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Created April 16, 2023 22:43
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using ConversoesFahrenheit = double[];
using CalculoIMC = (double Peso, double Altura);
namespace ConsoleAppAliasesTypes;
public static class Testes
public static void ConverterTemperaturas(
ConversoesFahrenheit temperaturasFahrenheit)
Console.WriteLine("Testes com o alias 'ConversoesFahrenheit'...");
foreach (var tempFahrenheit in temperaturasFahrenheit)
var tempCelsius = Math.Round((tempFahrenheit - 32) / 1.8, 2);
var tempKelvin = tempCelsius + 273.15;
$"{tempFahrenheit} graus Fahrenheit = {tempCelsius} graus Celsius = " +
$"{tempKelvin} graus Kelvin");
public static void CalcularIMC(CalculoIMC paramsCalculoIMC)
Console.WriteLine($"Testes com o alias '{nameof(CalculoIMC)}'...");
var imc = Math.Round(
paramsCalculoIMC.Peso / (paramsCalculoIMC.Altura * paramsCalculoIMC.Altura), 1);
string classificacao;
if (imc <= 18.5)
classificacao = "Magreza";
else if (imc <= 25.0)
classificacao = "Normal";
else if (imc <= 29.9)
classificacao = "Sobrepeso";
else if (imc <= 40.0)
classificacao = "Obesidade";
classificacao = "Obesidade Grave";
Console.WriteLine($"Altura = {paramsCalculoIMC.Altura} | " +
$"Peso = {paramsCalculoIMC.Peso} | " +
$"IMC = {imc} | " +
$"Classificacao = {classificacao}");
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