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Last active August 25, 2016 14:22
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import pprint
import urllib
import salt.client
import salt.config
import sys
from pymongo import MongoClient
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit('Usage: %s pillar1 [pillar2 pillar3...]' % sys.argv[0])
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# this dictionnary is used for '.' and '$' special chars
# these characters are not allowed in mongodb keys
subs = { '.': 'U+002E', \
'$': 'U+0024' }
config_file = '/etc/salt/master'
master_opts = salt.config.client_config(config_file)
def replace_special_chars(pillar_content):
new = {}
if isinstance(pillar_content, dict):
for key, val in pillar_content.iteritems():
found = False
for symbol in subs.iterkeys():
if symbol in key:
found = True
newkey = key.replace(symbol, subs[symbol])
newkey = newkey.encode('UTF-8')
new[newkey] = val
if isinstance(val, dict) or isinstance(val, list):
if found is False:
new[key] = val
found = False
elif isinstance(pillar_content, list):
for item in pillar_content:
if isinstance(item, dict):
def main():
This code import pillars to minions
It will import each sub-key as mongo '_id'.
So, basically, it will work if each first sub-keys of the pillar
are valid minions id.
If you want to import all a content of a pillar node
to a minion use "" instead
and change the "tgt_id" to the minion id you want.
Mechanism = 'MONGODB-CR'
# mongodb connection
if 'mongo.user' in master_opts:
User = master_opts['mongo.user']
User = ''
if 'mongo.password' in master_opts:
Password = master_opts['mongo.password']
Password = ''
if '' in master_opts:
Host = master_opts['']
Host = 'localhost'
if 'mongo.port' in master_opts:
Port = master_opts['mongo.port']
Port = '27017'
db_name = 'salt'
col_name = 'pillar'
if Password:
Password = urllib.quote_plus(Password)
uri = "mongodb://" + User + ":" + Password + "@" + \
Host + ':' + str(Port) + "/" + db_name + "?authMechanism=" + \
print("Connecting to %s" % (uri))
client = MongoClient(uri)
client = MongoClient('mongodb://' + Host + ':' + Port + '/')
db = client[db_name]
pillars = db[col_name]
caller = salt.client.Caller()
for pillar_name in sys.argv:
if pillar_name is not sys.argv[0]:
pillar_content = caller.function('pillar.get', pillar_name)
pillar_content = replace_special_chars(pillar_content)
if isinstance(pillar_content, dict):
for _id, value in pillar_content.iteritems():
print("\n################\nFollowing pillar will be " + \
"inserted: \n")
pillars.insert({ '_id': _id, 'mongo_pillar': value })
#elif isinstance(pillar_content, list):
# for item in pillar_content:
# if isinstance(item, dict):
#listing collections
collections = db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False)
print("Your collections")
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pprint
import urllib
import salt.client
import salt.config
import sys
from pymongo import MongoClient
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit('Usage: %s pillar1 [pillar2 pillar3...]' % sys.argv[0])
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# this dictionnary is used for '.' and '$' special chars
# these characters are not allowed in mongodb keys
subs = { '.': 'U+002E', \
'$': 'U+0024' }
master_conf_file = '/etc/salt/master'
minion_conf_file = '/etc/salt/minion'
master_opts = salt.config.client_config(master_conf_file)
__opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion')
# If it is launched from master, you can retrieve master id with
# local minion id (useful if it is different from hostname)
master_id = __opts__['id']
def replace_special_chars(pillar_content):
new = {}
if isinstance(pillar_content, dict):
for key, val in pillar_content.iteritems():
found = False
for symbol in subs.iterkeys():
if symbol in key:
found = True
newkey = key.replace(symbol, subs[symbol])
newkey = newkey.encode('UTF-8')
new[newkey] = val
if isinstance(val, dict) or isinstance(val, list):
if found is False:
new[key] = val
found = False
elif isinstance(pillar_content, list):
for item in pillar_content:
if isinstance(item, dict):
def main():
This code import all the pillar to the master minions (including
the first key)
If you want to import all a content of a pillar node
to a minion change the "tgt_id" to the minion id you want.
Mechanism = 'MONGODB-CR'
# mongodb connection
if 'mongo.user' in master_opts:
User = master_opts['mongo.user']
User = ''
if 'mongo.password' in master_opts:
Password = master_opts['mongo.password']
Password = ''
if '' in master_opts:
Host = master_opts['']
Host = 'localhost'
if 'mongo.port' in master_opts:
Port = master_opts['mongo.port']
Port = '27017'
db_name = 'salt'
col_name = 'pillar'
if Password:
Password = urllib.quote_plus(Password)
uri = "mongodb://" + User + ":" + Password + "@" + \
Host + ':' + str(Port) + "/" + db_name + "?authMechanism=" + \
print("Connecting to %s" % (uri))
client = MongoClient(uri)
client = MongoClient('mongodb://' + Host + ':' + Port + '/')
db = client[db_name]
pillars = db[col_name]
caller = salt.client.Caller()
for pillar_name in sys.argv:
if pillar_name is not sys.argv[0]:
pillar_content = caller.function('pillar.get', pillar_name)
pillar_content = replace_special_chars(pillar_content)
# overwrite tgt_id if you need another minion
tgt_id = master_id
print("\n################\nFollowing pillar will be " + \
"inserted: \n")
pp.pprint("_id: " + tgt_id)
pp.pprint(pillar_name + ": " + repr(pillar_content))
pillars.insert({'_id': tgt_id, pillar_name: pillar_content})
#listing collections
collections = db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False)
print("Your collections")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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remyd1 commented Aug 25, 2016

2 scripts to import SLS/Yaml files (pillars) from SaltStack to mongodb/JSON

With these two scripts, you can either import pillars directly to minions (*) or an entire pillar content to a single minion (**)/master.

(*) each first sub-keys of the pillar is considered as the minion id (mongo '_id' field).
(**) By using the second script and then overwrite "tgt_id" which is the master id by default.

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