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Created January 19, 2022 22:16
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## Imports
from typing import Tuple
import torch
from torch import Module, Tensor
from transformers.models.roberta.modeling_roberta import RobertaPreTrainedModel, RobertaConfig, RobertaModel, RobertaEncoder
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss, CosineEmbeddingLoss
## Function
def distill_roberta(
teacher_model : RobertaPreTrainedModel,
) -> RobertaPreTrainedModel:
Distilates a RoBERTa (teacher_model) like would DistilBERT for a BERT model.
The student model has the same configuration, except for the number of hidden layers, which is // by 2.
The student layers are initilized by copying one out of two layers of the teacher, starting with layer 0.
The head of the teacher is also copied.
# Get teacher configuration as a dictionnary
configuration = teacher_model.config.to_dict()
# Half the number of hidden layer
configuration['num_hidden_layers'] //= 2
# Convert the dictionnary to the student configuration
configuration = RobertaConfig.from_dict(configuration)
# Create uninitialized student model
student_model = type(teacher_model)(configuration)
# Initialize the student's weights
distill_roberta_weights(teacher=teacher_model, student=student_model)
# Return the student model
return student_model
def distill_roberta_weights(
teacher : Module,
student : Module,
) -> None:
Recursively copies the weights of the (teacher) to the (student).
This function is meant to be first called on a RobertaFor... model, but is then called on every children of that model recursively.
The only part that's not fully copied is the encoder, of which only half is copied.
# If the part is an entire RoBERTa model or a RobertaFor..., unpack and iterate
if isinstance(teacher, RobertaModel) or type(teacher).__name__.startswith('RobertaFor'):
for teacher_part, student_part in zip(teacher.children(), student.children()):
distill_roberta_weights(teacher_part, student_part)
# Else if the part is an encoder, copy one out of every layer
elif isinstance(teacher, RobertaEncoder):
teacher_encoding_layers = [layer for layer in next(teacher.children())]
student_encoding_layers = [layer for layer in next(student.children())]
for i in range(len(student_encoding_layers)):
# Else the part is a head or something else, copy the state_dict
## Distllator class
class Distillator(Module):
A class to distillate a BERT-like model.
def __init__(self,
teacher_model : RobertaPreTrainedModel,
temperature : float = 1.0,
) -> None:
Initiates the Distillator with the (teacher_model) to distillate from.
super(Distillator, self).__init__()
self.teacher = teacher_model
self.student = distill_roberta(teacher_model)
self.temperature = temperature
def temperature(self) -> float:
The temperature used for training can change, but for inference it is always 1.
return self._temperature if else 1
def temperature(self,
value : float,
) -> None:
The temperature must always be above 1. Otherwise, an error is raised.
if value < 1:
raise(ValueError(f"Temperature must be above 1, it cannot be {value}"))
self._temperature = value
def get_logits(self,
input_ids : Tensor,
attention_mask : Tensor,
from_teacher : bool = False,
) -> Tensor:
Given a couple of (input_ids) and (attention_mask), returns the logits corresponding to the prediction.
The logits come from the student unless (from_teacher) is set to True, then it's from the teacher.
if from_teacher:
return self.teacher.classifier(self.roberta(input_ids, attention_mask)[0])
return self.student.classifier(self.student(input_ids, attention_mask)[0])
def forward(self,
input_ids : Tensor,
attention_mask : Tensor,
labels : Tensor,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
Given a couple of (input_ids) and (attention_mask), returns the logits corresponding to the prediction.
Also takes in the (labels) associated to the inputs.
Returns the student probability distibution with temperature 1 and the loss.
student_logits = self.get_logits(input_ids, attention_mask, False)
teacher_logits = self.get_logits(input_ids, attention_mask, True)
return student_logits.softmax(1), self.loss(teacher_logits, student_logits, labels)
def loss(self,
teacher_logits : Tensor,
student_logits : Tensor,
labels : Tensor,
) -> Tensor:
The distillation loss for distilating a BERT-like model.
The loss takes the (teacher_logits), (student_logits) and (labels) for various losses.
# Temperature and sotfmax
student_logits, teacher_logits = (student_logits / self.temperature).softmax(1), (teacher_logits / self.temperature).softmax(1)
# Classification loss (problem-specific loss)
loss = CrossEntropyLoss()(student_logits, labels)
# CrossEntropy teacher-student loss
loss = loss + CrossEntropyLoss()(student_logits, teacher_logits)
# Cosine loss
loss = loss + CosineEmbeddingLoss()(teacher_logits, student_logits, torch.ones(teacher_logits.size()[0]))
# Average the loss and return it
loss = loss / 3
return loss
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