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Last active December 23, 2016 11:21
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Get padded term count in term search results with SearchWP and Term Archive Priority
//Code in search loop for term item:
$tax = $post->term->taxonomy;
$termid = $post->term->term_id;
$termchildren = get_term_children( $termid, $tax);
if ( !empty( $termchildren ) && !is_wp_error( $termchildren ) ){
$termchildren[] = $termid; //add parent to the array of children
//get all terms in the taxonomy of this term, but only from parent down, plus add parent
$terms = get_terms($tax, array(
'include' => $termchildren, //only parent and children, needed for pad_counts
'pad_counts' => true
) );
$item = null; // can be error
foreach($terms as $struct) {
if ($termid == $struct->term_id) {//find th current term again to retrieve its padded count
$item = $struct;
$postcount = $item->count;
} else {
$postcount = $post->term->count; //we already had the non-padded count in the post object.
echo $postcount;
//This says:"Assumes all relevant children are already in the $terms argument."
//So we need parent and child terms to calculate pad_counts
// Related:
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