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Last active July 27, 2018 13:51
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# Show only ids to an especific id | Possible commands
docker ps -a | grep mongo --color | sed -e 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\).*/\1/' # With grep
docker ps -a | sed -n /mongo/p | sed -e 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\).*/\1/'
docker ps -a | awk '/mongo/ {print $1}' # Using AWK
# Download list of m4a from an xml via curl
wget -i $(curl\?296 | sed -e '/location/!d' -e 's/\<location\>\(.*\)\<\/location\>/\1/g' -e 's/^[^a-z]*//g')
# Insert with sed
sed '/regex/i\
Text to put insert'
## Replace and create a backupt file
sed -i.bak 's/name/Name/g' file.txt
# File file.txt.bak is created
## Insert in line number
sed '1 i\
Text to insert'
# Append test
sed '/regex/a\
Text to append'
# Change line
sed '/regex/c\
Change full line'
# Search without "---" but with "--"
sed '/---/!s/--/>>/g'
# -- to >>, but if --- does not change
# -n command
sed -n 's/nice/Nice/p' list # Getting word nice, change to Nice and print (not replace in file)
sed -n 's/nice/Nice/' list # Cannot print and dont replace
# Change any letter with y
sed 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/' # must has the same length of chars
# Command write (depends a file)
# Sintax: sed -n '/pattern/w outputfile.txt' inputfile.txt
# In a list of links, get only with '99spirits' text
sed -n '/99spirits/w list' listoflinks
cat list # Show only links with 99spirits
# Command with comma
# Comma get text between two expressions
sed -n '/BEGIN/,/END/p' # Will print only content between BEGIN and END
# Command read (depends a file)
# file: list_of_links -> has a list of links
# file: text_file -> has a text
# Change the linke __LINKS__ in a text_file
sed -e '/__LIST__/r text_file' list_of_links
# Hold command
# The hold command keep an match in memory and u can use after
# After hold, u can use the command (G|g) to append before and x to swap line
# The difference between the lowercase and uppercase versions of the same command is that the lowercase command overwrites the contents of the target buffer
# Ex: In a text, replace "the (something here) statement is awesome" - Put (something here) in uppercase.
# Create an lorem ipsum text and choose onde line and insert: the match statement is really awesome
# Script
/the .* statement/{
s/the \(.*\) statement.*/\1/
s/\(.*\)\n\(the\).*\(statement\)/\2 \1 \3/
$ sed -f myscriptfile mytextfile
# 1st step - Search the string
# 2nd step - hold the match
# 3rd step - get the word that will be replaced to uppercase
# 4th step - change to uppercase
# 5th step - G command will place the hold script before the match line
# 6th step - Get the G command with a breakline and the original phrase and change the order
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