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Calisthenics Workout Plan - 2015

Table of Contents
Strength days - Mon, Wed, Fri
Handstand & Planche days - Tue,Thu, Sat
Conditioning days - Sat


Strength days

Warm-up (~10 minutes)

Dynamic Stretches: 5-10 reps each:
Hip circles
Knee rotation
Neck: Tilt From Front To Back
Neck: Tilt From Side To Side
Neck: Rotate Head From Side To Side
3x 10 reps
Jumping jacks/Star jump
Mobility: 5-10 reps each
Mountain Climbers or Frog hops (both feet will be moving to the sides of the hands
Band/Shoulder dislocates
Scapula pushup
Scapula pull up
Scapula dip
Bodyline Work: 10-60s hold each
Plank (more difficult: extended plank and 30 other variations)
Reverse Plank
Glute Bridge
Hollow Hold (aka Dish)
Arch Hold (aka Prone superman)

Strength (~40 minutes)

You perform the hardest exercise in each progression that you can do for 3 sets of 5 to 8 repetitions.

Try to beat your previous numbers every workout. When you hit the upper end (so you can do 3 sets of 8 reps), you move up in the progression and start the next workout with 3 sets of 5 again. Note that this means that you only pick one of the exercises from each of the listed progressions. Once you move up in the progression, there's no need to keep the easier exercises in your routine.

Some of the exercises are static holds, such as the L-sit progression or the tuck front lever in the rowing progression. One set here consists of simply holding the position for 10-30 seconds. Move on to the next harder progression once you hit 30 seconds for all 3 sets.


Do all pairs. Pairing two exercises means doing a set of the first exercise, then resting 90 seconds, then doing a set of the second exercise and resting 90 seconds, and then repeating until you've done all sets of that pair. You can rest anywhere from 90 seconds to 3 minutes between pairs, whatever you like. All exercises are to be done in a 10x0 tempo. That means 1 second down, no pause at the bottom, explode up and no pause at the top. When "exploding up", it's the intent that matters. If the actual movement is slow, that doesn't matter. Just don't artificially slow it down.

Pair 1

Date Pullup: 3x 5-8 reps Date L-sit pullup: 3x 5-8 reps Date Dips: 3x 5-8reps
Level 1: Vertical pull-up <= the same Level 1: Bent knee bench dips
Level 2: Horizontal pull-up <= the same Level 2: Straight legs bench dips
Level 3A: Jacknife pull-up / Chair assisted <= the same Level 3: One elevated leg, straight legs bench dips
Level 3B: Negative pull-up <= the same Level 4: Elevated legs bench dips
Level 4: Half pull-up <= the same Level 5: Legs on the floor dips (assisted dips)
Level 5: Full pull-up <= the same Level 6: One leg on the floor, one leg in the air dips
Level 6: Close pull-up Level 6: Scap pull-ups with knee raise isometric hold Level 7: Jumping and eccentric dips
Level 7: Uneven pull-up Level 7: Pull-ups with a hanging knee raise Level 8: Parallel Bar Dips
Level 8: 1/2 One pull-up Level 8: Pull-ups with a hanging knee raise isometric hold Level 10: Rings L-Sit Dips
Level 9: 1Assisted one-ar mpull-up Level 9: Scap pull-ups with leg raise isometric hold Level 11: Ring Dips
Level 10: One-arm pull-up Level 10: Pull-ups with a hanging leg raise
Level 11: Pull-ups with a hanging leg raise isometric hold (aka L-Sit Pull-ups)

Pair 2

Date Squat: 3x 5-8 reps Date L-Sit or Half Lever: 3x 10-30 sec holds
Level 1: Assisted Squat Level 1: Foot Supported L-Sit
Level 2: Squat Level 2: One-Leg Foot Supported L-Sit
27/10 Level 3: Lunge Level 3: [Tucked L-Sit(]
Level 4: Deep Step-Up 27/10 Level 4: Angled L-sit
18/11 Level 5: L-sit
Level 6: L-sit extensions (movement from tucked to L-sit)
Level 7: L-sit bicycles
Level 8: L-sit swimmers
Level 9: V-sit

Pair 3

Date Pushup: 3x 5-8 reps Date Row: 3x 5-8 reps
Level 1: Vertical Pushup Level 1: Vertical Rows
Level 2: Incline Pushup Level 2: Incline Rows
01/10 Level 3: Full Pushup Level 3: Horizontal Rows
Level 4: Diamond Pushup Level 4: Wide Rows
Level 5: Pseudo planche Pushup 27/10 Level 5: Tuck Front Lever
Level 6: Wall Pushup (makes heavy use of core) Level 6: Tuck Ice Cream Maker
Level 7: Archer Pushup Level 7: Tuck Front Lever Row
Level 8: Spider Pushup Level 8: Advanced Tuck Front Lever Row


  • (01/11) Fingertip Pushup (It's not necessrily used to develop pushing strenght, but rather the strenght and resilience of the hands and fingers.)
  • Wrist Pushup (It's another very good exercise that can be used to strengthen an area that is very important in other areas of calisthenics, which are the wrists)
  • One-arm Pushup
  • One-arm One-leg Pushup
  • Clap Pushup
  • Superman Pushup
  • Lalanne Pushup

Flexibility and Resistance

Static Stretches: 10-60s hold each Resistance: 10-20s hold each
Cat pose
Cobra pose Neck: Side Resistance
Forearm and wrist stretch Neck: Forward Resistance
Chest and Shoulder stretch Neck: Backward Resistance
Rotator cuff stretch
Upper back stretch
Quad stretch
Hamstring stretch
Straddle stretch
Groin stretch
Hip flexor stretch
Side lean/Standing side stretch

Handstand & Planche days

Warm-up (~10 minutes)

Dynamic Stretches: 5-10 reps each:
Knee circles
Neck: Tilt From Front To Back
Neck: Tilt From Side To Side
Neck: Rotate Head From Side To Side
3x 10 reps
Jumping jacks/Star jump
Mobility: 5-10 reps each
Mountain Climbers or Frog hops (both feet will be moving to the sides of the hands
Rotator cuff stretch
Band/Shoulder dislocates
Scapula pushup
Scapula pull up
Scapula dip

Handstand and support

Set a timer and go practice your support and your handstand, resting as necessary. When time's up, you're done.

Date Handstand: 5 - 10 minutes Date Support: 2 - 3 minutes
Level 1: Wall Plank Level 1: Parallel Bar Support
09/11/2015 Level 2: Wall Handstand Level 2: Ring Support
Level 3: Freestanding Handstand Level 3: Rings Turned Out Support

Core and Legs

3x 10-15 reps 30s to 1m
Side Plank
V-sit up flexed leg (more difficult: extended leg) Isometric Wall Sit
Lying Leg Extension (Mix of dish and the hanging leg raise) Hanging knee/leg raise isometric hold
Hanging knee/leg raise
=> Do NOT do crunches

Planches and Dragon flag

Hold 30 seconds in as many sets as it takes you (e.g.: 6x 5s until the day you reach 1x 30s)

Planches Dragon Flag
Level 1: Planche lean Level 1: Candlestick (4x as long as you can. resting 45s or so after each set)
Level 2: Frog stand Level 2: Tucked dragon flag (4x 5 reps)
Level 3: Advanced Frog stand Level 3: Single led dragon flag
11/11 Level 4: Tuck Planche (S.A.) Level 4: Negative dragon flag
Level 5: Straddle Planche (S.A.) Level 5: Dragon flag
Level 6: Planche (S.A.)
  • S.A.: straight arm. arms must stay locked out

Conditioning days

3x 10-15 reps
Burpess or Bastards (Burpess + Push-ups)
Mountain climbers or Frog hops
Squat Jumps
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