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Last active August 2, 2017 23:37
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Add an External Tool to Visual Studio up to VS 2015 (14.0) with a batch script (auto-detect next tool number)
@echo off
rem ========================================
rem Configure desired Tool values and desired VS Versions (tested only for 14.0, other should be the same)
rem ========================================
set VSVersions=13.0,14.0
set ToolTitle=Abrir prompt testes front-end...
set ToolCmd=$(SolutionDir)\FrontendTestsPrepare.bat
set ToolDir=$(SolutionDir)
set ToolOpt=0x12
set ToolArg=
set ToolSourceKey=
rem ========================================
rem Logic begins
rem ========================================
for %%a in ("%VSVersions:,=" "%") do (
exit /b
set VSToolRegKey=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%1\External Tools
echo Registering tool for VS %1
rem ========================================
rem Gets and sets tool count and new index
rem ========================================
set ToolCount=%ERRORLEVEL%
echo Tool Index: %ToolCount%
set NewToolIndex=%ToolCount%
set /a NewToolCount=%ToolCount%+1
rem ========================================
rem Update Tool Count
rem ========================================
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolNumKeys /f /t REG_DWORD /d 0x%NewToolCount%
rem ========================================
rem Creates
rem ========================================
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolTitle%NewToolIndex% /d "%ToolTitle%"
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolCmd%NewToolIndex% /d "%ToolCmd%"
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolDir%NewToolIndex% /d "%ToolDir%"
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolOpt%NewToolIndex% /d %ToolOpt% /t REG_DWORD
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolArg%NewToolIndex% /d "%ToolArg%"
reg add "%VSToolRegKey%" /v ToolSourceKey%NewToolIndex% /d "%ToolSourceKey%"
set ToolCount=0
set RegQueryOutput=
rem Tests if registry path exists, returning 1 if not
reg query %1 /f ToolNumKeys /v > nul 2>&1
IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 exit /b %ToolCount%
rem Gets tool count from reg query output
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('reg query %1 /f ToolNumKeys /v ^| findstr "0x.*"') do set RegQueryOutput=%%i
for /F "tokens=3 delims= " %%E in ("%RegQueryOutput%") do set ToolCount=%%E
set ToolCount=%ToolCount:0x=%
exit /b %ToolCount%
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