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Last active January 14, 2022 15:04
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  • Save renatojobal/5b1cab32f57896b60f89769c7e297f91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save renatojobal/5b1cab32f57896b60f89769c7e297f91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Installed Ubuntu... now waht?
  • Install Opera

  • Install Bitwarden on opera

  • Login on Google account

  • Login on Ubuntu account

  • Install Git

  • Install Gtihub CLI

  • Create ssh for GitHub

  • Install Zoom

  • Install Spotify

  • Install Jetbrains toolbox

  • Install Android Studio

  • Install ZSH

  • Install OhMyZsh

My config in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme to random emoji.

  prompt_context() {
    # Custom (Random emoji)
    emojis=("⚑️" "πŸ”₯" "πŸ’€" "πŸ‘‘" "😎" "🐸" "🐡" "πŸ¦„" "🌈" "🍻" "πŸš€" "πŸ’‘" "πŸŽ‰" "πŸ”‘" "πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­" "🚦" "πŸŒ™")
    RAND_EMOJI_N=$(( $RANDOM % ${#emojis[@]} + 1))
    prompt_segment black default "${emojis[$RAND_EMOJI_N]} "
  • Set key binding for turn on/off the keyboard
F4 -> Turn on keyboard -> xset led on
F5 -> Turn off keyboard -> xset led off
  • Config zsh to keep the output on console

Add the line on ~/.zshrc

# Save the output
export LESS="-Xr"
  • Install steam and Terraria
  • Change default branch name to 'main':
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
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