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Created October 26, 2020 04:08
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Social Beverage Programme
// Usage: node matcher.js people-list.txt 2
const people = require('fs').readFileSync(process.argv[2]).toString().split('\n');
const weekNum = Number(process.argv[3]);
const pairs = people
.map((person, index) => people[(index + weekNum) % people.length])
.map((person, index, list) => {
const match = list[list.length - index - 1];
if (match === person) {
return [person, list[0]];
} else {
return [person, match];
.map(pair => weekNum % 2 ? pair.reverse() : pair)
.slice(0, Math.floor((people.length + 1) / 2));
console.log( => pair.join(' -> ')).join('\n'));
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