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Created April 22, 2024 11:02
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Type-safe routing
import {
type AfterViewInit,
} from '@angular/core';
import { type NavigationExtras, Router, RouterLink } from '@angular/router';
import type { Prettify } from '@rcambiental/global/typescript';
import type { z } from 'zod';
* Accepted types for a route command.
* - It can be a static string that represents part of the route path like 'home' or 'about-us'.
* - It can be a static number that represents part of the route path like 1 or 2.
* - It can be a dynamic string path param, its represented by prefixing with ':' and the param name, like ':id'.
* - It can be a dynamic number path param, its represented by prefixing with ':', followed
* by the param name and suffixed with '.n', like ':id.n'.
type RouteCommandAcceptedType = string | number | `:${string}` | `:${string}.n`;
* A route command is a tuple that has at least one element, example:
* - ['home']
* - ['cart', ':cardId.n']
* - ['cart', ':cartId.n', 'product', ':productId.n']
type RouteCommand = [RouteCommandAcceptedType, ...RouteCommandAcceptedType[]];
* Helper type used by ExtractDynamicUrlParams to intersect the union of
* Records into a single Record.
type Intersect<T> = (T extends any ? (x: T) => 0 : never) extends (
x: infer R
) => 0
? R
: never;
* Given a RouteCommand, extracts the dynamic url path params from it and
* return a single Record with all the dynamic params with their respective types.
type ExtractDynamicUrlParams<T extends RouteCommand> = Prettify<
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends `:${infer TParam}.n`
? Record<TParam, number>
: T[K] extends `:${infer TParam2}`
? Record<TParam2, string>
: never;
* Base type for a route.
export type Route = {
url: RouteCommand;
queryParams?: z.ZodObject<any>;
type ResolveRouteConfig<T extends Route> = (keyof ExtractDynamicUrlParams<
> extends never
? {}
: { urlParams: ExtractDynamicUrlParams<T['url']> }) &
(T extends {
queryParams: z.ZodObject<any>;
? {
queryParams: z.infer<T['queryParams']>;
: {});
export type ResolveRouteReturnFnImpl<
TRoute extends Route,
TRouteConfig = ResolveRouteConfig<TRoute>
> = keyof TRouteConfig extends never
? () => {
url: string[];
: TRouteConfig extends { urlParams: any; queryParams: any }
? (params: TRouteConfig) => {
url: string[];
queryParams: z.infer<NonNullable<TRoute['queryParams']>>;
: TRouteConfig extends { urlParams: any }
? (params: TRouteConfig) => {
url: string[];
: TRouteConfig extends { queryParams: any }
? (params: TRouteConfig) => {
url: string[];
queryParams: z.infer<NonNullable<TRoute['queryParams']>>;
: never;
const route = <const TRouteCommand extends Route>(
config: TRouteCommand
): ResolveRouteReturnFnImpl<TRouteCommand> =>
((params?: { urlParams?: any; queryParams?: any }) => {
// Validate queryParams if present
let resolvedQueryParams = {};
if (config.queryParams) {
resolvedQueryParams = config.queryParams.parse(
(params as any).queryParams ?? {}
// Construct the url
const url = => {
if (typeof part === 'string') {
if (part.startsWith(':')) {
const cleanedPart = part.slice(1).replace('.n', '');
if (!(params as any).urlParams[cleanedPart]) {
throw new Error(
`Missing parameter ${cleanedPart} in urlParams!`
return (params as any).urlParams[cleanedPart];
return part;
return part;
}) as string[];
return {
...(config?.queryParams ? { queryParams: resolvedQueryParams } : {})
} as const;
}) as ResolveRouteReturnFnImpl<TRouteCommand>;
const appRoutes = {
home: route({
url: ['/']
theCompany: route({
url: ['/a-empresa']
contactUs: route({
url: ['/fale-conosco']
requestAQuote: route({
url: ['/solicite-um-orcamento']
federalLegislation: route({
url: ['/legislacao-ambiental-federal']
statesLegislation: route({
url: ['/legislacao-ambiental-estadual']
termsOfUse: route({
url: ['/termos-de-uso']
} as const;
type AppRoutesDefinitions = typeof appRoutes;
export const injectAppRoutes = () => inject(AppRoutesService);
providedIn: 'root'
export class AppRoutesService {
public routes = appRoutes;
constructor(private router: Router) {}
withRoute = <TRoute extends keyof AppRoutesDefinitions>(
route: TRoute,
extras?: Omit<NavigationExtras, 'queryParams'>
) => ({
go: (
...params: Parameters<AppRoutesDefinitions[TRoute]>
): Promise<boolean> => {
const resolvedRoute = this.routes[route](
// @ts-ignore
return this.router.navigate(resolvedRoute.url, {
? {
queryParams: resolvedRoute['queryParams']
: {})
type GetRouteConfig<TRouteKey extends keyof AppRoutesDefinitions> = Parameters<
standalone: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/directive-selector
selector: '[feClientLink]',
hostDirectives: [RouterLink]
export class FeClientLinkDirective<
const TRouteKey extends keyof AppRoutesDefinitions
> implements AfterViewInit
private readonly _routerLinkDirective = inject(RouterLink);
private _routeKey: TRouteKey;
private _routeNeedsConfig = false;
private _routeConfigInputWasSet = false;
@Input() set feClientLink(route: TRouteKey) {
this._routeKey = route;
if (!appRoutes[route]) {
throw new Error(`There's no defined route with name '${route}'!`);
try {
// @ts-ignore
const result = appRoutes[route]();
this._routerLinkDirective.routerLink = result.url;
} catch (e) {
this._routeNeedsConfig = true;
@Input() set linkConfig(value: GetRouteConfig<TRouteKey>) {
this._routeConfigInputWasSet = true;
const result = appRoutes[this._routeKey](
// @ts-ignore
this._routerLinkDirective.routerLink = result.url;
if (result?.['queryParams']) {
this._routerLinkDirective.queryParams = result['queryParams'];
ngAfterViewInit() {
if (this._routeNeedsConfig && !this._routeConfigInputWasSet) {
throw new Error(
`FeClientLinkDirective route[${this._routeKey}] has parameters to be configured!`
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