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Last active December 26, 2015 16:19
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Julia examples
# Calling C code #
# Simple function that wrap a call to libc clock function
clock() = ccall( (:clock, "libc"), Int32, ())
t = clock()
# Do some stuff
println(clock() - t)
# Multi-methods #
# Method declaration
# foo is a function taking one argument of any type
function foo(bar)
# Shorter function declaration
baz(x) = println(x)
# Multimethod
# Takes an argument of type Int (Haskelish syntax)
myprint(x::Int) = println("Int")
# Takes an argument of type Matrix (of any type)
myprint(x::Matrix) = println("Matrix")
# Take an argument of type Matrix of Float64
myprint(x::Matrix{Float64}) = println("Matrix of Float64")
myprint(42) # First one is called
myprint([1 2 3]) # Second one is called
myprint([0.5 0.42]) # Third one is called
# Variable and iteration #
# Dynamic type
a = 42 # Int
a = "toto" # String
a = [1, 2, 3] # Vector
a = [1 2 3] # 1x3 Matrix
a = [1:3] # same 1x3 Matrix
for e in a
# Output
# 1
# 2
# 3
# Templating and type constraints #
function printtype(m)
println("Any type")
# Takes argument of type T, in julia a type
# is an object, so you can print it
function printtype{T}(m::T)
# Takes an argument of type T, with the constraint FloatingPoint
function printtype{T <: FloatingPoint}(m::T)
println("Floating Point")
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