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Last active March 22, 2019 17:15
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Parallelized implementation of spectral-norm benchmark problem in Pony:
use col = "collections"
use fmt = "format"
type Error is String
type Result is (F64 | Error)
type MaybeArray is (Array[F64] iso | Error val)
interface ReceiveUV
be receive(m: MaybeArray, a: Array[F64] iso)
interface ReceiveA
be receive(index: USize, a: F64)
interface ResultShower
be show_result(result: Result)
actor Main is ResultShower
let _env: Env
new create(env: Env) =>
_env = env
let n_str: String = try _env.args(1)? else "100" end
let n: (USize | None) = try n_str.usize()? else None end
match n
| let n': USize => SpectralNorm(this, n').approximate()
| None => show_result("Invalid argument provided: " + n_str)
be show_result(result: Result) =>
match result
| let err: Error => _env.out.print("ERROR: " + err)
| let n: F64 => _env.out.print(fmt.Format.float[F64](n where prec = 10))
actor SpectralNorm
let _shower: ResultShower tag
let _n: USize
new create(result_shower: ResultShower tag, n: USize) =>
_shower = result_shower
_n = n
be approximate() =>
let u: Array[F64] iso = recover Array[F64].init(1.0, _n) end
let v: Array[F64] iso = recover Array[F64].init(0.0, _n) end
let r: ReceiveUV tag = this
// 20 steps of the power method, then receive is called
Repeater(20, r).go(consume u, consume v)
be receive(u: MaybeArray, v: Array[F64] iso) =>
match consume u
| let u': Array[F64] iso => _eigenv(consume v, consume u')
| let err: Error => _shower.show_result(err)
fun _eigenv(u: Array[F64] iso, v: Array[F64] iso) =>
// B=AtA A multiplied by A transposed
// v.Bv /(v.v) eigenvalue of v
var vBv: F64 = 0.0
var vv: F64 = 0.0
for i in col.Range(0, _n) do
vBv = vBv +~ (u(i)? *~ v(i)?)
vv = vv +~ (v(i)? *~ v(i)?)
_shower.show_result((vBv /~ vv).sqrt())
_shower.show_result("Some error occurred in second loop")
"Repeater will repeat calls to MultiplyAv(u, v) then MultiplyAtv(v, u) n times."
actor Repeater
var _count: USize
let _onDone: ReceiveUV tag
var _temp: Array[F64] iso
var _toggle: Bool
new create(repeats: USize, onDone: ReceiveUV tag) =>
_count = repeats
_onDone = onDone
_temp = recover Array[F64](0) end
_toggle = true
be go(v: Array[F64] iso, atav: Array[F64] iso) =>
_temp = consume atav
MultiplyAv(consume v, this).go()
be receive(u: MaybeArray, v: Array[F64] iso) =>
if _toggle = not _toggle then
_receiveMultiplyAv(consume u, consume v)
_receiveMultiplyAtv(consume u, consume v)
be _receiveMultiplyAv(u: MaybeArray, v: Array[F64] iso) =>
// _temp was atav, now becomes v, as we will pass u and atav to MultiplyAtv
let atav: Array[F64] iso = _temp = consume v
match consume u
| let err: Error => _onDone.receive(err, consume atav)
| let u': Array[F64] iso => MultiplyAtv(consume u', consume atav, this).go()
be _receiveMultiplyAtv(u: MaybeArray, atav: Array[F64] iso) =>
// _temp was v, now becomes atav again so we can repeat the cycle
let v: Array[F64] iso = _temp = consume atav
match consume u
| let err: Error => _onDone.receive(err, consume v)
| let _: Array[F64] iso => _next(consume v)
fun ref _next(v: Array[F64] iso) =>
"Decrement the count, and if necessary run cycle again, this time with the parameters v and atav inverted"
_count = _count - 1
let atav: Array[F64] iso = _temp = recover Array[F64](0) end
if _count == 0 then
// when _count reaches 0, we assume the parameters are in the initial order again (initial count must be even)
_onDone.receive(consume v, consume atav)
go(consume atav, consume v)
actor MultiplyAv
var _u: Array[F64] iso
let _v: Array[F64] val
let _onDone: ReceiveUV tag
let _n: USize
new create(v: Array[F64] iso, onDone: ReceiveUV tag) =>
_n = v.size()
_v = consume v
_u = recover Array[F64].init(0.0, _n) end
_onDone = onDone
be go() =>
for i in col.Range(0, _n) do
M(this).m1(_n, _v, i)
be receive(i: USize, a: F64) =>
if _u.size() == 0 then return end // indicates previous error or already done
try _u(i)? = a else
let empty: Array[F64] iso = recover Array[F64](0) end
_u = consume empty
_onDone.receive("ERROR updating array", recover Array[F64](0) end)
if _isLastIndex(i) then
let empty1: Array[F64] iso = recover Array[F64](0) end
let empty2: Array[F64] val = recover Array[F64](0) end
let u: Array[F64] iso = _u = consume empty1
let v: Array[F64] iso = recover iso
let v = Array[F64](_v.size())
_v.copy_to(v, 0, 0, _v.size())
_onDone.receive(consume u, consume v)
fun _isLastIndex(i: USize): Bool =>
(i + 1) == _n
actor MultiplyAtv
let _v: Array[F64] val
var _atv: Array[F64] iso
let _onDone: ReceiveUV tag
let _n: USize
new create(v: Array[F64] iso, atv: Array[F64] iso, onDone: ReceiveUV tag) =>
_v = consume v
_atv = consume atv
_onDone = onDone
_n = _v.size()
be go() =>
for i in col.Range(0, _n) do
M(this).m2(_n, _v, i)
be receive(i: USize, a: F64) =>
if _atv.size() == 0 then return end // indicates previous error or already done
try _atv(i)? = a else
let empty: Array[F64] iso = recover Array[F64](0) end
_atv = consume empty
_onDone.receive("ERROR updating array", recover Array[F64](0) end)
if _isLastIndex(i) then
let v: Array[F64] iso = recover iso
let v = Array[F64](_v.size())
_v.copy_to(v, 0, 0, _v.size())
let empty: Array[F64] iso = recover Array[F64](0) end
let atv: Array[F64] iso = _atv = consume empty
_onDone.receive(consume v, consume atv)
fun _isLastIndex(i: USize): Bool =>
(i + 1) == _n
actor M
let _receiver: ReceiveA tag
new create(r: ReceiveA tag) =>
_receiver = r
// inner loop of MultiplyAv
be m1(n: USize, v: Array[F64] val, i: USize) =>
var a: F64 = 0.0
for j in col.Range(0, n) do
try a = a +~ (_a(i,j)*~v(j)?) end
_receiver.receive(i, a)
// inner loop of MultiplyAtv
be m2(n: USize, v: Array[F64] val, i: USize) =>
var a: F64 = 0.0
for j in col.Range(0, n) do
try a = a +~ (_a(j,i)*~v(j)?) end
_receiver.receive(i, a)
/* return element i,j of infinite matrix A */
fun _a(i: USize, j: USize): F64 =>
F64(1.0) /~ ( (((i+~j).f64()*~(i+~j+~1).f64()) /~ 2.0 ) +~ (i+~1).f64() )
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