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Django Reinhardt Tribute Page
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<h2>The <mark>most astonishing</mark> guitar&nbsp;player ever.</h2>
<p>Jean "Django" Reinhardt was a Belgian-born French jazz guitarist and composer of Romani ethnicity, regarded as one of the greatest musicians of the twentieth century, having written nearly 100 songs.</p>
<p>He was the first and most significant jazz talent to&nbsp;emerge from Europe.</p>
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<h2>The 3 fingered-guitar player</h2>
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<p>Despite having two of his fingers disabled from a fire, he overcame the&nbsp;handicap and went on to forge an entirely new style of jazz guitar technique (sometimes called 'hot' jazz guitar), which has since become a living musical tradition within French Gypsy culture. </p>
<p>Benny Goodman asked him to travel with his band, which he never did, but he did tour the U.S. with Duke Ellington's band in 1946. He died suddenly of a stroke at age 43.</p>
<p>Many guitar players and other musicians have expressed admiration for Reinhardt or have cited him as a major influence. Jeff Beck described Reinhardt as "by far the most astonishing guitar player ever" and "quite superhuman".</p>
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<h2>World War II</h2>
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<p>Because Reinhardt and his family were Gypsies, and he was also a jazz musician, he tried to escape from occupied France with his family. After his first attempt, he survived when a secretly jazz-loving German, Luftwaffe officer Dietrich Schulz-Köhn,
let him go back to France after he was captured.</p>
<p>During the occupation of France, Reinhardt continued playing and composing. One of his songs, "Nuages," became an unofficial anthem in Paris to signify hope for liberation. One day at a concert, the popularity of the song was such that the crowd
made him replay the song three times in a row.</p>
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<a class="btn btn-lg" role="button" href="" title="Read more about Django" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Read more about Django</a>
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<p>A Pen by Rémy Lenoir - Source: <a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="footer-by__footer__link">Wikipédia</a></p>
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