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Created January 25, 2013 12:42
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class feuille_de_route(models.Model):
cree commande : en_route == True reste False
construction : en_route == True + instrument_set==1 reste False
testfinal : en_route == True + instrument_set==1 testfinal == True reste False
a partir : en_route == True + instrument_set==1 testfinal == False a_partir == True reste False
chez client : all False
code = models.CharField( max_length = 100, unique = True)
sn_instrument = models.CharField( max_length = 100, null = True, blank=True)
commande = models.ForeignKey(confirmation_commande)
id_instrument = models.CharField( max_length = 5, blank = True)
upgrade = models.BooleanField()
a_partir = models.BooleanField()
cancel = models.BooleanField()
en_route = models.BooleanField()
final_customer = models.ForeignKey(Company, blank = True, null = True)
town = models.CharField( max_length = 200, blank = True, null = True)
pays = models.ForeignKey(Pays, blank = True, null = True)
description = models.TextField(blank = True)
special = models.BooleanField()
testfinal = models.BooleanField()
specialdescription = models.TextField(blank = True)
responsable = models.CharField(max_length = 150, blank = True, null = True)
accepted = models.BooleanField()
notwithstanding = models.TextField(blank = True, null = True)
missing = models.TextField(blank = True, null = True)
installer = models.CharField(max_length = 150, blank = True, null = True)
install_date = models.DateField(blank = True, null = True)
accepter = models.CharField(max_length = 150, blank = True, null = True)
warranty_date = models.DateField(blank = True, null = True)
recalibration_date = models.DateField(blank = True, null = True)
accept_date = models.DateField(blank = True, null = True)
ai_date = models.DateField(blank = True, null = True)
install_done = models.BooleanField()
class Meta:
ordering = ['code']
def __unicode__(self):
return self.code
def get_instrument(self):
Instrument = instrument.objects.get(id = int(self.id_instrument))
return Instrument
except Exception,e:
print 'error get instrument', e
return None
# if self.id_instrument == '':
# return ''
#return get_object_or_404(instrument, id = int(self.id_instrument))
def get_instrument_url(self):
return ('instrument_view', [str(self.id_instrument)])
except Exception, e:
print e
return 'ici'
def get_nom_instrument(self):
Instrument = self.get_instrument()
if not Instrument:
return ''
return Instrument.nom+' '
return Instrument.nom+' '+Instrument.feuille_route.cutnumber()
def pret_test(self):
instruments = self.instrument_set.all()
if not self.a_partir and self.en_route and not self.testfinal:
if len(instruments)==1:
#print len(element.objects.filter(groupe__instrument__id = instruments[0].id))>0, len(element.objects.filter(groupe__instrument__id = instruments[0].id, sn='False' ))==0, len(instruments[0].groupe_set.all())>0
if len(element.objects.filter(groupe__instrument__id = instruments[0].id))>0 and len(element.objects.filter(groupe__instrument__id = instruments[0].id, sn='False' ))==0 and len(instruments[0].groupe_set.all())>0:
return True
return False
{%extends "inst/non_generees/base.html"%}
{%block importcss%}
{%block titre%}
{%include 'inst/titre/titre.html'%}
{%block log%}
{%include 'inst/log/log.html'%}
{%block sidebarmenu%}
{%include 'inst/message.html'%}
{% load instrackr_filter %}
{%block content%}
{% load i18n %}
<h2>{% trans 'Production'%}</h1>
{%if production%}
<th>{%trans 'Tracking sheet'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Order'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Date'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Customer'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Upgrade'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'description'%}</th>
{% for feuille in production %}
<a href='{{}}/'>
<a href='{%url customer_view}'>{{feuille.commande.client.nom}}</a>
{%if feuille.upgrade%}
<a href='{{feuille.get_instrument_url}}'>{{feuille.get_nom_instrument}}</a>
{%if perms.instrackr_app.SAV%}
<a href='{{}}/delete'><img src='{{MEDIA_URL}}/img/cancel.png' border='0' title="{% trans 'cancel tracking sheet'%}" /></a>
{%if feuille.pret_test%}
{% trans 'all elements are choosen'%}
{%if perms.instrackr_app.SAV or perms.instrackr_app.stock%}
<a href='{{}}/sheet_validate'>{% trans 'Test final'%}</a>
<p>{% trans 'there are no command'%}</p>
<h2>{% trans 'Final tests'%}</h1>
{%if final_tests%}
<th>{%trans 'Tracking sheet'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Order'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Date'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Customer'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Upgrade'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'description'%}</th>
{% for feuille in final_tests %}
<a href='{{}}/'>{{feuille.code}}</a>
<a href='{%url customer_view}'>{{feuille.commande.client.nom}}</a>
{%if feuille.upgrade%}
<a href='{{feuille.get_instrument_url}}'>{{feuille.get_nom_instrument}}</a>
{%if perms.instrackr_app.SAV or perms.instrackr_app.stock%}
<a href='{{}}/delete'><img src='{{MEDIA_URL}}/img/cancel.png' border='0' title="{% trans 'cancel tracking sheet'%}" /></a>
{%if perms.instrackr_app.SAV or perms.instrackr_app.stock%}
<a href='http://{{url}}/client/{{}}/go'>{% trans 'Validate final test'%}</a>
<p>{% trans 'there are no command'%}</p>
<h2>{% trans 'Installations'%}</h1>
{%if installation_to_do%}
<th>{%trans 'Tracking sheet'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Order'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Date'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Customer'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'Upgrade'%}</th>
<th>{%trans 'description'%}</th>
{% for feuille in installation_to_do %}
<a href='{{}}/'>
<a href='{%url customer_view}'>{{feuille.commande.client.nom}}</a>
{%if feuille.upgrade%}
<a href='{{feuille.get_instrument_url}}'>{{feuille.get_nom_instrument}}</a>
{%if perms.instrackr_app.SAV or perms.instrackr_app.stock%}
<a href='{{}}/delete'><img src='{{MEDIA_URL}}/img/cancel.png' border='0' title="{% trans 'cancel tracking sheet'%}" /></a>
{%if perms.instrackr_app.SAV or perms.instrackr_app.stock%}
<a href='http://{{url}}/client/{{}}/to_customer/'>{% trans 'Installation'%}</a>
<p>{% trans 'there are no command'%}</p>
def instrument_creation_view(request):
'''affichage des systemes en construction
installation_to_do = feuille_de_route.objects.filter(en_route = True, a_partir = True).select_related()
final_tests = feuille_de_route.objects.filter(en_route = True, testfinal = True).select_related()
production = feuille_de_route.objects.annotate(count_inst = models.Count('instrument')).filter(en_route = True, a_partir= False, testfinal = False, count_inst__gt=0).select_related()
return render_to_response('sys/feuille_creation_view.html',{'installation_to_do' : installation_to_do, 'final_tests' : final_tests, 'production':production, 'onglet':'sys','url':url}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
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