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Last active December 3, 2023 19:22
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Save rempas/62f6927bfed729dcdac838c336ab3c50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alternative benchmark suit for Mir
// TODO: Support every "c2m" mode
// TODO: Add support for startupt times
import { exit } from "node:process"
import { unlinkSync, existsSync } from "node:fs"
class BenchConfig { /* The benchmark options */
comptime: boolean /* Show the compile times */
runtime: boolean /* Show the run times */
file_size: boolean /* Show the file sizes */
c_compilers: Array<string[]> /* Compiles to use ("c2m" is ALWAYS run!) */
constructor(comptime, runtime, file_size, c_compilers) {
this.comptime = comptime
this.runtime = runtime
this.file_size = file_size
this.c_compilers = c_compilers
let config = new BenchConfig(true, true, true, [ [ "all" ] ]) // Hold the options
let i = 2 // Used inside the loop to parse the arguments
let stats: number[][][] = [] // Keeps the stats of each compiler so they can be compared
/* Compilers (including their options) to search for in case there weren't specified */
let default_compilers = [ [ "clang", "-O3", "-march=native" ], ["gcc", "-O3", "-march=native" ],
["tcc"], ["pcc"], ["cproc", "-O3"], ["cparser", "-O3"], ["lacc", "-O3"], ["chibicc"]
let files_to_be_removed: string[] = [] // Output files that will be removed in the end
// let benchmarks = [ "array", "binary-trees", "except", "funnkuch-reduce",
// "hash", "hash2", "heapsort", "lists", "matrix", "method-call",
// "mandelbrot", "nbody", "sieve", "spectral-norm", "strcat"
// ]
// let benchmarks = [ "array", "binary-trees", "except" ]
let benchmarks = [ "array", "binary-trees" ]
function start() {
if (Bun.argv >= 2) { parse_options() }
function parse_options() {
for (; i < Bun.argv.length; i++) { // Skip the program name an the file name
switch (Bun.argv[i]) {
case "--help":
case "-h":
case "-no_comptime":
config.comptime = false
case "-no_runtime":
config.runtime = false
case "-no_size":
config.file_size = false
case "-cc":
function show_help() {
console.log("Available options:"
+ " -no_comptime: Do not show the compile time benchmarks\n"
+ " -no_runtime: Do not show the run time benchmarks\n"
+ " -no_size: Do not show the output file sizes\n"
+ " -cc: A C compiler to use (including its args)\n"
+ "\nIf there is not a single `-cc` option passed, then there is a\n"
+ " default set of compilers that is searched and used if found!"
function wrong_opt() {
console.error("Error: The following option is invalid:", Bun.argv[i])
function handle_cc() {
i += 1 // Go to the next argument
if (i < Bun.argv.length) {
/* If even one "-cc" option is given, we do not check the default compilers */
if (config.c_compilers[0][0] == "all") { config.c_compilers = [] }
else {
console.error("Option `-cc` expects a value but was not given one")
async function run_benchmarks() {
await compile()
// remove_files()
function check_compilers() {
let check_fn = (warn: boolean) => {
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
const cc_exists = compile_test(config.c_compilers[c], 0, false);
if (!cc_exists) { /* The compiler does not exist! */
if (warn) console.log(`warning: could not execute: ${c_compilers[c]}`)
config.c_compilers.splice(c, 1)
c -= 1 // Don't forget to reduce the index so we don't skip the next compiler
if (config.c_compilers.length == 0) {
console.error("No available C compilers were found to compare against `c2m`!")
console.log("Compiler test over!\n")
if (config.c_compilers[0][0] == "all") { // Default compilers are used
config.c_compilers = default_compilers
else { // User specified compilers are used
/* Transform the given compiles to the proper format for "Bun.spawn" */
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
config.c_compilers[c] = config.c_compilers[c][0].split(' ')
function fill_stats() { /* Fill the stats array to default values */
if (!(config.comptime | config.runtime | config.file_size)) {
console.error("At least one check needs to be enabled!")
/* Number of tests */
let test_array: number[] = []
if (config.comptime) { test_array.push(0) }
if (config.runtime) { test_array.push(0) }
if (config.file_size) { test_array.push(0) }
/* Number of compilers for every benchmark */
let compilers_array: number[][] = []
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
/* Number of benchmarks */
for (let b = 0; b < benchmarks.length; b++) {
async function compile() {
console.log("Actual compilation:")
for (let b = 0; b < benchmarks.length; b++) {
const benchmark = benchmarks[b]
const arg = Bun.file(`c-benchmarks/${benchmark}.arg`) // ".arg" file
let text = await arg.text()
text = text.slice(0, text.length -1)
if (config.comptime) timed_compilation(b)
else untimed_compilation(b)
if (config.runtime) {
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
const compiler = config.c_compilers[c]
const start = Bun.nanoseconds()
run_test(compiler[0], arg, b)
const end = Bun.nanoseconds()
stats[b][c][config.comptime] = end - start
if (config.file_size) {
try {
const proc = Bun.spawnSync(["du", "-b", `c-benchmarks/${benchmark}.${compiler[0]}`])
const size = Number(proc.stdout.toString())
stats[b][c][config.comptime + config.runtime] = size
catch {}
// await print_stats()
function timed_compilation(b: number) {
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
const start = Bun.nanoseconds()
compile_test(config.c_compilers[c], b, true)
const end = Bun.nanoseconds()
stats[b][c][0] = end - start
function untimed_compilation(b: number) {
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers; c++) {
compile_test(config.c_compilers[c], b, true)
async function print_stats() {
// console.log("Number of compilers: ", config.c_compilers.length)
// console.log(`comptime: ${config.comptime}, runtime: ${config.runtime}, file_size: ${config.file_size}`)
for (let b = 0; b < benchmarks.length; b++) {
const bench = benchmarks[b]
const arg = Bun.file(`c-benchmarks/${bench}.arg`) // ".arg" file
let text = await arg.text()
if (b != 0) { console.log("") }
console.log(`Benchmark #${b + 1}: ${bench} (${text.slice(0, text.length - 1)})`)
let best_comptime = find_best(b, 0)
let best_runtime = find_best(b, config.comptime)
let best_size = find_best(b, config.comptime + config.runtime)
console.log("best_comptime:", best_comptime)
console.log("best_runtime:", best_runtime)
console.log("best_size:", best_size)
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
// console.log("WTF?????")
const cc_joined = config.c_compilers[c].join(" ")
console.log("\n", cc_joined)
if (config.comptime) { printc(" compile time", b, 0, 0, best_comptime) }
if (config.runtime) { printc(" runtime", b, c, config.comptime, best_runtime) }
if (config.file_size) {
printc(" file size", b, c, config.comptime + config.runtime, best_size)
function printc(msg: message, b: number, c: number, index: number, best: number) {
let diff = stats[b][c][index] / best
console.log(`${msg}:\t\t${stats[b][c][index]} nanoseconds (${diff.toFixed(2)})`)
function find_best(b: number, index: number) {
let best = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
const stat = stats[b]
for (let c = 0; c < config.c_compilers.length; c++) {
if (stat[c][index] < best) { best = stat[c][index] }
return best
function remove_files() {
for (let f = 0; f < files_to_be_removed.length; f++) {
function compile_test(compiler: string[], b: number, add_file: boolean = true) {
try {
const output = `./c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[b]}.${compiler[0]}`
// console.log(`Source: c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[c]}.c`)
console.log(`Output: ${output}`)
const proc = Bun.spawnSync([...compiler, `./c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[b]}.c`,
"-o", output
if (!existsSync(output)) {
console.error("command run sucessfully but file was not created!!!")
if (add_file) files_to_be_removed.push(output)
return proc
catch (error) {
// console.error("Compilation failed!", error)
function run_test(name: string, arg: string, c: number) {
try {
if (name == "c2m") {
// console.log(`Trying to run: ./c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[c]}.c2m`)
Bun.spawnSync(["./c2m", `./c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[c]}.c2m`,
"-eg", arg
else {
console.log(`Trying to run: ./c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[c]}.${name}`)
Bun.spawnSync([`./c-benchmarks/${benchmarks[c]}.${name}`, arg])
catch (error) {
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