default | 50.09 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | default | 4.18894 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | default | 4.80069 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | default | 6.02535 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | default | 26.0451 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | default | 27.6703 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | default | 4.05686 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | default | 4.67141 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | default | 5.41658 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | default | 9.1168 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | default | 11.8724 | ms |
| All | error rate | default | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | term | 199.88 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | term | 200.07 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | term | 200.25 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | term | 3.13117 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | term | 3.52222 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | term | 6.52637 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | term | 21.024 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | term | 23.9173 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | term | 3.01586 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | term | 3.38706 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | term | 4.45219 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | term | 8.56181 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | term | 16.9829 | ms |
| All | error rate | term | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | phrase | 199.74 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | phrase | 200.11 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | phrase | 200.13 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | phrase | 2.57682 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | phrase | 3.80949 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | phrase | 5.31235 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | phrase | 9.8843 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | phrase | 11.5598 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | phrase | 2.46495 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | phrase | 3.63359 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | phrase | 4.49847 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | phrase | 6.84702 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | phrase | 11.491 | ms |
| All | error rate | phrase | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | country_agg_uncached | 4 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | country_agg_uncached | 4 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | country_agg_uncached | 4.01 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | country_agg_uncached | 214.326 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | country_agg_uncached | 288.981 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | country_agg_uncached | 300.794 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | country_agg_uncached | 304.686 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | country_agg_uncached | 184.43 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | country_agg_uncached | 288.881 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | country_agg_uncached | 300.658 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | country_agg_uncached | 304.556 | ms |
| All | error rate | country_agg_uncached | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | country_agg_cached | 100.05 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | country_agg_cached | 100.06 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | country_agg_cached | 100.15 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | country_agg_cached | 2.91773 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | country_agg_cached | 4.2745 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | country_agg_cached | 4.7793 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile latency | country_agg_cached | 8.42424 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | country_agg_cached | 11.1652 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | country_agg_cached | 2.81005 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | country_agg_cached | 4.16144 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | country_agg_cached | 4.64599 | ms |
| All | 99.9th percentile service time | country_agg_cached | 6.34482 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | country_agg_cached | 8.29946 | ms |
| All | error rate | country_agg_cached | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | scroll | 20.03 | pages/s |
| All | Median Throughput | scroll | 20.05 | pages/s |
| All | Max Throughput | scroll | 20.08 | pages/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | scroll | 486.827 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | scroll | 605.307 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | scroll | 672.254 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | scroll | 686.074 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | scroll | 486.347 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | scroll | 604.494 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | scroll | 671.959 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | scroll | 685.189 | ms |
| All | error rate | scroll | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | expression | 2 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | expression | 2 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | expression | 2 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | expression | 389.708 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | expression | 410.346 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | expression | 424.37 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | expression | 428.125 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | expression | 389.566 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | expression | 410.183 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | expression | 424.205 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | expression | 427.933 | ms |
| All | error rate | expression | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | painless_static | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | painless_static | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | painless_static | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | painless_static | 569.117 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | painless_static | 605.038 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | painless_static | 646.834 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | painless_static | 651.248 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | painless_static | 568.96 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | painless_static | 604.877 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | painless_static | 646.575 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | painless_static | 651.109 | ms |
| All | error rate | painless_static | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | painless_dynamic | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | painless_dynamic | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | painless_dynamic | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | painless_dynamic | 563.358 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | painless_dynamic | 610.702 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | painless_dynamic | 653.477 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | painless_dynamic | 659.655 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | painless_dynamic | 563.181 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | painless_dynamic | 610.554 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | painless_dynamic | 653.23 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | painless_dynamic | 659.47 | ms |
| All | error rate | painless_dynamic | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 1 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 1 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 1 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 414.415 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 423.54 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 428.173 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 429.163 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 413.718 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 422.908 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 427.419 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 428.513 | ms |
| All | error rate | decay_geo_gauss_function_score | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 1 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 1 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 1 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 453.265 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 468.429 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 491.403 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 492.976 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 452.662 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 467.794 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 490.792 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 492.386 | ms |
| All | error rate | decay_geo_gauss_script_score | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | field_value_function_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | field_value_function_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | field_value_function_score | 1.51 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | field_value_function_score | 217.246 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | field_value_function_score | 230.608 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | field_value_function_score | 241.313 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | field_value_function_score | 241.341 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | field_value_function_score | 216.726 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | field_value_function_score | 230.149 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | field_value_function_score | 240.793 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | field_value_function_score | 240.848 | ms |
| All | error rate | field_value_function_score | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | field_value_script_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | field_value_script_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | field_value_script_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | field_value_script_score | 287.123 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | field_value_script_score | 301.869 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | field_value_script_score | 321.06 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | field_value_script_score | 330.667 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | field_value_script_score | 286.637 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | field_value_script_score | 301.617 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | field_value_script_score | 320.631 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | field_value_script_score | 330.214 | ms |
| All | error rate | field_value_script_score | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | random_function_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | random_function_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | random_function_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | random_function_score | 400.028 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | random_function_score | 426.88 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | random_function_score | 445.181 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | random_function_score | 448.617 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | random_function_score | 399.682 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | random_function_score | 426.529 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | random_function_score | 444.835 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | random_function_score | 448.281 | ms |
| All | error rate | random_function_score | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | random_script_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | random_script_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | random_script_score | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | random_script_score | 452.809 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | random_script_score | 468.675 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | random_script_score | 480.184 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | random_script_score | 488.647 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | random_script_score | 452.533 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | random_script_score | 468.386 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | random_script_score | 479.896 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | random_script_score | 488.352 | ms |
| All | error rate | random_script_score | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | large_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | large_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | large_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | large_terms | 421.362 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | large_terms | 440.671 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | large_terms | 491.771 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | large_terms | 508.264 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | large_terms | 421.071 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | large_terms | 440.398 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | large_terms | 491.498 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | large_terms | 507.951 | ms |
| All | error rate | large_terms | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | large_filtered_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | large_filtered_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | large_filtered_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | large_filtered_terms | 424.772 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | large_filtered_terms | 467.759 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | large_filtered_terms | 519.461 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | large_filtered_terms | 528.937 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | large_filtered_terms | 424.5 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | large_filtered_terms | 467.513 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | large_filtered_terms | 519.235 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | large_filtered_terms | 528.632 | ms |
| All | error rate | large_filtered_terms | 0 | % |
| All | Min Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Median Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | Max Throughput | large_prohibited_terms | 1.5 | ops/s |
| All | 50th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 423.155 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 485.631 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 524.211 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile latency | large_prohibited_terms | 544.134 | ms |
| All | 50th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 422.864 | ms |
| All | 90th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 485.295 | ms |
| All | 99th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 523.903 | ms |
| All | 100th percentile service time | large_prohibited_terms | 543.763 | ms |
| All | error rate | large_prohibited_terms | 0 | % |
[INFO] SUCCESS (took 3635 seconds)
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