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Last active March 19, 2024 01:34
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private function indexVector(SplFileInfo $file, string $content): void
$metaData = $this->getMetaData($file, $content);
/** @var RedisVector $redisVectorService */
$redisVectorService = app(RedisVector::class);
/** @var \Exdeliver\LaraPal\Connectors\VoyageAIEmbedding $voyage */
$voyage = app(VoyageAIEmbedding::class);
'id' => Str::uuid()->toString(),
'embedding' => $voyage->generateEmbedding($content),
'metaData' => json_encode($metaData, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR),
'file' => $file->getFilename(),
/** @var RedisVector $redisVector */
$redisVector = app(RedisVector::class);
$searchResults = $redisVector->search($embedding, 5);
namespace Exdeliver\LaraPal\Connectors;
use Redis;
final class RedisVector
private ?string $index;
private Redis $redis;
public function __construct(?string $index = null)
$this->index = $index ?? config('services.redis.index');
$this->redis = new Redis();
$this->redis->connect(config(''), config('database.redis.default.port'));
public function index(): array
$keys = $this->redis->keys("{$this->index}:*");
$vectors = [];
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$vector = $this->redis->hGetAll($key);
$vectors[] = $vector;
return $vectors;
public function store($data): bool|array|Redis
$namespace = config('services.redis.namespace');
$key = "{$this->index}:{$namespace}:{$data['id']}";
// Convert the embedding array to a string representation
$embeddingString = implode(',', $data['embedding']);
// Store the embedding string as the value for the 'embedding' field
$this->redis->hSet($key, 'embedding', $embeddingString);
// Store other fields in the hash, if any
foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
if ($field !== 'id' && $field !== 'embedding') {
$this->redis->hSet($key, $field, $value);
return $this->redis->hGetAll($key);
public function query(array $data): Redis|array|bool
$namespace = $data['namespace'] ?? config('services.redis.namespace');
$key = "{$this->index}:{$namespace}:{$data['id']}";
return $this->redis->hGetAll($key);
public function empty($data = ['deleteAll' => true]): array
$namespace = config('services.redis.namespace');
if ($data['deleteAll']) {
$keys = $this->redis->keys("{$this->index}:{$namespace}:*");
} else {
$key = "{$this->index}:{$namespace}:{$data['id']}";
return ['success' => true];
public function search($queryEmbedding, $topK = 5): array
$namespace = config('services.redis.namespace');
$keys = $this->redis->keys("{$this->index}:{$namespace}:*");
$similarities = [];
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$embeddingString = $this->redis->hGet($key, 'embedding');
$embedding = explode(',', $embeddingString);
$similarity = $this->cosineSimilarity($queryEmbedding, $embedding);
$similarities[$key] = $similarity;
$results = array_slice($similarities, 0, $topK, true);
$searchResults = [];
foreach ($results as $key => $similarity) {
$data = $this->redis->hGetAll($key);
$data['similarity'] = $similarity;
$searchResults[] = $data;
return $searchResults;
private function cosineSimilarity($embedding1, $embedding2): float|int
$dotProduct = 0;
$magnitude1 = 0;
$magnitude2 = 0;
foreach ($embedding1 as $i => $value1) {
$value2 = $embedding2[$i];
$dotProduct += $value1 * $value2;
$magnitude1 += $value1 ** 2;
$magnitude2 += $value2 ** 2;
$magnitude1 = sqrt($magnitude1);
$magnitude2 = sqrt($magnitude2);
if ($magnitude1 == 0 || $magnitude2 == 0) {
return 0;
return $dotProduct / ($magnitude1 * $magnitude2);
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