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Last active April 7, 2023 13:18
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import os
import sys
import zipfile
import json
import re
import datetime
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]", add_help_option=False)
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", default='', type="string")
parser.add_option("-m", "--maxnum", dest="maxnum", default=50, type="int")
parser.add_option("-@", "--fw", dest="fw", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-t", "--tn", dest="tn", default='', type="string")
(opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
re_time = re.compile(r'(\d+)(\D+)')
def decode_time(text):
ts = re_time.findall(text)
dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
for i, t in enumerate(reversed(ts)):
if i == 0:
dt += datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(t[0]))
if i == 1:
dt += datetime.timedelta(minutes = int(t[0]))
if i == 2:
dt += datetime.timedelta(hours = int(t[0]))
return dt
tfbstat = { }
def add_stat_time(substr, item, fname, add_time = True):
global tfbstat
x = s.find(substr)
if x < 0:
return False
tm = s[x + len(substr) + 1:]
tm = tm.strip()
tm = decode_time(tm)
if add_time:
item[fname] += tm
item[fname] = tm
return tm
def add_stat_str(substr, item, fname):
global tfbstat
x = s.find(substr)
if x < 0:
return False
string = s[x + len(substr) + 1:]
item[fname] = string
return string
def add_stat_counter(substr, item, fname):
global tfbstat
x = s.find(substr)
if x < 0:
return False
item[fname] += 1
return item[fname]
base_dict = {
'test_count': 0,
'total_test_time': datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0),
'build_time': datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0),
'verif_time': datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0),
'sleep_time': datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0),
'error': ''
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(opt.filename, 'r')
ftstat = { } # full test stat
ftstat['tests'] = { }
for fn in zip.namelist():
if fn.endswith('/benchmark.log'):
tfblog =
if fn.endswith('/results.json'):
tfbres =
vn = fn.split('/')
if len(vn) > 3 and vn[-3] ==
tname = vn[-2]
fname = vn[-1]
finfo = zip.getinfo(fn)
ft = finfo.date_time
fdt = datetime.datetime(year=ft[0], month=ft[1], day=ft[2], hour=ft[3], minute=ft[4], second=ft[5])
epoch = int((fdt - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds())
if fname == '':
pass #print(f'Dir name: {tname} \t: {fdt}')
pass #print(f' {tname}/{fname} \t: {fdt}')
if tname == 'build' or tname == 'run':
if fname == '':
ftstat[tname+'_start'] = fdt
ftstat[tname+'_finish'] = fdt
if fname == '':
ftstat['tests'][tname] = { }
ftstat['tests'][tname][fname] = fdt
tfbres = json.loads(tfbres.decode('utf8'))
testMetadata = tfbres['testMetadata']
fwdict = { }
for fw in sorted(testMetadata, key=lambda item: item['framework']):
fw_name = fw['framework']
fwdict[fw_name] = base_dict.copy()
print(f"Number of frameworks: {len(fwdict)}")
tfblog = tfblog.decode('utf8')
tfblog = tfblog.splitlines()
curr_fw_name = '_unknown_'
curr_test_name = '_unknown_'
state = 3
for s in tfblog:
if state >= 3 and s.startswith('------------------'):
state = 1
curr_fw_name = ''
curr_test_name = ''
if state == 1 and s.startswith('Benchmarking'):
curr_test_name = s.split(' ')[1]
tfbstat[curr_test_name] = base_dict.copy()
for fw in fwdict.keys():
if curr_test_name.startswith(fw):
curr_fw_name = fw
state = 2
if state == 2 and s.startswith('------------------'):
state = 3
if state == 3:
item = tfbstat[curr_test_name]
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING DB ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING JSON ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING QUERY ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING UPDATE ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING FORTUNE ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING PLAINTEXT ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_counter('BENCHMARKING CACHED-QUERY ...', item, 'test_count')
add_stat_time(f'{curr_test_name}: Build time:', item, 'build_time')
add_stat_time(f'{curr_test_name}: Verify time:', item, 'verif_time')
add_stat_time('Total test time:', item, 'total_test_time')
add_stat_time('Clean up: Sleep', item, 'sleep_time')
add_stat_str(f'{curr_test_name}: ERROR:', item, 'error')
if curr_fw_name:
item = fwdict[curr_fw_name]
add_stat_time(f'{curr_test_name}: Build time:', item, 'build_time')
add_stat_time(f'{curr_test_name}: Verify time:', item, 'verif_time')
add_stat_time('Total test time:', item, 'total_test_time')
add_stat_time('Clean up: Sleep', item, 'sleep_time')
add_stat_str(f'{curr_test_name}: ERROR:', item, 'error')
print(f"Number of tests: {len(tfbstat)}")
total_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
build_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
verif_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
f_ver_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
f_ver_num = 0
sleep_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
for test in tfbstat:
total_time += tfbstat[test]['total_test_time']
total_time += tfbstat[test]['sleep_time']
sleep_time += tfbstat[test]['sleep_time']
build_time += tfbstat[test]['build_time']
verif_time += tfbstat[test]['verif_time']
if tfbstat[test]['test_count'] >= 6:
f_ver_num += 1
f_ver_time += tfbstat[test]['verif_time']
tt = (total_time - sleep_time).total_seconds() / 3600
vt = verif_time.total_seconds() / 3600
st = sleep_time.total_seconds() / 3600
print(f'Total time: {total_time} (included %.2f hours of sleep)' % st)
print(f'Total time: %.2f + %.2f = %.2f hours' % (tt, st, total_time.total_seconds() / 3600))
print(f'Total build time: %.2f hours' % (build_time.total_seconds() / 3600))
print(f'Total verify time: %.2f hours' % (vt))
vt_avg = (vt * 60) / len(tfbstat)
print(f'Verify time avg: (%.2f * 60) / %d = %.2f min' % (vt, len(tfbstat), vt_avg))
print(f'Number of full tests: {f_ver_num}')
fvt = f_ver_time.total_seconds() / 3600
fvt_avg = (fvt * 60) / f_ver_num
print(f'Full tests verify time avg: (%.2f * 60) / %d = %.2f min' % (fvt, f_ver_num, fvt_avg))
if opt.fw:
kdict = fwdict
kdict = tfbstat
klst = [ k for k, v in sorted(kdict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['total_test_time'], reverse=True) ]
k = 0
for elem_name in klst:
if and elem_name !=
item = kdict[elem_name]
tt = item["total_test_time"]
bt = item["build_time"]
vt = item["verif_time"]
error = f'ERROR: "{item["error"]}"' if item["error"] else ''
print(f'{tt} ({bt} + {vt}) {elem_name} {error}')
k += 1
if k >= opt.maxnum:
full_tlist = [ 'db', 'json', 'query', 'update', 'fortune', 'plaintext', 'cached-query' ]
tlist = [ ]
for tname in full_tlist:
if tname in ftstat['tests']:
print('%15s' % (' '), ' ', 'verify test')
ver_time_start = ftstat['run_start'] # min(ftstat.items(), key=lambda x: x[''])
vt_prev = ver_time_start
vt_last = None
tt_first = None
tt_last = None
for i, tname in enumerate(tlist):
item = ftstat['tests'][tname]
vt = item['verification.txt'] - vt_prev
vt_prev = item['verification.txt']
if not tt_first:
tt_first = item['stats.txt']
tt = item['raw.txt'] - item['stats.txt']
print('%15s' % (tname), ':', vt, ' ', tt)
tt_last = item['raw.txt']
print('%15s' % ('TOTAL'), ':', vt_prev - ver_time_start, ' ', tt_last - tt_first)
print('Total verify and test time:', tt_last - ver_time_start)
print('======= FINISH =========')
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