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# Metric for binary classification (deviance is the default). Check documentation here
automl_model <- h2o.automl(#x = x,
y = 'y',
balance_classes = TRUE,
training_frame = df_frame_split[[1]],
nfolds = 4,
#validation_frame = df_frame_split[[2]], # read help(h2o.automl) !!!Optional. This argument is ignored unless the user sets nfolds = 0!!!
leaderboard_frame = df_frame_split[[2]],
max_runtime_secs = 60 * 2, # Two minutes
#exclude_algos = "StackedEnsemble", # Global Importance of Stacked models is tricky
include_algos = c('DRF', 'GBM', 'XGBoost'), # Complete List help(h2o.automl)
sort_metric = "AUC")
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