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Created November 28, 2016 12:53
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* @version $Id$
GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
Copyright (C) 2015 Teclib'.
based on GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
Copyright (C) 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team.
This file is part of GLPI.
GLPI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GLPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GLPI. If not, see <>.
/** @file
* @brief
if (!defined('GLPI_ROOT')) {
die("Sorry. You can't access directly to this file");
* Html Class
* Inpired from Html/FormHelper for several functions
class Html {
* Clean display value deleting html tags
* @param $value string: string value
* @param $striptags bool: strip all html tags
* @param $keep_bad int:
* 1 : neutralize tag anb content,
* 2 : remove tag and neutralize content
* @return clean value
static function clean($value, $striptags=true, $keep_bad=2, $double_escape_angle_brackets = true) {
$value = Html::entity_decode_deep($value);
// Clean MS office tags
$value = str_replace(array("<![if !supportLists]>", "<![endif]>"), '', $value);
if ($striptags) {
$specialfilter = array('@<div[^>]*?tooltip_picture[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si'); // Strip ToolTips
$value = preg_replace($specialfilter, '', $value);
$specialfilter = array('@<div[^>]*?tooltip_text[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si'); // Strip ToolTips
$value = preg_replace($specialfilter, '', $value);
$specialfilter = array('@<div[^>]*?tooltip_picture_border[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si'); // Strip ToolTips
$value = preg_replace($specialfilter, '', $value);
$specialfilter = array('@<div[^>]*?invisible[^>]*?>.*?</div[^>]*?>@si'); // Strip ToolTips
$value = preg_replace($specialfilter, '', $value);
$value = preg_replace("/<(p|br|div)( [^>]*)?".">/i", "\n", $value);
$value = preg_replace("/(&nbsp;| |\xC2\xA0)+/", " ", $value);
$search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script[^>]*?>@si', // Strip out javascript
'@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style[^>]*?>@si', // Strip out style
'@<title[^>]*?>.*?</title[^>]*?>@si', // Strip out title
'@<!DOCTYPE[^>]*?>@si', // Strip out !DOCTYPE
$value = preg_replace($search, '', $value);
$value = htmLawed($value, array('elements' => ($striptags) ? 'none' : '',
'keep_bad' => $keep_bad, // 1 : neutralize tag and content, 2 : remove tag and neutralize content
'comment' => 1, // DROP
'cdata' => 1, // DROP
if ($double_escape_angle_brackets) {
$value = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('&amp;lt;', '&amp;gt;'), $value);
$specialfilter = array('@<span[^>]*?x-hidden[^>]*?>.*?</span[^>]*?>@si'); // Strip ToolTips
$value = preg_replace($specialfilter, ' ', $value);
$search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script[^>]*?>@si', // Strip out javascript
'@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style[^>]*?>@si', // Strip style tags properly
'@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags
'@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@'); // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA
$value = preg_replace($search, ' ', $value);
// nettoyer l'apostrophe curly qui pose probleme a certains rss-readers, lecteurs de mail...
$value = str_replace("&#8217;", "'", $value);
// Problem with this regex : may crash
// $value = preg_replace("/ +/u", " ", $value);
// Revert back htmlawed &amp; -> &
//$value = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $value);
$value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $value);
$value = preg_replace("/(\n[ ]*){2,}/", "\n\n", $value, -1);
return trim($value);
* Recursivly execute html_entity_decode on an Array
* @param $value string or array
* @return array of value (same struct as input)
static function entity_decode_deep($value) {
return (is_array($value) ? array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'entity_decode_deep'), $value)
: html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
* Recursivly execute htmlentities on an Array
* @param $value string or array
* @return array of value (same struct as input)
static function entities_deep($value) {
return (is_array($value) ? array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'entities_deep'), $value)
: htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
* Convert a date YY-MM-DD to DD-MM-YY for calendar
* @param $time date: date to convert
* @return $time or $date
static function convDate($time) {
if (is_null($time) || ($time == 'NULL')) {
return NULL;
if (!isset($_SESSION["glpidate_format"])) {
$_SESSION["glpidate_format"] = 0;
switch ($_SESSION['glpidate_format']) {
case 1 : // DD-MM-YYYY
$date = substr($time, 8, 2)."-"; // day
$date .= substr($time, 5, 2)."-"; // month
$date .= substr($time, 0, 4); // year
return $date;
case 2 : // MM-DD-YYYY
$date = substr($time, 5, 2)."-"; // month
$date .= substr($time, 8, 2)."-"; // day
$date .= substr($time, 0, 4); // year
return $date;
default : // YYYY-MM-DD
if (strlen($time)>10) {
return substr($time, 0, 10);
return $time;
* Convert a date YY-MM-DD HH:MM to DD-MM-YY HH:MM for display in a html table
* @param $time datetime: datetime to convert
* @return $time or $date
static function convDateTime($time) {
if (is_null($time) || ($time == 'NULL')) {
return NULL;
return self::convDate($time).' '. substr($time, 11, 5);
* Clean string for input text field
* @param $string string: input text
* @return clean string
static function cleanInputText($string) {
return preg_replace('/\"/', '&quot;', $string);
* Clean all parameters of an URL. Get a clean URL
* @param $url string URL
* @return clean URL
static function cleanParametersURL($url) {
$url = preg_replace("/(\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\.php).*/", "$1", $url);
return preg_replace("/\?.*/", "", $url);
* Recursivly execute nl2br on an Array
* @param $value string or array
* @return array of value (same struct as input)
static function nl2br_deep($value) {
return (is_array($value) ? array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'nl2br_deep'), $value)
: nl2br($value));
* Resume text for followup
* @param $string string string to resume
* @param $length integer resume length (default 255)
* @return cut string
static function resume_text($string, $length=255) {
if (Toolbox::strlen($string) > $length) {
$string = Toolbox::substr($string, 0, $length)."&nbsp;(...)";
return $string;
* Resume a name for display
* @param $string string string to resume
* @param $length integer resume length (default 255)
* @return cut string
static function resume_name($string, $length=255) {
if (strlen($string) > $length) {
$string = Toolbox::substr($string, 0, $length)."...";
return $string;
* Clean post value for display in textarea
* @param $value string: string value
* @return clean value
static function cleanPostForTextArea($value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
return array_map(array(__CLASS__, __METHOD__), $value);
$order = array('\r\n',
$replace = array("\n",
return str_replace($order, $replace, $value);
* Convert a number to correct display
* @param $number float Number to display
* @param $edit boolean display number for edition ? (id edit use . in all case)
* (false by default)
* @param $forcedecimal integer Force decimal number (do not use default value) (default -1)
* @return formatted number
static function formatNumber($number, $edit=false, $forcedecimal=-1) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
// Php 5.3 : number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double,
if ($number == "") {
$number = 0;
} else if ($number == "-") { // used for not defines value (from Infocom::Amort, p.e.)
return "-";
$number = doubleval($number);
$decimal = $CFG_GLPI["decimal_number"];
if ($forcedecimal>=0) {
$decimal = $forcedecimal;
// Edit : clean display for mysql
if ($edit) {
return number_format($number, $decimal, '.', '');
// Display : clean display
switch ($_SESSION['glpinumber_format']) {
case 0 : // French
return str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', number_format($number, $decimal, '.', ' '));
case 2 : // Other French
return str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', number_format($number, $decimal, ',', ' '));
case 3 : // No space with dot
return number_format($number, $decimal, '.', '');
case 4 : // No space with comma
return number_format($number, $decimal, ',', '');
default: // English
return number_format($number, $decimal, '.', ',');
* Make a good string from the unix timestamp $sec
* @param $time integer timestamp
* @param $display_sec boolean display seconds ? (true by default)
* @param $use_days boolean use days for display ? (true by default)
* @return string
static function timestampToString($time, $display_sec=true, $use_days=true) {
$sign = '';
if ($time < 0) {
$sign = '- ';
$time = abs($time);
$time = floor($time);
// Force display seconds if time is null
if ($time < MINUTE_TIMESTAMP) {
$display_sec = true;
$units = Toolbox::getTimestampTimeUnits($time);
if ($use_days) {
if ($units['day'] > 0) {
if ($display_sec) {
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of days, %3$d number of hours,
// %4$d number of minutes, %5$d number of seconds
return sprintf(__('%1$s%2$d days %3$d hours %4$d minutes %5$d seconds'), $sign,
$units['day'], $units['hour'], $units['minute'], $units['second']);
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of days, %3$d number of hours,
// %4$d number of minutes
return sprintf(__('%1$s%2$d days %3$d hours %4$d minutes'),
$sign, $units['day'], $units['hour'], $units['minute']);
} else {
if ($units['day'] > 0) {
$units['hour'] += 24*$units['day'];
if ($units['hour'] > 0) {
if ($display_sec) {
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of hours, %3$d number of minutes,
// %4$d number of seconds
return sprintf(__('%1$s%2$d hours %3$d minutes %4$d seconds'),
$sign, $units['hour'], $units['minute'], $units['second']);
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of hours, %3$d number of minutes
return sprintf(__('%1$s%2$d hours %3$d minutes'), $sign, $units['hour'], $units['minute']);
if ($units['minute'] > 0) {
if ($display_sec) {
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of minutes, %3$d number of seconds
return sprintf(__('%1$s%2$d minutes %3$d seconds'), $sign, $units['minute'],
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of minutes
return sprintf(_n('%1$s%2$d minute', '%1$s%2$d minutes', $units['minute']), $sign,
if ($display_sec) {
//TRANS: %1$s is the sign (-or empty), %2$d number of seconds
return sprintf(_n('%1$s%2$s second', '%1$s%2$s seconds', $units['second']), $sign,
return '';
* Extract url from web link
* @param $value string value
* @return clean value
static function weblink_extract($value) {
$value = preg_replace('/<a\s+href\="([^"]+)"[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>/i', "$1", $value);
return $value;
* Redirection to $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] page
* @return nothing
static function back() {
* Redirection hack
* @param $dest string: Redirection destination
* @return nothing
static function redirect($dest) {
$toadd = '';
$dest = addslashes($dest);
if (!strpos($dest,"?")) {
$toadd = '?tokonq='.Toolbox::getRandomString(5);
echo "<script language=javascript>
NomNav = navigator.appName;
if (NomNav=='Konqueror') {
} else {
* Redirection to Login page
* @param $params param to add to URL (default '')
* @since version 0.85
* @return nothing
static function redirectToLogin($params='') {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$dest = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/index.php";
$url_dest = str_replace($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"],'',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$dest .= "?redirect=".rawurlencode($url_dest);
if (!empty($params)) {
$dest .= '&'.$params;
$toadd = '';
if (!strpos($dest,"?")) {
$toadd = '&tokonq='.Toolbox::getRandomString(5);
echo "<script language=javascript>
NomNav = navigator.appName;
if (NomNav=='Konqueror') {
} else {
* Display common message for item not found
* @return Nothing
static function displayNotFoundError() {
if (!isset($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"])) {
self::nullHeader(__('Access denied'));
} else if ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"] == "central") {
self::header(__('Access denied'));
} else if ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"] == "helpdesk") {
self::helpHeader(__('Access denied'));
echo "<div class='center'><br><br>";
echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/warning.png' alt='".__s('Warning')."'>";
echo "<br><br><span class='b'>" . __('Item not found') . "</span></div>";
exit ();
* Display common message for privileges errors
* @return Nothing (die)
static function displayRightError() {
self::displayErrorAndDie(__("You don't have permission to perform this action."));
* Display a div containing a message set in session in the previous page
static function displayMessageAfterRedirect() {
// Affichage du message apres redirection
echo "<div id='message_after_redirect' title='".__('Information')."'>";
echo "</div>";
echo Html::scriptBlock("
$(document).ready(function() {
dialogClass: 'message_after_redirect',
minHeight: 40,
minWidth: 200,
position: {
my: 'right bottom',
at: 'right-20 bottom-20',
of: window,
collision: 'none'
autoOpen: false,
show: {
effect: 'slide',
direction: 'down',
'duration': 800
// close dialog on outside click
$(document.body).on('click', function(e){
if ($('#message_after_redirect').dialog('isOpen')
&& !$('.ui-dialog, a')
&& !$('.ui-dialog').length) {
// redo focus on initial element;
// Clean message
* Common Title Function
* @param $ref_pic_link Path to the image to display (default '')
* @param $ref_pic_text Alt text of the icon (default '')
* @param $ref_title Title to display (default '')
* @param $ref_btts Extra items to display array(link=>text...) (default '')
* @return nothing
static function displayTitle($ref_pic_link="", $ref_pic_text="", $ref_title="", $ref_btts="") {
$ref_pic_text = htmlentities($ref_pic_text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
echo "<div class='center'><table class='tab_glpi'><tr>";
if ($ref_pic_link!="") {
$ref_pic_text = self::clean($ref_pic_text);
echo "<td>".Html::image($ref_pic_link, array('alt' => $ref_pic_text))."</td>";
if ($ref_title != "") {
echo "<td><span class='vsubmit'>&nbsp;".$ref_title."&nbsp;</span></td>";
if (is_array($ref_btts) && count($ref_btts)) {
foreach ($ref_btts as $key => $val) {
echo "<td><a class='vsubmit' href='".$key."'>".$val."</a></td>";
echo "</tr></table></div>";
* Clean Display of Request
* @since version 0.83.1
* @param $request SQL request
static function cleanSQLDisplay($request) {
$request = str_replace("<","&lt;",$request);
$request = str_replace(">","&gt;",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("UNION","<br>UNION<br>",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("FROM","<br>FROM",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("WHERE","<br>WHERE",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("INNER JOIN","<br>INNER JOIN",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("LEFT JOIN","<br>LEFT JOIN",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("ORDER BY","<br>ORDER BY",$request);
$request = str_ireplace("SORT","<br>SORT",$request);
return $request;
* Display Debug Information
* @param $with_session with session information (true by default)
static function displayDebugInfos($with_session=true, $ajax=false) {
// Only for debug mode so not need to be translated
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { // mode debug
$rand = mt_rand();
echo "<div class='debug ".($ajax?"debug_ajax":"")."'>";
echo "<h1 id='see_debug$rand' class='see_debug'><a name='see_debug'>See GLPI DEBUG</a></h1>";
echo "<div id='debugtabs$rand'><ul>";
if ($CFG_GLPI["debug_sql"]) {
echo "<li><a href='#debugsql$rand'>SQL REQUEST</a></li>";
if ($CFG_GLPI["debug_vars"]) {
echo "<li><a href='#debugautoload$rand'>AUTOLOAD</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#debugpost$rand'>POST VARIABLE</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#debugget$rand'>GET VARIABLE</a></li>";
if ($with_session) {
echo "<li><a href='#debugsession$rand'>SESSION VARIABLE</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#debugserver$rand'>SERVER VARIABLE</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
if ($CFG_GLPI["debug_sql"]) {
echo "<div id='debugsql$rand'>";
echo "<div class='b'>".$SQL_TOTAL_REQUEST." Queries ";
echo "took ".array_sum($DEBUG_SQL['times'])."s</div>";
echo "<table class='tab_cadre'><tr><th>N&#176; </th><th>Queries</th><th>Time</th>";
echo "<th>Errors</th></tr>";
foreach ($DEBUG_SQL['queries'] as $num => $query) {
echo "<tr class='tab_bg_".(($num%2)+1)."'><td>$num</td><td>";
echo self::cleanSQLDisplay($query);
echo "</td><td>";
echo $DEBUG_SQL['times'][$num];
echo "</td><td>";
if (isset($DEBUG_SQL['errors'][$num])) {
echo $DEBUG_SQL['errors'][$num];
} else {
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
if ($CFG_GLPI["debug_vars"]) {
echo "<div id='debugautoload$rand'>".implode(', ', $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD)."</div>";
echo "<div id='debugpost$rand'>";
self::printCleanArray($_POST, 0, true);
echo "</div>";
echo "<div id='debugget$rand'>";
self::printCleanArray($_GET, 0, true);
echo "</div>";
if ($with_session) {
echo "<div id='debugsession$rand'>";
self::printCleanArray($_SESSION, 0, true);
echo "</div>";
echo "<div id='debugserver$rand'>";
self::printCleanArray($_SERVER, 0, true);
echo "</div>";
echo Html::scriptBlock("
collapsible: true
}).addClass( 'ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix' );
$('<li class=\"close\"><button id= \"close_debug$rand\">close debug</button></li>')
.appendTo('#debugtabs$rand ul');
icons: {
primary: 'ui-icon-close'
text: false
}).click(function() {
$('#debugtabs$rand').css('display', 'none');
$('#see_debug$rand').click(function() {
console.log('see_debug #debugtabs$rand');
$('#debugtabs$rand').css('display', 'block');
echo "</div></div>";
* Display a Link to the last page using http_referer if available else use history.back
static function displayBackLink() {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."'>".__('Back')."</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href='javascript:history.back();'>".__('Back')."</a>";
* Simple Error message page
* @param $message string displayed before dying
* @param $minimal set to true do not display app menu (false by default)
* @return nothing as function kill script
static function displayErrorAndDie ($message, $minimal=false) {
if ($minimal || !isset($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"])) {
self::nullHeader(__('Access denied'), '');
} else if ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"] == "central") {
self::header(__('Access denied'), '');
} else if ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"] == "helpdesk") {
self::helpHeader(__('Access denied'), '');
echo "<div class='center'><br><br>";
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/warning.png", array('alt' => __('Warning')));
echo "<br><br><span class='b'>$message</span></div>";
exit ();
* Add confirmation on button or link before action
* @param $string string to display or array of string for using multilines
* @param $additionalactions string additional actions to do on success confirmation
* (default '')
* @return nothing
static function addConfirmationOnAction($string, $additionalactions='') {
return "onclick=\"".Html::getConfirmationOnActionScript($string, $additionalactions)."\"";
* Get confirmation on button or link before action
* @since version 0.85
* @param $string string to display or array of string for using multilines
* @param $additionalactions string additional actions to do on success confirmation
* (default '')
* @return confirmation script
static function getConfirmationOnActionScript($string, $additionalactions='') {
if (!is_array($string)) {
$string = array($string);
$string = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($string);
$additionalactions = trim($additionalactions);
$out = "";
$multiple = false;
$close_string = '';
// Manage multiple confirmation
foreach ($string as $tab) {
if (is_array($tab)) {
$multiple = true;
$out .="if (window.confirm('";
$out .= implode('\n',$tab);
$out .= "')){ ";
$close_string .= "return true;} else { return false;}";
// manage simple confirmation
if (!$multiple) {
$out .="if (window.confirm('";
$out .= implode('\n',$string);
$out .= "')){ ";
$close_string .= "return true;} else { return false;}";
$out .= $additionalactions.(substr($additionalactions, -1)!=';'?';':'').$close_string;
return $out;
* Manage progresse bars
* @since version 0.85
* @param $id HTML ID of the progress bar
* @param $options array progress status
* - create do we have to create it ?
* - message add or change the message
* - percent current level
* @return nothing (display)
static function progressBar($id, array $options=array()) {
$params = array();
$params['create'] = false;
$params['message'] = NULL;
$params['percent'] = -1;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$params[$key] = $val;
if ($params['create']) {
echo "<div class='doaction_cadre'>";
echo "<div class='doaction_progress' id='$id'>";
echo "<div class='doaction_progress_text' id='".$id."_text' >&nbsp;</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div><br>";
echo Html::scriptBlock(self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".progressbar();");
if ($params['message'] !== NULL) {
echo Html::scriptBlock(self::jsGetElementbyID($id.'_text').".text(\"".
if (($params['percent'] >= 0)
&& ($params['percent'] <= 100)) {
echo Html::scriptBlock(self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".progressbar('option', 'value', ".
$params['percent']." );");
if (!$params['create']) {
* Create a Dynamic Progress Bar
* @param $msg initial message (under the bar) (default '&nbsp;')
* @return nothing
static function createProgressBar($msg="&nbsp;") {
$options = array('create' => true);
if ($msg != "&nbsp;") {
$options['message'] = $msg;
self::progressBar('doaction_progress', $options);
* Change the Message under the Progress Bar
* @param $msg message under the bar (default '&nbsp;')
* @return nothing
static function changeProgressBarMessage($msg="&nbsp;") {
self::progressBar('doaction_progress', array('message' => $msg));
* Change the Progress Bar Position
* @param $crt Current Value (less then $max)
* @param $tot Maximum Value
* @param $msg message inside the bar (default is %) (default '')
* @return nothing
static function changeProgressBarPosition($crt, $tot, $msg="") {
$options = array();
if (!$tot) {
$options['percent'] = 0;
} else if ($crt>$tot) {
$options['percent'] = 100;
} else {
$options['percent'] = 100*$crt/$tot;
if ($msg != "") {
$options['message'] = $msg;
self::progressBar('doaction_progress', $options);
* Display a simple progress bar
* @param $width Width of the progress bar
* @param $percent Percent of the progress bar
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - title : string title to display (default Progesssion)
* - simple : display a simple progress bar (no title / only percent)
* - forcepadding : boolean force str_pad to force refresh (default true)
* @return nothing
static function displayProgressBar($width, $percent, $options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$param['title'] = __('Progress');
$param['simple'] = false;
$param['forcepadding'] = true;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$param[$key] = $val;
$percentwidth = floor($percent*$width/100);
$output = "<div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre' width='".($width+20)."px'>";
if (!$param['simple']) {
$output .= "<tr><th class='center'>".$param['title']."&nbsp;".$percent."%</th></tr>";
$output .= "<tr><td>
<table class='tabcompact'><tr><td class='center' style='background:url(".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].
"/pics/loader.png) repeat-x; padding: 0px;font-size: 10px;' width='".
$percentwidth." px' height='12'>";
if ($param['simple']) {
$output .= $percent."%";
} else {
$output .= '&nbsp;';
$output .= "</td></tr></table></td>";
$output .= "</tr></table>";
$output .= "</div>";
if (!$param['forcepadding']) {
echo $output;
} else {
echo Toolbox::str_pad($output, 4096);
* Include common HTML headers
* @param $title title used for the page (default '')
* @return nothing
static function includeHeader($title='') {
// Send UTF8 Headers
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// Allow only frame from same server to prevent click-jacking
// Send extra expires header
// Start the page
echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"
echo "\n<html><head><title>GLPI - ".$title."</title>";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>";
// Send extra expires header
echo "<meta http-equiv='Expires' content='Fri, Jun 12 1981 08:20:00 GMT'>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Pragma' content='no-cache'>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Cache-Control' content='no-cache'>\n";
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">\n";
// auto desktop / mobile viewport
echo "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>";
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jquery/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/css/jstree/style.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/rateit/rateit.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/select2/select2.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/qtip2/jquery.qtip.min.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.min.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/spectrum-colorpicker/spectrum.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-gantt/css/style.css");
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/css/jquery-glpi.css");
// CSS link
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/css/styles.css");
// CSS Renato Lazaro - Custom 2016
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.css");
// CSS theme link
if (isset($_SESSION["glpipalette"])) {
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/css/palettes/".$_SESSION["glpipalette"].".css");
// surcharge CSS hack for IE
echo "<!--[if lte IE 6]>" ;
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/css/styles_ie.css");
echo "<![endif]-->";
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/css/print.css", array('media' => 'print'));
echo "<link rel='shortcut icon' type='images/x-icon' href='".
$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/favicon.ico' >\n";
// Add specific css for plugins
if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_css']) && count($PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_css'])) {
foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["add_css"] as $plugin => $files) {
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT."/plugins/$plugin/$file")) {
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/plugins/$plugin/$file");
} else {
if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT."/plugins/$plugin/$files")) {
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/plugins/$plugin/$files");
// AJAX library
if (isset($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'])
&& $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jquery/js/jquery-1.10.2.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.js");
} else {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jquery/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js");
//Plugins - Renato Lazaro - Custom 2016
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js");
// PLugins jquery
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/backtotop/BackToTop.min.jquery.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/select2/select2.min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/qtip2/jquery.qtip.min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jstree/jquery.jstree.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/rateit/jquery.rateit.min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-file-upload/js/jquery.iframe-transport.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-file-upload/js/jquery.fileupload.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/imagepaste/jquery.image_paste.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/spectrum-colorpicker/spectrum-min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-gantt/js/jquery.fn.gantt.min.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/autogrow/jquery.autogrow-textarea.js");
// layout
if (CommonGLPI::isLayoutWithMain()
&& !CommonGLPI::isLayoutExcludedPage()) {
echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-ui-scrollable-tabs/css/jquery.scrollabletab.css");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-ui-scrollable-tabs/js/jquery.mousewheel.js");
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-ui-scrollable-tabs/js/jquery.scrollabletab.js");
if (isset($_SESSION['glpilanguage'])) {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/lib/jquery/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-".
$filename = "/lib/jqueryplugins/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon/i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-".
if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT.$filename)) {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$filename);
$filename = "/lib/jqueryplugins/select2/select2_locale_".
if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT.$filename)) {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$filename);
// Some Javascript-Functions which we may need later
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].'/script.js');
// Add specific javascript for plugins
if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_javascript']) && count($PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_javascript'])) {
foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["add_javascript"] as $plugin => $files) {
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT."/plugins/$plugin/$file")) {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/plugins/$plugin/$file");
} else {
if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT."/plugins/$plugin/$files")) {
echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/plugins/$plugin/$files");
// End of Head
echo "</head>\n";
* @since version 0.90
* @return string
static function getMenuInfos() {
$menu['assets']['title'] = __('Assets');
$menu['assets']['types'] = array('Computer', 'Monitor', 'Software',
'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Printer',
'CartridgeItem', 'ConsumableItem', 'Phone' );
$menu['helpdesk']['title'] = __('Assistance');
$menu['helpdesk']['types'] = array('Ticket', 'Problem', 'Change',
'Planning', 'Stat', 'TicketRecurrent');
$menu['management']['title'] = __('Management');
$menu['management']['types'] = array('Budget', 'Supplier', 'Contact', 'Contract',
$menu['tools']['title'] = __('Tools');
$menu['tools']['types'] = array('Project', 'Reminder', 'RSSFeed', 'KnowbaseItem',
'ReservationItem', 'Report', 'MigrationCleaner');
$menu['plugins']['title'] = _n('Plugin', 'Plugins', Session::getPluralNumber());
$menu['plugins']['types'] = array();
$menu['admin']['title'] = __('Administration');
$menu['admin']['types'] = array('User', 'Group', 'Entity', 'Rule',
'Profile', 'QueuedMail', 'Backup', 'Event');
$menu['config']['title'] = __('Setup');
$menu['config']['types'] = array('CommonDropdown', 'CommonDevice', 'Notification',
'SLA', 'Config', 'Control', 'Crontask', 'Auth',
'MailCollector', 'Link', 'Plugin');
// Special items
$menu['preference']['title'] = __('My settings');
$menu['preference']['default'] = '/front/preference.php';
return $menu;
* Print a nice HTML head for every page
* @param $title title of the page
* @param $url not used anymore (default '')
* @param $sector sector in which the page displayed is (default 'none')
* @param $item item corresponding to the page displayed (default 'none')
* @param $option option corresponding to the page displayed (default '')
static function header($title, $url='', $sector="none", $item="none", $option="") {
// If in modal : display popHeader
if (isset($_REQUEST['_in_modal']) && $_REQUEST['_in_modal']) {
return self::popHeader($title, $url);
// Print a nice HTML-head for every page
// Force lower case for sector and item
$sector = strtolower($sector);
$item = strtolower($item);
$body_class = "layout_".$_SESSION['glpilayout'];
if ((strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".form.php") !== false)
&& isset($_GET['id']) && ($_GET['id'] > 0)) {
if (!CommonGLPI::isLayoutExcludedPage()) {
$body_class.= " form";
} else {
$body_class = "";
// Body
echo "<body class='$body_class'>";
// Generate array for menu and check right
if (!isset($_SESSION['glpimenu'])
|| !is_array($_SESSION['glpimenu'])
|| (count($_SESSION['glpimenu']) == 0)) {
//don't change order in array
$showallassets = false;
$menu = self::getMenuInfos();
// Permit to plugins to add entry to others sector !
if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_toadd"]) && count($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_toadd"])) {
foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_toadd"] as $plugin => $items) {
if (count($items)) {
foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
if (isset($menu[$key])) {
$menu[$key]['types'][] = $val;
foreach ($menu as $category => $datas) {
if (isset($datas['types']) && count($datas['types'])) {
foreach ($datas['types'] as $type) {
if ($data = $type::getMenuContent()) {
// Multi menu entries management
if (isset($data['is_multi_entries']) && $data['is_multi_entries']) {
if (!isset($menu[$category]['content'])) {
$menu[$category]['content'] = array();
$menu[$category]['content'] += $data;
} else {
$menu[$category]['content'][strtolower($type)] = $data;
// Define default link :
if (isset($menu[$category]['content']) && count($menu[$category]['content'])) {
foreach ($menu[$category]['content'] as $val) {
if (isset($val['page'])) {
$menu[$category]['default'] = $val['page'];
$allassets = array('Computer', 'Monitor', 'Peripheral', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Phone',
foreach ($allassets as $type) {
if (isset($menu['assets']['content'][strtolower($type)])) {
$menu['assets']['content']['allassets']['title'] = __('Global');
$menu['assets']['content']['allassets']['shortcut'] = '';
$menu['assets']['content']['allassets']['page'] = '/front/allassets.php';
$menu['assets']['content']['allassets']['links']['search'] = '/front/allassets.php';
// if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_entry"]) && count($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_entry"])) {
// $plugins = array();
// foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_entry"] as $plugin => $active) {
// if ($active) { // true or a string
// $plugins[$plugin] = Plugin::getInfo($plugin);
// }
// }
// if (count($plugins)) {
// $list = array();
// foreach ($plugins as $key => $val) {
// $list[$key] = $val["name"];
// }
// asort($list);
// foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
// $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['title'] = $val;
// $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['page'] = '/plugins/'.$key.'/';
// if (is_string($PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_entry"][$key])) {
// $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['page'] .= $PLUGIN_HOOKS["menu_entry"][$key];
// }
// // Set default link for plugins
// if (!isset($menu['plugins']['default'])) {
// $menu['plugins']['default'] = $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['page'];
// }
// if (($sector == "plugins")
// && ($item == $key)) {
// if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS["submenu_entry"][$key])
// && is_array($PLUGIN_HOOKS["submenu_entry"][$key])) {
// foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["submenu_entry"][$key] as $name => $link) {
// // New complete option management
// if ($name == "options") {
// $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['options'] = $link;
// } else { // Keep it for compatibility
// if (is_array($link)) {
// // Simple link option
// if (isset($link[$option])) {
// $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['links'][$name]
// ='/plugins/'.$key.'/'.$link[$option];
// }
// } else {
// $menu['plugins']['content'][$key]['links'][$name]
// ='/plugins/'.$key.'/'.$link;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
$_SESSION['glpimenu'] = $menu;
// echo 'menu load';
} else {
$menu = $_SESSION['glpimenu'];
$already_used_shortcut = array('1');
echo "<div id='header'>";
echo "<div id='header_top'>";
echo "<div id='c_logo'>";
echo Html::link('', $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/central.php",
array('accesskey' => '1',
'title' => __('Home')));
echo "</div>";
/// Prefs / Logout link
echo "<div id='c_preference' >";
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li id='deconnexion'>";
echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/logout.php";
/// logout witout noAuto login for extauth
if (isset($_SESSION['glpiextauth']) && $_SESSION['glpiextauth']) {
echo "?noAUTO=1";
echo "' title=\"".__s('Logout')."\">";
echo "<span id='logout_icon' title=\"".__s('Logout').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Logout')."\" class='button-icon' />";
echo "</a>";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "<li id='preferences_link'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/preference.php' title=\"".
__s('My settings')."\">";
echo "<span id='preferences_icon' title=\"".__s('My settings').
"\" alt=\"".__s('My settings')."\" class='button-icon' /></span>";
// check user id : header used for display messages when session logout
if (Session::getLoginUserID()) {
echo "<span id='myname'>";
echo formatUserName (0, $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_SESSION["glpirealname"],
$_SESSION["glpifirstname"], 0, 20);
echo "</span>";
echo "</a></li>";
/// Bookmark load
echo "<li id='bookmark_link'>";
array('title' => __('Load a bookmark'),
'reloadonclose' => true));
echo "<a href='#' onClick=\"".Html::jsGetElementbyID('loadbookmark').".dialog('open');\">";
echo "<span id='bookmark_icon' title=\"".__s('Load a bookmark').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Load a bookmark')."\" class='button-icon' />";
echo "</a></li>";
echo "<li id='help_link'><a href='".
? ""
: $CFG_GLPI["central_doc_url"])."' target='_blank' title=\"".__s('Help')."\">".
"<span id='help_icon' title=\"".__s('Help').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Help')."\" class='button-icon' />";
echo "<li id='language_link'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].
"/front/preference.php?forcetab=User\$1' title=\"".
/// Search engine
echo "<li id='c_recherche'>\n";
if ($CFG_GLPI['allow_search_global']) {
echo "<form method='get' action='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/search.php'>\n";
echo "<span id='champRecherche'><input size='15' type='text' name='globalsearch'
placeholder='". __s('Search')."'>";
echo "</span>";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>";
///Main menu
echo "<div id='c_menu'>";
echo "<ul id='menu'>";
// Get object-variables and build the navigation-elements
$i = 1;
foreach ($menu as $part => $data) {
if (isset($data['content']) && count($data['content'])) {
$menu_class = "";
if (isset($menu[$sector]) && $menu[$sector]['title'] == $data['title']) {
$menu_class = "active";
echo "<li id='menu$i' class='$menu_class' onmouseover=\"javascript:menuAff('menu$i','menu');\" >";
$link = "#";
if (isset($data['default']) && !empty($data['default'])) {
$link = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$data['default'];
if (Toolbox::strlen($data['title']) > 14) {
$data['title'] = Toolbox::substr($data['title'], 0, 14)."...";
echo "<a href='$link' class='itemP'>".$data['title']."</a>";
echo "<ul class='ssmenu'>";
// list menu item
foreach ($data['content'] as $key => $val) {
$menu_class = "";
$tmp_active_item = explode("/", $item);
$active_item = array_pop($tmp_active_item);
if (isset($menu[$sector]['content'])
&& isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$active_item])
&& isset($val['title'])
&& ($menu[$sector]['content'][$active_item]['title'] == $val['title'])) {
$menu_class = "active";
if (isset($val['page'])
&& isset($val['title'])) {
echo "<li class='$menu_class'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val['page']."'";
if (isset($val['shortcut']) && !empty($val['shortcut'])) {
if (!isset($already_used_shortcut[$val['shortcut']])) {
echo " accesskey='".$val['shortcut']."'";
$already_used_shortcut[$val['shortcut']] = $val['shortcut'];
echo ">".Toolbox::shortcut($val['title'], $val['shortcut'])."</a></li>\n";
} else {
echo ">".$val['title']."</a></li>\n";
echo "</ul></li>";
echo "</ul>"; // #menu
// Display MENU ALL
// End navigation bar
// End headline
// Le fil d ariane
echo "<div id='c_ssmenu2' >";
echo "<ul>";
// Display item
echo "<li class='breadcrumb_item'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/central.php' title=\"". __s('Home')."\">".
if (isset($menu[$sector])) {
$link = "/front/central.php";
if (isset($menu[$sector]['default'])) {
$link = $menu[$sector]['default'];
echo "<li class='breadcrumb_item'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$link."' title=\"".$menu[$sector]['title']."\">".
if (isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$item])) {
// Title
$with_option = false;
if (!empty($option)
&& isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['title'])
&& isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['page'])) {
$with_option = true;
if (isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['page'])) {
echo "<li class='breadcrumb_item'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['page']."' ".
($with_option?"":"class='here'")." title=\"".
$menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['title']."\" >".
if ($with_option) {
echo "<li class='breadcrumb_item'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].
"' class='here' title=\"".
$menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['title']."\" >";
echo self::resume_name($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['title'],
echo "</a></li>";
$links = array();
// Item with Option case
if (!empty($option)
&& isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['links'])
&& is_array($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['links'])) {
$links = $menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['options'][$option]['links'];
// Without option case : only item links
} else if (isset($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['links'])
&& is_array($menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['links'])) {
$links = $menu[$sector]['content'][$item]['links'];
// Add item
echo "<li class='icons_block'>";
echo "<span>";
if (isset($links['add'])) {
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_add.png",
array('alt' => __('Add'),
'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$links['add']));
} else {
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_add_off.png",
array('alt' => __('Add')));
echo "</span>";
// Search Item
echo "<span>";
if (isset($links['search'])) {
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_search.png",
array('alt' => __('Search'),
'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$links['search']));
} else {
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_search_off.png",
array('alt' => __('Search')));
echo "</span>";
// Links
if (count($links) > 0) {
foreach ($links as $key => $val) {
switch ($key) {
case "add" :
case "search" :
case "template" :
echo "<span>";
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_addtemplate.png",
array('alt' => __('Manage templates...'),
'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val));
echo "</span>";
case "showall" :
echo "<span>";
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_showall.png",
array('alt' => __('Show all'),
'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val));
echo "</span>";
case "summary" :
echo "<span>";
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_show.png",
array('alt' => __('Summary'),
'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val));
echo "</span>";
case "config" :
echo "<span>";
echo Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_config.png",
array('alt' => __('Setup'),
'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val));
echo "</span>";
default :
echo "<span>".Html::link($key, $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val)."</span>";
echo "</li>";
} else {
echo "<li>&nbsp;</li>";
// Add common items
// Profile selector
// check user id : header used for display messages when session logout
if (Session::getLoginUserID()) {
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>\n"; // fin header
echo "<div id='page' >";
if ($DB->isSlave()
&& !$DB->first_connection) {
echo "<div id='dbslave-float'>";
echo "<a href='#see_debug'>".__('MySQL replica: read only')."</a>";
echo "</div>";
// Back to top
echo "$(document).ready(function(){
text : '^',
class: 'vsubmit',
autoShow : true,
timeEffect : 100,
autoShowOffset : '0',
appearMethod : '',
effectScroll : 'linear'
echo Html::scriptEnd();
// call static function callcron() every 5min
* Print footer for every page
* @param $keepDB booleen, closeDBConnections if false (false by default)
static function footer($keepDB=false) {
// If in modal : display popHeader
if (isset($_REQUEST['_in_modal']) && $_REQUEST['_in_modal']) {
return self::popFooter();
// Print foot for every page
echo "</div>"; // fin de la div id ='page' initiée dans la fonction header
echo "<div id='footer' >";
echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td class='left'><span class='copyright'>";
$timedebug = sprintf(_n('%s second', '%s seconds', $TIMER_DEBUG->getTime()),
if (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
$timedebug = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $timedebug, Toolbox::getSize(memory_get_usage()));
echo $timedebug;
echo "</span></td>";
if (!empty($CFG_GLPI["founded_new_version"])) {
echo "<td class='copyright'>";
$latest_version = "<a href='' target='_blank' title=\"".
__s('You will find it on the site.')."\"> ".
printf(__('A new version is available: %s.'), $latest_version);
echo "</td>";
echo "<td class='right'>";
echo "<a href=''>";
echo "<span class='copyright'>GLPI ".$CFG_GLPI["version"]." Copyright (C)".
" 2015".
/*"-".date("Y").*/ // TODO, decomment this in 2016
" by Teclib'".
" - Copyright (C) 2003-2015 INDEPNET Development Team".
echo "</a></td>";
echo "</tr></table></div>";
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::TRANSLATION_MODE) { // debug mode traduction
echo "<div id='debug-float'>";
echo "<a href='#see_debug'>GLPI TRANSLATION MODE</a>";
echo "</div>";
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { // mode debug
echo "<div id='debug-float'>";
echo "<a href='#see_debug'>GLPI DEBUG MODE</a>";
echo "</div>";
if ($CFG_GLPI['maintenance_mode']) { // mode maintenance
echo "<div id='maintenance-float'>";
echo "<a href='#see_maintenance'>GLPI MAINTENANCE MODE</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</body></html>";
if (!$keepDB) {
* Display Ajax Footer for debug
static function ajaxFooter() {
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { // mode debug
$rand = mt_rand();
echo "<div class='center' id='debugajax'>";
echo "<a class='debug-float' href=\"javascript:showHideDiv('see_ajaxdebug$rand','','','');\">
if (!isset($_GET['full_page_tab'])
&& strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/ajax/common.tabs.php')) {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."&full_page_tab=1' class='vsubmit'>Display only tab for debug</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div id='see_ajaxdebug$rand' name='see_ajaxdebug$rand' style=\"display:none;\">";
self::displayDebugInfos(false, true);
echo "</div></div>";
* Print a simple HTML head with links
* @param $title title of the page
* @param $links array of links to display
static function simpleHeader($title, $links=array()) {
// Print a nice HTML-head for help page
// Body
echo "<body>";
// Main Headline
echo "<div id='header'>";
echo "<div id='header_top'>";
echo "<div id='c_logo'>";
echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/' accesskey='1' title=\"".__s('Home')."\">".
"<span class='invisible'>Logo</span></a></div>";
// Les préférences + lien déconnexion
echo "<div id='c_preference'>";
echo "<div class='sep'></div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>"; // end #header_top
//-- Le menu principal --
echo "<div id='c_menu'>";
echo "<ul id='menu'>";
// Build the navigation-elements
if (count($links)) {
$i = 1;
foreach ($links as $name => $link) {
echo "<li id='menu$i'>";
echo "<a href='$link' title=\"".$name."\" class='itemP'>".$name."</a>";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul></div>";
// End navigation bar
// End headline
// Le fil d ariane
echo "<div id='c_ssmenu2'></div>";
echo "</div>"; // fin header
echo "<div id='page'>";
// call static function callcron() every 5min
* Print a nice HTML head for help page
* @param $title title of the page
* @param $url not used anymore (default '')
static function helpHeader($title, $url='') {
// Print a nice HTML-head for help page
// Body
$body_class = "layout_".$_SESSION['glpilayout'];
if ((strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "form.php") !== false)
&& isset($_GET['id']) && ($_GET['id'] > 0)) {
if (!CommonGLPI::isLayoutExcludedPage()) {
$body_class.= " form";
} else {
$body_class = "";
echo "<body class='$body_class'>";
// Main Headline
echo "<div id='header'>";
echo "<div id='header_top'>";
echo "<div id='c_logo'>";
echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/helpdesk.public.php' accesskey='1' title=\"".
__s('Home')."\"><span class='invisible'>Logo</span></a>";
echo "</div>";
// Les préférences + lien déconnexion
echo "<div id='c_preference' >";
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li id='deconnexion'>";
echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/logout.php";
/// logout witout noAuto login for extauth
if (isset($_SESSION['glpiextauth']) && $_SESSION['glpiextauth']) {
echo "?noAUTO=1";
echo "' title=\"".__s('Logout')."\">";
// check user id : header used for display messages when session logout
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/logout.png' title=\"".__s('Logout').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Logout')."\" class='button-icon'>";
echo "</a>";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "<li id='preferences_link'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/preference.php' title=\"".
__s('My settings')."\">";
echo "<span id='preferences_icon' title=\"".__s('My settings').
"\" alt=\"".__s('My settings')."\" class='button-icon' /></span>";
// check user id : header used for display messages when session logout
if (Session::getLoginUserID()) {
echo "<span id='myname'>";
echo formatUserName (0, $_SESSION["glpiname"], $_SESSION["glpirealname"],
$_SESSION["glpifirstname"], 0, 20);
echo "</span>";
echo "</a></li>";
echo "<li>";
array('title' => __('Load a bookmark'),
'reloadonclose' => true));
echo "<a href='#' onClick=\"".Html::jsGetElementbyID('loadbookmark').".dialog('open');\">";
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/bookmark.png' title=\"".__s('Load a bookmark').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Load a bookmark')."\" class='button-icon'>";
echo "</a></li>";
echo "<li id='help_link'>".
"<a href='".(empty($CFG_GLPI["helpdesk_doc_url"])
? ""
: $CFG_GLPI["helpdesk_doc_url"])."' target='_blank' title=\"".__s('Help')."\">".
"<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/help.png' title=\"".__s('Help').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Help')."\" class='button-icon'>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
//-- Le moteur de recherche --
echo "<div id='c_recherche'></div>";
echo "</div>";
//-- Le menu principal --
echo "<div id='c_menu'>";
// Build the navigation-elements
$menu = array();
// Create ticket
if (Session::haveRight("ticket", CREATE)) {
$menu['create_ticket']['id'] = "menu2";
/* Renato - Custom - Restrição de abertura de chamado */
$usuarioIDString = Session::getLoginUserID();
$usuarioID = (int)$usuarioIDString;
$conectaGLPI = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "Luk3Skyw@lk3r") or print (mysql_error()); /* Renato Lazaro - Custom - Substituir SERVIDOR, USUARIO e SENHA pelos dados de conexão ao banco do GLPI*/
mysql_select_db("glpi", $conectaGLPI) or print(mysql_error()); /* Renato Lazaro - Custom - Substituir BANCO pelo banco de dados utilizado pelo GLPI*/
$sql = "select count(*) from glpi_ticketsatisfactions S inner join glpi_tickets T on S.tickets_id = inner join glpi_users U on T.users_id_lastupdater =
where T.status = 6 and S.date_begin is not null and S.date_answered is null and = {$usuarioID}";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
$countSatisfaction = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$contSatisfacao = (int) end($countSatisfaction);
$quantidadeLimiteSatisfacao = 2 ; /* Renato Lazaro - Aqui inserimos o limite de chamados que podem existir sem pesquisa de satisfação respondida para o usuário */
if ($contSatisfacao > $quantidadeLimiteSatisfacao) {
<script type="text/javascript">
swal("Preencha nossa Pesquisa de satisfação, sua opinião é importante para melhoria dos serviços!", "","success");
$menu['create_ticket']['default'] = '/front/helpdesk.public.php';
else {
$menu['create_ticket']['default'] = '/front/helpdesk.public.php?create_ticket=1';
/* Renato Lazaro - Custom - Restrição de abertura de chamado */
$menu['create_ticket']['title'] = __s('Create a ticket');
$menu['create_ticket']['content'] = array(true);
// Tickets
if (Session::haveRight("ticket", CREATE)
|| Session::haveRight("ticket", Ticket::READMY)
|| Session::haveRight("followup", TicketFollowup::SEEPUBLIC)) {
$menu['tickets']['id'] = "menu3";
$menu['tickets']['default'] = '/front/ticket.php';
$menu['tickets']['title'] = _n('Ticket','Tickets', Session::getPluralNumber());
$menu['tickets']['content'] = array(true);
// Reservation
if (Session::haveRight("reservation", ReservationItem::RESERVEANITEM)) {
$menu['reservation']['id'] = "menu4";
$menu['reservation']['default'] = '/front/reservationitem.php';
$menu['reservation']['title'] = _n('Reservation', 'Reservations', Session::getPluralNumber());
$menu['reservation']['content'] = array(true);
// FAQ
if (Session::haveRight('knowbase', KnowbaseItem::READFAQ)) {
$menu['faq']['id'] = "menu5";
$menu['faq']['default'] = '/front/helpdesk.faq.php';
$menu['faq']['title'] = __s('FAQ');
$menu['faq']['content'] = array(true);
echo "<ul id='menu'>";
// Display Home menu
echo "<li id='menu1'>";
echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/helpdesk.public.php' title=\"".
__s('Home')."\" class='itemP'>".__('Home')."</a>";
echo "</li>";
// display menu items
foreach ($menu as $menu_item) {
echo "<li id='".$menu_item['id']."'>";
echo "<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$menu_item['default']."' ".
"title=\"".$menu_item['title']."\" class='itemP'>".$menu_item['title']."</a>";
echo "</li>";
// Plugins
$menu['plugins']['id'] = "menu5";
$menu['plugins']['default'] = "#";
$menu['plugins']['title'] = _sn('Plugin', 'Plugins', Session::getPluralNumber());
$menu['plugins']['content'] = array();
if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS["helpdesk_menu_entry"])
&& count($PLUGIN_HOOKS["helpdesk_menu_entry"])) {
foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS["helpdesk_menu_entry"] as $plugin => $active) {
if ($active) {
$infos = Plugin::getInfo($plugin);
$link = "";
if (is_string($PLUGIN_HOOKS["helpdesk_menu_entry"][$plugin])) {
$link = $PLUGIN_HOOKS["helpdesk_menu_entry"][$plugin];
$infos['page'] = $link;
$infos['title'] = $infos['name'];
$menu['plugins']['content'][$plugin] = $infos;
// Display plugins
if (isset($menu['plugins']['content']) && count($menu['plugins']['content']) > 0) {
echo "<li id='menu5' onmouseover=\"javascript:menuAff('menu5','menu');\">";
echo "<a href='#' title=\"".
_sn('Plugin', 'Plugins', Session::getPluralNumber())."\" class='itemP'>".
__('Plugins')."</a>"; // default none
echo "<ul class='ssmenu'>";
// list menu item
foreach ($menu['plugins']['content'] as $key => $val) {
echo "<li><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/plugins/".$key.$val['page']."'>".
echo "</ul></li>";
echo "</ul>";
// Display MENU ALL
// End navigation bar
// End headline
// Le fil d ariane
echo "<div id='c_ssmenu2'>";
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li class='breadcrumb_item'>".
"<a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/helpdesk.public.php' title=\"". __s('Home')."\">".
if (TicketValidation::getValidateRights()) {
$opt = array();
$opt['reset'] = 'reset';
$opt['criteria'][0]['field'] = 55; // validation status
$opt['criteria'][0]['searchtype'] = 'equals';
$opt['criteria'][0]['value'] = TicketValidation::WAITING;
$opt['criteria'][0]['link'] = 'AND';
$opt['criteria'][1]['field'] = 59; // validation aprobator
$opt['criteria'][1]['searchtype'] = 'equals';
$opt['criteria'][1]['value'] = Session::getLoginUserID();
$opt['criteria'][1]['link'] = 'AND';
$url_validate = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/ticket.php?".
$pic_validate = "<a href='$url_validate'>".
"<img title=\"".__s('Ticket waiting for your approval')."\" alt=\"".
__s('Ticket waiting for your approval')."\" src='".
$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/menu_showall.png' class='pointer'></a>";
echo "<li class='icons_block'>$pic_validate</li>\n";
if (Session::haveRight('ticket', CREATE)
&& strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"ticket")) {
echo "<li class='icons_block'><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/helpdesk.public.php?create_ticket=1'>";
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/menu_add.png' title=\"".__s('Add').
"\" alt=\"".__s('Add')."\" class='pointer'></a></li>";
// check user id : header used for display messages when session logout
if (Session::getLoginUserID()) {
echo "</ul></div>";
echo "</div>"; // fin header
echo "<div id='page' >";
// call static function callcron() every 5min
* Print footer for help page
static function helpFooter() {
// Print foot for help page
echo "</div>"; // fin de la div id ='page' initiée dans la fonction header
echo "<div id='footer'>";
echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td class='right'>";
echo "<a href=''>";
echo "<span class='copyright'>GLPI ".$CFG_GLPI["version"].
" Copyright (C) ".
//date("Y"). // TODO, decomment this in 2016
" by Teclib'".
" - Copyright (C) 2003-2015 INDEPNET Development Team".
echo "</a></td></tr></table></div>";
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::TRANSLATION_MODE) { // debug mode traduction
echo "<div id='debug-float'>";
echo "<a href='#see_debug'>GLPI TRANSLATION MODE</a>";
echo "</div>";
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { // mode debug
echo "<div id='debug-float'>";
echo "<a href='#see_debug'>GLPI DEBUG MODE</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</body></html>";
* Print a nice HTML head with no controls
* @param $title title of the page
* @param $url not used anymore (default '')
static function nullHeader($title, $url='') {
// Print a nice HTML-head with no controls
// Detect root_doc in case of error
// Send UTF8 Headers
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// Send extra expires header if configured
if (isCommandLine()) {
return true;
// Body with configured stuff
echo "<body>";
echo "<div id='page'>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<div id='bloc'>";
echo "<div id='logo_bloc'></div>";
* Print footer for null page
static function nullFooter() {
// Print foot for null page
if (!isCommandLine()) {
echo "</div></div>";
echo "<div id='footer-login'>";
echo "<a href='' title='Powered By Teclib'>";
echo "GLPI version ".(isset($CFG_GLPI["version"])?$CFG_GLPI["version"]:"").
" Copyright (C) ".
//date("Y"). // TODO, decomment this in 2016
" By Teclib'".
" - Copyright (C) 2003-2015 INDEPNET Development Team";
echo "</a></div>";
echo "</body></html>";
* Print a nice HTML head for modal window (nothing to display)
* @param $title title of the page
* @param $url not used anymore (default '')
* @param $iframed indicate if page loaded in iframe - css target (default false)
static function popHeader($title, $url='', $iframed = false) {
// Print a nice HTML-head for every page
self::includeHeader($title); // Body
echo "<body class='".($iframed? "iframed": "")."'>";
* Print footer for a modal window
static function popFooter() {
// Print foot
echo "</body></html>";
* Display responsive menu
* @since 0.90.1
* @param $menu array of menu items
* - key : plugin system name
* - value : array of options
* * id : html id attribute
* * default : defaul url
* * title : displayed label
* * content : menu sub items, array with theses options :
* - page : url
* - title : displayed label
* - shortcut : keyboard shortcut letter
static function displayMenuAll($menu = array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
// Display MENU ALL
echo "<div id='show_all_menu' class='invisible'>";
$items_per_columns = 15;
$i = -1;
foreach ($menu as $part => $data) {
if (isset($data['content']) && count($data['content'])) {
echo "<table class='all_menu_block'>";
$link = "#";
if (isset($data['default']) && !empty($data['default'])) {
$link = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$data['default'];
echo "<tr><td class='tab_bg_1 b'>";
echo "<a href='$link' title=\"".$data['title']."\" class='itemP'>".$data['title']."</a>";
echo "</td></tr>";
// list menu item
foreach ($data['content'] as $key => $val) {
if (isset($val['page'])
&& isset($val['title'])) {
echo "<tr><td><a href='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"].$val['page']."'";
if (isset($data['shortcut']) && !empty($data['shortcut'])) {
echo " accesskey='".$val['shortcut']."'";
echo ">".$val['title']."</a></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
// init menu in jquery dialog
echo self::jsGetElementbyID('show_all_menu').".dialog({
height: 'auto',
width: 'auto',
modal: true,
autoOpen: false
echo Html::scriptEnd();
/// Button to toggle responsive menu
echo "<a href='#' onClick=\"".self::jsGetElementbyID('show_all_menu').".dialog('open');\"
id='menu_all_button' class='button-icon'>";
echo "</a>";
echo "</div>";
* Flush the current displayed items (do not works really fine)
static function glpi_flush() {
if (function_exists("ob_flush")
&& (ob_get_length() !== FALSE)) {
* Set page not to use the cache
static function header_nocache() {
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date du passe
* show arrow for massives actions : opening
* @param $formname string
* @param $fixed boolean used tab_cadre_fixe in both tables (false by default)
* @param $ontop display on top of the list (false by default)
* @param $onright display on right of the list (false by default)
* \deprecated since 0.84
static function openArrowMassives($formname, $fixed=false, $ontop=false, $onright=false) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
if ($fixed) {
echo "<table class='tab_glpi' width='950px'>";
} else {
echo "<table class='tab_glpi' width='80%'>";
echo "<tr>";
if (!$onright) {
echo "<td><img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/arrow-left".($ontop?'-top':'').".png'
} else {
echo "<td class='left' width='80%'></td>";
echo "<td class='center' style='white-space:nowrap;'>";
echo "<a onclick= \"if ( markCheckboxes('$formname') ) return false;\"
href='#'>".__('Check all')."</a></td>";
echo "<td>/</td>";
echo "<td class='center' style='white-space:nowrap;'>";
echo "<a onclick= \"if ( unMarkCheckboxes('$formname') ) return false;\"
href='#'>".__('Uncheck all')."</a></td>";
if ($onright) {
echo "<td><img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/arrow-right".($ontop?'-top':'').".png'
} else {
echo "<td class='left' width='80%'>";
* show arrow for massives actions : closing
* @param $actions array of action : $name -> $label
* @param $confirm array of confirmation string (optional)
* \deprecated since 0.84
static function closeArrowMassives($actions, $confirm=array()) {
if (count($actions)) {
foreach ($actions as $name => $label) {
if (!empty($name)) {
echo "<input type='submit' name='$name' ";
if (is_array($confirm) && isset($confirm[$name])) {
echo self::addConfirmationOnAction($confirm[$name]);
echo "value=\"".addslashes($label)."\" class='submit'>&nbsp;";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
* Display "check All as" checkbox
* @since version 0.84
* @param $container_id string html of the container of checkboxes link to this check all checkbox
* @param $rand string rand value to use (default is auto generated) (default ''))
* @return nothing / display item
static function checkAllAsCheckbox($container_id, $rand='') {
echo Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox($container_id, $rand);
* Get "check All as" checkbox
* @since version 0.84
* @param $container_id string html of the container of checkboxes link to this check all checkbox
* @param $rand string rand value to use (default is auto generated)(default '')
* @return Get checkbox string
static function getCheckAllAsCheckbox($container_id, $rand='') {
if (empty($rand)) {
$rand = mt_rand();
$out = "<div class='form-group-checkbox'>
<input title='".__s('Check all as')."' type='checkbox' class='new_checkbox' ".
"name='_checkall_$rand' id='checkall_$rand' ".
"onclick= \"if ( checkAsCheckboxes('checkall_$rand', '$container_id'))
{return true;}\">
<label class='label-checkbox' for='checkall_$rand' title='".__s('Check all as')."'>
<span class='check'></span>
<span class='box'></span>
return $out;
* Get the jquery criterion for massive checkbox update
* We can filter checkboxes by a container or by a tag. We can also select checkboxes that have
* a given tag and that are contained inside a container
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options array of parameters:
* - tag_for_massive tag of the checkboxes to update
* - container_id if of the container of the checkboxes
* @return the javascript code for jquery criterion or empty string if it is not a
* massive update checkbox
static function getCriterionForMassiveCheckboxes(array $options) {
$params = array();
$params['tag_for_massive'] = '';
$params['container_id'] = '';
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$params[$key] = $val;
if (!empty($params['tag_for_massive'])
|| !empty($params['container_id'])) {
// Filtering on the container !
if (!empty($params['container_id'])) {
$criterion = '#' . $params['container_id'] . ' ';
} else {
$criterion = '';
// We only want the checkbox input
$criterion .= 'input[type="checkbox"]';
// Only the given massive tag !
if (!empty($params['tag_for_massive'])) {
$criterion .= '[data-glpicore-cb-massive-tags~="' . $params['tag_for_massive'] . '"]';
// Only enabled checkbox
$criterion .= ':enabled';
return addslashes($criterion);
return '';
* Get a checkbox.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options array of parameters:
* - title its title
* - name its name
* - id its id
* - value the value to set when checked
* - readonly can we edit it ?
* - massive_tags the tag to set for massive checkbox update
* - checked is it checked or not ?
* - zero_on_empty do we send 0 on submit when it is not checked ?
* - specific_tags HTML5 tags to add
* - criterion the criterion for massive checkbox
* @return the HTML code for the checkbox
static function getCheckbox(array $options) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$params = array();
$params['title'] = '';
$params['name'] = '';
$params['rand'] = mt_rand();
$params['id'] = "check_".$params['rand'];
$params['value'] = 1;
$params['readonly'] = false;
$params['massive_tags'] = '';
$params['checked'] = false;
$params['zero_on_empty'] = true;
$params['specific_tags'] = array();
$params['criterion'] = array();
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$params[$key] = $val;
$out = "<span class='form-group-checkbox'>";
$out.= "<input type='checkbox' class='new_checkbox' ";
foreach (array('id', 'name', 'title', 'value') as $field) {
if (!empty($params[$field])) {
$out .= " $field='".$params[$field]."'";
$criterion = self::getCriterionForMassiveCheckboxes($params['criterion']);
if (!empty($criterion)) {
$out .= " onClick='massiveUpdateCheckbox(\"$criterion\", this)'";
if ($params['zero_on_empty']) {
$out .= " data-glpicore-cb-zero-on-empty='1'";
$CFG_GLPI['checkbox-zero-on-empty'] = true;
if (!empty($params['massive_tags'])) {
$params['specific_tags']['data-glpicore-cb-massive-tags'] = $params['massive_tags'];
if (!empty($params['specific_tags'])) {
foreach ($params['specific_tags'] as $tag => $values) {
if (is_array($values)) {
$values = implode(' ', $values);
$out .= " $tag='$values'";
if ($params['readonly']) {
$out .= " disabled='disabled'";
if ($params['checked']) {
$out .= " checked";
$out .= ">";
$out .= "<label class='label-checkbox' title='".$params['title']."' for='".$params['id']."'>";
$out .= " <span class='check'></span>";
$out .= " <span class='box'></span>";
$out .= "&nbsp;";
$out .= "</label>";
$out .= "</span>";
return $out;
* @brief display a checkbox that $_POST 0 or 1 depending on if it is checked or not.
* @see Html::getCheckbox()
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options array
* @return nothing (display only)
static function showCheckbox(array $options=array()) {
echo self::getCheckbox($options);
* Get the massive action checkbox
* @since version 0.84
* @param $itemtype Massive action itemtype
* @param $id ID of the item
* @param $options array
* @return get checkbox
static function getMassiveActionCheckBox($itemtype, $id, array $options=array()) {
$options['checked'] = (isset($_SESSION['glpimassiveactionselected'][$itemtype][$id]));
if (!isset($options['specific_tags']['data-glpicore-ma-tags'])) {
$options['specific_tags']['data-glpicore-ma-tags'] = 'common';
$options['name'] = "item[$itemtype][".$id."]";
$options['zero_on_empty'] = false;
return self::getCheckbox($options);
* Show the massive action checkbox
* @since version 0.84
* @param $itemtype Massive action itemtype
* @param $id ID of the item
* @param $options array
* @return show checkbox
static function showMassiveActionCheckBox($itemtype, $id, array $options=array()) {
echo Html::getMassiveActionCheckBox($itemtype, $id, $options);
* Display open form for massive action
* @since version 0.84
* @param $name given name/id to the form (default '')
* @return nothing / display item
static function openMassiveActionsForm($name='') {
echo Html::getOpenMassiveActionsForm($name);
* Get open form for massive action string
* @since version 0.84
* @param $name given name/id to the form (default '')
* @return open form string
static function getOpenMassiveActionsForm($name='') {
global $CFG_GLPI;
if (empty($name)) {
$name = 'massaction_'.mt_rand();
return "<form name='$name' id='$name' method='post'
* Display massive actions
* @since 0.84 (before Search::displayMassiveActions)
* @since version 0.85 only 1 parameter (in 0.84 $itemtype required)
* @todo replace 'hidden' by data-glpicore-ma-tags ?
* @param $options array of parameters
* must contains :
* - container : DOM ID of the container of the item checkboxes (since version 0.85)
* may contains :
* - num_displayed : integer number of displayed items. Permit to check suhosin limit. (default -1 not to check)
* - ontop : boolean true if displayed on top (default true)
* - fixed : boolean true if used with fixed table display (default true)
* - forcecreate : boolean force creation of modal window (default = false).
* Modal is automatically created when displayed the ontop item.
* If only a bottom one is displayed use it
* - check_itemtype : string alternate itemtype to check right if different from main itemtype (default empty)
* - check_items_id : integer ID of the alternate item used to check right / optional (default empty)
* - is_deleted : boolean is massive actions for deleted items ?
* - extraparams : string extra URL parameters to pass to massive actions (default empty)
* if ([extraparams]['hidden'] is set : add hidden fields to post)
* - specific_actions : array of specific actions (do not use standard one)
* - add_actions : array of actions to add (do not use standard one)
* - confirm : string of confirm message before massive action
* - item : CommonDBTM object that has to be passed to the actions
* - tag_to_send : the tag of the elements to send to the ajax window (default: common)
* @return nothing
static function showMassiveActions($options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
/// TODO : permit to pass several itemtypes to show possible actions of all types : need to clean visibility management after
$p['ontop'] = true;
$p['num_displayed'] = -1;
$p['fixed'] = true;
$p['forcecreate'] = false;
$p['check_itemtype'] = '';
$p['check_items_id'] = '';
$p['is_deleted'] = false;
$p['extraparams'] = array();
$p['width'] = 800;
$p['height'] = 400;
$p['specific_actions'] = array();
$p['add_actions'] = array();
$p['confirm'] = '';
$p['rand'] = '';
$p['container'] = '';
$p['display_arrow'] = true;
$p['title'] = _n('Action', 'Actions', Session::getPluralNumber());
$p['item'] = false;
$p['tag_to_send'] = 'common';
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
if (isset($p[$key])) {
$p[$key] = $val;
$url = $CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/ajax/massiveaction.php";
if ($p['container']) {
$p['extraparams']['container'] = $p['container'];
if ($p['is_deleted']) {
$p['extraparams']['is_deleted'] = 1;
if (!empty($p['check_itemtype'])) {
$p['extraparams']['check_itemtype'] = $p['check_itemtype'];
if (!empty($p['check_items_id'])) {
$p['extraparams']['check_items_id'] = $p['check_items_id'];
if (is_array($p['specific_actions']) && count($p['specific_actions'])) {
$p['extraparams']['specific_actions'] = $p['specific_actions'];
if (is_array($p['add_actions']) && count($p['add_actions'])) {
$p['extraparams']['add_actions'] = $p['add_actions'];
if ($p['item'] instanceof CommonDBTM) {
$p['extraparams']['item_itemtype'] = $p['item']->getType();
$p['extraparams']['item_items_id'] = $p['item']->getID();
// Manage modal window
if (isset($_REQUEST['_is_modal']) && $_REQUEST['_is_modal']) {
$p['extraparams']['hidden']['_is_modal'] = 1;
if ($p['fixed']) {
$width= '950px';
} else {
$width= '95%';
$identifier = md5($url.serialize($p['extraparams']).$p['rand']);
$max = Toolbox::get_max_input_vars();
if (($p['num_displayed'] >= 0)
&& ($max > 0)
&& ($max < ($p['num_displayed']+10))) {
if (!$p['ontop']
|| (isset($p['forcecreate']) && $p['forcecreate'])) {
echo "<table class='tab_cadre' width='$width'><tr class='tab_bg_1'>".
"<td><span class='b'>";
echo __('Selection too large, massive action disabled.')."</span>";
if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) {
echo "<br>".__('To increase the limit: change max_input_vars or in php configuration.');
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
// Create Modal window on top
if ($p['ontop']
|| (isset($p['forcecreate']) && $p['forcecreate'])) {
echo "<div id='massiveactioncontent$identifier'></div>";
if (!empty($p['tag_to_send'])) {
$js_modal_fields = " var items = $('";
if (!empty($p['container'])) {
$js_modal_fields .= '[id='.$p['container'].'] ';
$js_modal_fields .= "[data-glpicore-ma-tags~=".$p['tag_to_send']."]')";
$js_modal_fields .= ".each(function( index ) {\n";
$js_modal_fields .= " fields[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).attr('value');\n";
$js_modal_fields .= " if (($(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') && (!$(this).is(':checked'))) {\n";
$js_modal_fields .= " fields[$(this).attr('name')] = 0;\n";
$js_modal_fields .= " }\n";
$js_modal_fields .= " });";
} else {
$js_modal_fields = "";
array('title' => $p['title'],
'container' => 'massiveactioncontent'.$identifier,
'extraparams' => $p['extraparams'],
'width' => $p['width'],
'height' => $p['height'],
'js_modal_fields' => $js_modal_fields));
echo "<table class='tab_glpi' width='$width'><tr>";
if ($p['display_arrow']) {
echo "<td width='30px'><img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/arrow-left".
($p['ontop']?'-top':'').".png' alt=''></td>";
echo "<td width='100%' class='left'>";
echo "<a class='vsubmit' ";
if (is_array($p['confirm'] || strlen($p['confirm']))) {
echo self::addConfirmationOnAction($p['confirm'], "massiveaction_window$identifier.dialog(\"open\");");
} else {
echo "onclick='massiveaction_window$identifier.dialog(\"open\");'";
echo " href='#modal_massaction_content$identifier' title=\"".htmlentities($p['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."\">";
echo $p['title']."</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table>";
if (!$p['ontop']
|| (isset($p['forcecreate']) && $p['forcecreate'])) {
// Clean selection
$_SESSION['glpimassiveactionselected'] = array();
* Display Date form with calendar
* @param $element name of the element
* @param $value default value to display (default '')
* @param $maybeempty may be empty ? (true by default)
* @param $can_edit could not modify element (true by default)
* @param $minDate minimum allowed date (default '')
* @param $maxDate maximum allowed date (default '')
* @param $displayYear should we set/diplay the year? (true by default)
* @return rand value used
* \deprecated since 0.84 used Html::showDateField instead
static function showDateFormItem($element, $value='', $maybeempty=true, $can_edit=true,
$minDate='', $maxDate='', $displayYear=true) {
return self::showDateField($element, array('value' => $value,
'maybeempty' => $maybeempty,
'canedit' => $can_edit,
'min' => $minDate,
'max' => $maxDate,
'showyear' => $displayYear));
* Display Date form with calendar
* @since version 0.84
* @param $name name of the element
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - value : default value to display (default '')
* - maybeempty : may be empty ? (true by default)
* - canedit : could not modify element (true by default)
* - min : minimum allowed date (default '')
* - max : maximum allowed date (default '')
* - showyear : should we set/diplay the year? (true by default)
* - display : boolean display of return string (default true)
* - rand : specific rand value (default generated one)
* @return rand value used if displayes else string
static function showDateField($name, $options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$p['value'] = '';
$p['maybeempty'] = true;
$p['canedit'] = true;
$p['min'] = '';
$p['max'] = '';
$p['showyear'] = true;
$p['display'] = true;
$p['rand'] = mt_rand();
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
if (isset($p[$key])) {
$p[$key] = $val;
$output = "<div class='no-wrap'>";
$output .= "<input id='showdate".$p['rand']."' type='text' size='10' name='_$name' ".
$output .= Html::hidden($name, array('value' => $p['value'],
'id' => "hiddendate".$p['rand'],
'size' => 10));
if ($p['maybeempty'] && $p['canedit']) {
$output .= "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/pics/reset.png' alt=\"".__('Clear').
"\" id='resetdate".$p['rand']."' class='pointer'>";
$output .= "</div>";
$js = '';
if ($p['maybeempty'] && $p['canedit']) {
$js .= "$('#resetdate".$p['rand']."').click(function(){
$js .= "$( '#showdate".$p['rand']."' ).datepicker({
altField: '#hiddendate".$p['rand']."',
altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
firstDay: 1,
showOtherMonths: true,
selectOtherMonths: true,
showButtonPanel: true,
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showOn: 'button',
showWeek: true,
buttonImage: '".$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/pics/calendar.png',
buttonImageOnly: true ";
if (!$p['canedit']) {
$js .= ",disabled: true";
if (!empty($p['min'])) {
$js .= ",minDate: '".self::convDate($p['min'])."'";
if (!empty($p['max'])) {
$js .= ",maxDate: '".self::convDate($p['max'])."'";
switch ($_SESSION['glpidate_format']) {
case 1 :
$p['showyear'] ? $format='dd-mm-yy' : $format='dd-mm';
case 2 :
$p['showyear'] ? $format='mm-dd-yy' : $format='mm-dd';
default :
$p['showyear'] ? $format='yy-mm-dd' : $format='mm-dd';
$js .= ",dateFormat: '".$format."'";
$js .= "});";
$output .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
if ($p['display']) {
echo $output;
return $p['rand'];
return $output;
* Display Color field
* @since version 0.85
* @param $name name of the element
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - value : default value to display (default '')
* - display : boolean display or get string (default true)
* - rand : specific random value (default generated one)
static function showColorField($name, $options=array()) {
$p['value'] = '';
$p['rand'] = mt_rand();
$p['display'] = true;
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
if (isset($p[$key])) {
$p[$key] = $val;
$field_id = Html::cleanId("color_".$name.$p['rand']);
$output = "<input type='text' id='$field_id' name='$name' value='".$p['value']."'>";
$js = "$('#$field_id').spectrum({preferredFormat: 'hex'});";
$output .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
if ($p['display']) {
echo $output;
return $p['rand'];
return $output;
* Display DateTime form with calendar
* @param $element name of the element
* @param $value default value to display (default '')
* @param $time_step step for time in minute (-1 use default config) (default -1)
* @param $maybeempty may be empty ? (true by default)
* @param $can_edit could not modify element (true by default)
* @param $minDate minimum allowed date (default '')
* @param $maxDate maximum allowed date (default '')
* @param $minTime minimum allowed time (default '')
* @param $maxTime maximum allowed time (default '')
* @return rand value used
* \deprecated since 0.84 used Html::showDateTimeField instead
static function showDateTimeFormItem($element, $value='', $time_step=-1, $maybeempty=true,
$can_edit=true, $minDate='', $maxDate='', $minTime='',
$maxTime='') {
return self::showDateTimeField($element, array('value' => $value,
'timestep' => $time_step,
'maybeempty' => $maybeempty,
'canedit' => $can_edit,
'mindate' => $minDate,
'maxdate' => $maxDate,
'mintime' => $minTime,
'maxtime' => $maxTime));
* Display DateTime form with calendar
* @since version 0.84
* @param $name name of the element
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - value : default value to display (default '')
* - timestep : step for time in minute (-1 use default config) (default -1)
* - maybeempty : may be empty ? (true by default)
* - canedit : could not modify element (true by default)
* - mindate : minimum allowed date (default '')
* - maxdate : maximum allowed date (default '')
* - mintime : minimum allowed time (default '')
* - maxtime : maximum allowed time (default '')
* - showyear : should we set/diplay the year? (true by default)
* - display : boolean display or get string (default true)
* - rand : specific random value (default generated one)
* @return rand value used if displayes else string
static function showDateTimeField($name, $options = array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$p['value'] = '';
$p['maybeempty'] = true;
$p['canedit'] = true;
$p['mindate'] = '';
$p['maxdate'] = '';
$p['mintime'] = '';
$p['maxtime'] = '';
$p['timestep'] = -1;
$p['showyear'] = true;
$p['display'] = true;
$p['rand'] = mt_rand();
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
if (isset($p[$key])) {
$p[$key] = $val;
if ($p['timestep'] < 0) {
$p['timestep'] = $CFG_GLPI['time_step'];
$minHour = 0;
$maxHour = 23;
$minMinute = 0;
$maxMinute = 59;
$date_value = '';
$hour_value = '';
if (!empty($p['value'])) {
list($date_value, $hour_value) = explode(' ', $p['value']);
if (!empty($p['mintime'])) {
list($minHour, $minMinute) = explode(':', $p['mintime']);
$minMinute = 0;
// Check time in interval
if (!empty($hour_value) && ($hour_value < $p['mintime'])) {
$hour_value = $p['mintime'];
if (!empty($p['maxtime'])) {
list($maxHour, $maxMinute) = explode(':', $p['maxtime']);
$maxMinute = 59;
// Check time in interval
if (!empty($hour_value) && ($hour_value > $p['maxtime'])) {
$hour_value = $p['maxtime'];
// reconstruct value to be valid
if (!empty($date_value)) {
$p['value'] = $date_value.' '.$hour_value;
$output = "<div class='no-wrap'>";
$output .= "<input id='showdate".$p['rand']."' type='text' name='_$name' value='".
$output .= Html::hidden($name, array('value' => $p['value'], 'id' => "hiddendate".$p['rand']));
if ($p['maybeempty'] && $p['canedit']) {
$output .= "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/pics/reset.png' alt=\"".__('Clear').
"\" id='resetdate".$p['rand']."' class='pointer'>";
$output .= "</div>";
$js = "";
if ($p['maybeempty'] && $p['canedit']) {
$js .= "$('#resetdate".$p['rand']."').click(function(){
$js .= "$( '#showdate".$p['rand']."' ).datetimepicker({
altField: '#hiddendate".$p['rand']."',
altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
altTimeFormat: 'HH:mm',
pickerTimeFormat : 'HH:mm',
altFieldTimeOnly: false,
firstDay: 1,
parse: 'loose',
showAnim: '',
stepMinute: ".$p['timestep'].",
showSecond: false,
showOtherMonths: true,
selectOtherMonths: true,
showButtonPanel: true,
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showOn: 'button',
showWeek: true,
controlType: 'select',
buttonImage: '".$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/pics/calendar.png',
buttonImageOnly: true";
if (!$p['canedit']) {
$js .= ",disabled: true";
if (!empty($p['min'])) {
$js .= ",minDate: '".self::convDate($p['min'])."'";
if (!empty($p['max'])) {
$js .= ",maxDate: '".self::convDate($p['max'])."'";
switch ($_SESSION['glpidate_format']) {
case 1 :
$p['showyear'] ? $format='dd-mm-yy' : $format='dd-mm';
case 2 :
$p['showyear'] ? $format='mm-dd-yy' : $format='mm-dd';
default :
$p['showyear'] ? $format='yy-mm-dd' : $format='mm-dd';
$js .= ",dateFormat: '".$format."'";
$js .= ",timeFormat: 'HH:mm'";
$js .= "});";
$output .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
if ($p['display']) {
echo $output;
return $p['rand'];
return $output;
* Show generic date search
* @param $element name of the html element
* @param $value default value (default '')
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - with_time display with time selection ? (default false)
* - with_future display with future date selection ? (default false)
* - with_days display specific days selection TODAY, BEGINMONTH, LASTMONDAY... ? (default true)
* @return rand value of dropdown
static function showGenericDateTimeSearch($element, $value='', $options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$p['with_time'] = false;
$p['with_future'] = false;
$p['with_days'] = true;
$p['with_specific_date'] = true;
$p['display'] = true;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$p[$key] = $val;
$rand = mt_rand();
$output = '';
// Validate value
if (($value != 'NOW')
&& ($value != 'TODAY')
&& !preg_match("/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.*/",$value)
&& !strstr($value,'HOUR')
&& !strstr($value,'DAY')
&& !strstr($value,'WEEK')
&& !strstr($value,'MONTH')
&& !strstr($value,'YEAR')) {
$value = "";
if (empty($value)) {
$value = 'NOW';
$specific_value = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (preg_match("/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.*/",$value)) {
$specific_value = $value;
$value = 0;
$output .= "<table width='100%'><tr><td width='50%'>";
$dates = Html::getGenericDateTimeSearchItems($p);
$output .= Dropdown::showFromArray("_select_$element", $dates,
array('value' => $value,
'display' => false,
'rand' => $rand));
$field_id = Html::cleanId("dropdown__select_$element$rand");
$output .= "</td><td width='50%'>";
$contentid = Html::cleanId("displaygenericdate$element$rand");
$output .= "<span id='$contentid'></span>";
$params = array('value' => '__VALUE__',
'name' => $element,
'withtime' => $p['with_time'],
'specificvalue' => $specific_value);
$output .= Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent($field_id, $contentid,
$params, false);
$params['value'] = $value;
$output .= Ajax::updateItem($contentid, $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/ajax/genericdate.php",
$params, '', false);
$output .= "</td></tr></table>";
if ($p['display']) {
echo $output;
return $rand;
return $output;
* Get items to display for showGenericDateTimeSearch
* @since version 0.83
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - with_time display with time selection ? (default false)
* - with_future display with future date selection ? (default false)
* - with_days display specific days selection TODAY, BEGINMONTH, LASTMONDAY... ? (default true)
* @return array of posible values
* @see showGenericDateTimeSearch
static function getGenericDateTimeSearchItems($options) {
$params['with_time'] = false;
$params['with_future'] = false;
$params['with_days'] = true;
$params['with_specific_date'] = true;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$params[$key] = $val;
$dates = array();
if ($params['with_time']) {
$dates['NOW'] = __('Now');
if ($params['with_days']) {
$dates['TODAY'] = __('Today');
} else {
$dates['NOW'] = __('Today');
if ($params['with_specific_date']) {
$dates[0] = __('Specify a date');
if ($params['with_time']) {
for ($i=1 ; $i<=24 ; $i++) {
$dates['-'.$i.'HOUR'] = sprintf(_n('- %d hour', '- %d hours', $i), $i);
for ($i=1 ; $i<=7 ; $i++) {
$dates['-'.$i.'DAY'] = sprintf(_n('- %d day', '- %d days', $i), $i);
if ($params['with_days']) {
$dates['LASTSUNDAY'] = __('last Sunday');
$dates['LASTMONDAY'] = __('last Monday');
$dates['LASTTUESDAY'] = __('last Tuesday');
$dates['LASTWEDNESDAY'] = __('last Wednesday');
$dates['LASTTHURSDAY'] = __('last Thursday');
$dates['LASTFRIDAY'] = __('last Friday');
$dates['LASTSATURDAY'] = __('last Saturday');
for ($i=1 ; $i<=10 ; $i++) {
$dates['-'.$i.'WEEK'] = sprintf(_n('- %d week', '- %d weeks', $i), $i);
if ($params['with_days']) {
$dates['BEGINMONTH'] = __('Beginning of the month');
for ($i=1 ; $i<=12 ; $i++) {
$dates['-'.$i.'MONTH'] = sprintf(_n('- %d month', '- %d months', $i), $i);
if ($params['with_days']) {
$dates['BEGINYEAR'] = __('Beginning of the year');
for ($i=1 ; $i<=10 ; $i++) {
$dates['-'.$i.'YEAR'] = sprintf(_n('- %d year', '- %d years', $i), $i);
if ($params['with_future']) {
if ($params['with_time']) {
for ($i=1 ; $i<=24 ; $i++) {
$dates[$i.'HOUR'] = sprintf(_n('+ %d hour', '+ %d hours', $i), $i);
for ($i=1 ; $i<=7 ; $i++) {
$dates[$i.'DAY'] = sprintf(_n('+ %d day', '+ %d days', $i), $i);
for ($i=1 ; $i<=10 ; $i++) {
$dates[$i.'WEEK'] = sprintf(_n('+ %d week', '+ %d weeks', $i), $i);
for ($i=1 ; $i<=12 ; $i++) {
$dates[$i.'MONTH'] = sprintf(_n('+ %d month', '+ %d months', $i), $i);
for ($i=1 ; $i<=10 ; $i++) {
$dates[$i.'YEAR'] = sprintf(_n('+ %d year', '+ %d years', $i), $i);
return $dates;
* Compute date / datetime value resulting of showGenericDateTimeSearch
* @since version 0.83
* @param $val date / datetime value passed
* @param $force_day boolean force computation in days (false by default)
* @param $specifictime timestamp set specific timestamp (default '')
* @return computed date / datetime value
* @see showGenericDateTimeSearch
static function computeGenericDateTimeSearch($val, $force_day=false, $specifictime='') {
if (empty($specifictime)) {
$specifictime = strtotime($_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]);
$format_use = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
if ($force_day) {
$format_use = "Y-m-d";
// Parsing relative date
switch ($val) {
case 'NOW' :
return date($format_use, $specifictime);
case 'TODAY' :
return date("Y-m-d", $specifictime);
// Search on begin of month / year
if (strstr($val,'BEGIN')) {
$hour = 0;
$minute = 0;
$second = 0;
$month = date("n", $specifictime);
$day = 1;
$year = date("Y", $specifictime);
switch ($val) {
$month = 1;
return date($format_use, mktime ($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year));
// Search on Last monday, sunday...
if (strstr($val,'LAST')) {
$lastday = str_replace("LAST", "LAST ", $val);
$hour = 0;
$minute = 0;
$second = 0;
$month = date("n", strtotime($lastday));
$day = date("j", strtotime($lastday));
$year = date("Y", strtotime($lastday));
return date($format_use, mktime ($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year));
// Search on +- x days, hours...
if (preg_match("/^(-?)(\d+)(\w+)$/",$val,$matches)) {
if (in_array($matches[3], array('YEAR', 'MONTH', 'WEEK', 'DAY', 'HOUR'))) {
$nb = intval($matches[2]);
if ($matches[1] == '-') {
$nb = -$nb;
// Use it to have a clean delay computation (MONTH / YEAR have not always the same duration)
$hour = date("H", $specifictime);
$minute = date("i", $specifictime);
$second = 0;
$month = date("n", $specifictime);
$day = date("j", $specifictime);
$year = date("Y", $specifictime);
switch ($matches[3]) {
case "YEAR" :
$year += $nb;
case "MONTH" :
$month += $nb;
case "WEEK" :
$day += 7*$nb;
case "DAY" :
$day += $nb;
case "HOUR" :
$format_use = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$hour += $nb;
return date($format_use, mktime ($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year));
return $val;
* Print the form used to select profile if several are available
* @param $target target of the form
* @return nothing
static function showProfileSelecter($target) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
if (count($_SESSION["glpiprofiles"])>1) {
echo '<li class="profile-selector"><form name="form" method="post" action="'.$target.'">';
$values = array();
foreach ($_SESSION["glpiprofiles"] as $key => $val) {
$values[$key] = $val['name'];
array('value' => $_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["id"],
'width' => '150px',
'on_change' => 'submit()'));
echo '</li>';
if (Session::isMultiEntitiesMode()) {
echo "<li class='profile-selector'>";
Ajax::createModalWindow('entity_window', $CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/ajax/entitytree.php",
array('title' => __('Select the desired entity'),
'extraparams' => array('target' => $target)));
echo "<a onclick='entity_window.dialog(\"open\");' href='#modal_entity_content' title=\"".
"\" class='entity_select' id='global_entity_select'>".
echo "</li>";
* Show a tooltip on an item
* @param $content string data to put in the tooltip
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - applyto : string / id of the item to apply tooltip (default empty).
* If not set display an icon
* - title : string / title to display (default empty)
* - contentid : string / id for the content html container (default auto generated) (used for ajax)
* - link : string / link to put on displayed image if contentid is empty
* - linkid : string / html id to put to the link link (used for ajax)
* - linktarget : string / target for the link
* - popup : string / popup action : link not needed to use it
* - img : string / url of a specific img to use
* - display : boolean / display the item : false return the datas
* - autoclose : boolean / autoclose the item : default true (false permit to scroll)
* @return nothing (print out an HTML div)
static function showToolTip($content, $options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$param['applyto'] = '';
$param['title'] = '';
$param['contentid'] = '';
$param['link'] = '';
$param['linkid'] = '';
$param['linktarget'] = '';
$param['img'] = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/info-small.png";
$param['popup'] = '';
$param['ajax'] = '';
$param['display'] = true;
$param['autoclose'] = true;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$param[$key] = $val;
// No empty content to have a clean display
if (empty($content)) {
$content = "&nbsp;";
$rand = mt_rand();
$out = '';
// Force link for popup
if (!empty($param['popup'])) {
$param['link'] = '#';
if (empty($param['applyto'])) {
if (!empty($param['link'])) {
$out .= "<a id='".(!empty($param['linkid'])?$param['linkid']:"tooltiplink$rand")."'";
if (!empty($param['linktarget'])) {
$out .= " target='".$param['linktarget']."' ";
$out .= " href='".$param['link']."'";
if (!empty($param['popup'])) {
$out .= " onClick=\"".Html::jsGetElementbyID('tooltippopup'.$rand).".dialog('open');\" ";
$out .= '>';
$out .= "<img id='tooltip$rand' src='".$param['img']."' class='pointer'>";
if (!empty($param['link'])) {
$out .= "</a>";
$param['applyto'] = "tooltip$rand";
if (empty($param['contentid'])) {
$param['contentid'] = "content".$param['applyto'];
$out .= "<div id='".$param['contentid']."' class='invisible'>$content</div>";
if (!empty($param['popup'])) {
$out .= Ajax::createIframeModalWindow('tooltippopup'.$rand,
array('display' => false,
'width' => 600,
'height' => 300));
$js = "";
$js .= Html::jsGetElementbyID($param['applyto']).".qtip({
position: { viewport: $(window) },
content: {text: ".Html::jsGetElementbyID($param['contentid']);
if (!$param['autoclose']) {
$js .=", title: {text: ' ',button: true}";
$js .= "}, style: { classes: 'qtip-shadow qtip-bootstrap'}";
if (!$param['autoclose']) {
$js .= ",show: {
solo: true, // ...and hide all other tooltips...
}, hide: false,";
$js .= "});";
$out .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
if ($param['display']) {
echo $out;
} else {
return $out;
* Show div with auto completion
* @param $item item object used for create dropdown
* @param $field field to search for autocompletion
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - name : string / name of the select (default is field parameter)
* - value : integer / preselected value (default value of the item object)
* - size : integer / size of the text field
* - entity : integer / restrict to a defined entity (default entity of the object if define)
* set to -1 not to take into account
* - user : integer / restrict to a defined user (default -1 : no restriction)
* - option : string / options to add to text field
* - display : boolean / if false get string
* @return nothing (print out an HTML div)
static function autocompletionTextField(CommonDBTM $item, $field, $options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$params['name'] = $field;
$params['value'] = '';
if (array_key_exists($field,$item->fields)) {
$params['value'] = $item->fields[$field];
$params['entity'] = -1;
if (array_key_exists('entities_id',$item->fields)) {
$params['entity'] = $item->fields['entities_id'];
$params['user'] = -1;
$params['option'] = '';
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$params[$key] = $val;
$output = '';
if ($CFG_GLPI["use_ajax_autocompletion"]) {
$rand = mt_rand();
$name = "field_".$params['name'].$rand;
$output .= "<input ".$params['option']." id='text$name' type='text' name='".
$params['name']."' value=\"".self::cleanInputText($params['value'])."\"
$parameters['itemtype'] = $item->getType();
$parameters['field'] = $field;
if ($params['entity'] >= 0) {
$parameters['entity_restrict'] = $params['entity'];
if ($params['user'] >= 0) {
$parameters['user_restrict'] = $params['user'];
$js = " $( '#text$name' ).autocomplete({
source: '".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/ajax/autocompletion.php?".Toolbox::append_params($parameters,'&')."',
minLength: 3,
$output .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
} else {
$output .= "<input ".$params['option']." type='text' name='".$params['name']."'
if (!isset($options['display']) || $options['display']) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
* Init the Editor System to a textarea
* @param $name name of the html textarea to use
* @param $rand rand of the html textarea to use (if empty no image paste system)(default '')
* @param $display boolean display or get js script (true by default)
* @return nothing
static function initEditorSystem($name, $rand='', $display=true) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$js = "function waitforpastedata(elem){
var _html = elem.innerHTML;
if(_html != undefined) {
if (_html.match(/<img[^>]+src=\"data:image.*?;base64[^>]*?>/g)){
_html = _html.replace(/<img[^>]+src=\"data:image.*?;base64[^>]*?>/g, '');
} else {
that = {
e: elem
that.callself = function () {
language : '".$CFG_GLPI["languages"][$_SESSION['glpilanguage']][3]."',
mode : 'exact',
browser_spellcheck : true,
elements: '$name',
relative_urls: false,
remove_script_host: false,
valid_elements: '*[*]',
plugins : 'table,directionality,searchreplace,paste,tabfocus,autoresize',
paste_use_dialog : false,
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true,
paste_convert_headers_to_strong : false,
paste_strip_class_attributes : 'all',
paste_remove_spans : true,
paste_remove_styles : true,
paste_retain_style_properties : '',
paste_block_drop : true,
paste_preprocess : function(pl, o) {
_html = o.content;
if (_html.match(/<img[^>]+src=\"data:image.*?;base64[^>]*?>/g)){
_html = _html.replace(/<img[^>]+src=\"data:image.*?;base64[^>]*?>/g, '');
o.content = _html;
theme : 'advanced',
entity_encoding : 'raw',
// directionality + search replace plugin
theme_advanced_buttons1_add : 'ltr,rtl,search,replace',
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : 'top',
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : 'left',
theme_advanced_statusbar_location : 'none',
theme_advanced_resizing : 'true',
theme_advanced_buttons1 : 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,fontsizeselect,formatselect,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent',
theme_advanced_buttons2 : 'forecolor,backcolor,separator,hr,separator,link,unlink,anchor,separator,tablecontrols,undo,redo,cleanup,code,separator',
theme_advanced_buttons3 : '',
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
// wake up the autoresize plugin
}, 1);4204
if (tinymce.isIE) {
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'dragenter', function(e) {
return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);
} else {
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody().parentNode, 'drop', function(e) {
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody().parentNode, 'paste', function(e) {
// invalid_elements : 'script',
if ($display) {
echo Html::scriptBlock($js);
} else {
return Html::scriptBlock($js);
* Init the Image paste System for tiny mce
* @since version 0.85
* @param $name name of the html textarea to use
* @param $rand rand of the html textarea to use
* @return nothing
static function initImagePasteSystem($name, $rand) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
echo Html::imagePaste(array('rand' => $rand));
$params = array('name' => $name,
'filename' => self::generateImageName(),
'root_doc' => $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'],
'rand' => $rand,
'showfilesize' => 1,
'lang' => array('pasteimage' => _sx('button',
'Drag and drop or paste image'),
'itemnotfound' => __('Item not found'),
'toolarge' => __('Item is too large'),
'save' => _sx('button', 'Save'),
'cancel' => _sx('button', 'Cancel')));
return html::scriptBlock("if (!tinyMCE.isIE) { // Chrome, Firefox plugin
tinyMCE.imagePaste = $(document).imagePaste(".json_encode($params).");
} else { // IE plugin
tinyMCE.imagePaste = $(document).IE_support_imagePaste(".json_encode($params).");
* Print Ajax pager for list in tab panel
* @param $title displayed above
* @param $start from witch item we start
* @param $numrows total items
* @param $additional_info Additional information to display (default '')
* @return nothing (print a pager)
static function printAjaxPager($title, $start, $numrows, $additional_info='') {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$list_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
// Forward is the next step forward
$forward = $start+$list_limit;
// This is the end, my friend
$end = $numrows-$list_limit;
// Human readable count starts here
$current_start = $start+1;
// And the human is viewing from start to end
$current_end = $current_start+$list_limit-1;
if ($current_end > $numrows) {
$current_end = $numrows;
// Empty case
if ($current_end == 0) {
$current_start = 0;
// Backward browsing
if ($current_start-$list_limit <= 0) {
$back = 0;
} else {
$back = $start-$list_limit;
// Print it
echo "<div><table class='tab_cadre_pager'>";
if (!empty($title)) {
echo "<tr><th colspan='6'>$title</th></tr>";
echo "<tr>\n";
// Back and fast backward button
if (!$start == 0) {
echo "<th class='left'><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"start=0\");'>
<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/first.png' alt=\"".__s('Start').
"\" title=\"".__s('Start')."\" class='pointer'></a></th>";
echo "<th class='left'><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"start=$back\");'>
<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/left.png' alt=\"".__s('Previous').
"\" title=\"".__s('Previous')."\" class='pointer'></th>";
echo "<td width='50%' class='tab_bg_2'>";
echo "</td>";
if (!empty($additional_info)) {
echo "<td class='tab_bg_2'>";
echo $additional_info;
echo "</td>";
// Print the "where am I?"
echo "<td width='50%' class='tab_bg_2 b'>";
//TRANS: %1$d, %2$d, %3$d are page numbers
echo sprintf(__('From %1$d to %2$d on %3$d'), $current_start, $current_end, $numrows);
echo "</td>\n";
// Forward and fast forward button
if ($forward < $numrows) {
echo "<th class='right'><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"start=$forward\");'>
<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/right.png' alt=\"".__s('Next').
"\" title=\"".__s('Next')."\" class='pointer'></a></th>";
echo "<th class='right'><a href='javascript:reloadTab(\"start=$end\");'>
<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/last.png' alt=\"".__s('End').
"\" title=\"".__s('End')."\" class='pointer'></a></th>";
// End pager
echo "</tr></table></div>";
* Clean Printing of and array in a table
* @param $tab the array to display
* @param $pad Pad used (default 0)
* @param $jsexpand Expand using JS ? (default false)
* @return nothing
static function printCleanArray($tab, $pad=0,$jsexpand=false) {
if (count($tab)) {
echo "<table class='tab_cadre'>";
// For debug / no gettext
echo "<tr><th>KEY</th><th>=></th><th>VALUE</th></tr>";
foreach ($tab as $key => $val) {
echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='top right'>";
echo $key;
$is_array = is_array($val);
$rand = mt_rand();
echo "</td><td class='top'>";
if ($jsexpand && $is_array) {
echo "<a class='pointer' href=\"javascript:showHideDiv('content$key$rand','','','')\">";
echo "=></a>";
} else {
echo "=>";
echo "</td><td class='top tab_bg_1'>";
if ($is_array) {
echo "<div id='content$key$rand' ".($jsexpand?"style=\"display:none;\"":'').">";
echo "</div>";
} else {
if (is_bool($val)) {
if ($val) {
echo 'true';
} else {
echo 'false';
} else {
if (is_object($val)) {
} else {
echo htmlentities($val);
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
_e('Empty array');
* Print pager for search option (first/previous/next/last)
* @param $start from witch item we start
* @param $numrows total items
* @param $target page would be open when click on the option (last,previous etc)
* @param $parameters parameters would be passed on the URL.
* @param $item_type_output item type display - if >0 display export PDF et Sylk form
* (default 0)
* @param $item_type_output_param item type parameter for export (default 0)
* @param $additional_info Additional information to display (default '')
* @return nothing (print a pager)
static function printPager($start, $numrows, $target, $parameters, $item_type_output=0,
$item_type_output_param=0, $additional_info='') {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$list_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
// Forward is the next step forward
$forward = $start+$list_limit;
// This is the end, my friend
$end = $numrows-$list_limit;
// Human readable count starts here
$current_start = $start+1;
// And the human is viewing from start to end
$current_end = $current_start+$list_limit-1;
if ($current_end > $numrows) {
$current_end = $numrows;
// Empty case
if ($current_end == 0) {
$current_start = 0;
// Backward browsing
if ($current_start-$list_limit <= 0) {
$back = 0;
} else {
$back = $start-$list_limit;
// Print it
echo "<div><table class='tab_cadre_pager'>";
echo "<tr>";
if (strpos($target, '?') == false) {
$fulltarget = $target."?".$parameters;
} else {
$fulltarget = $target."&".$parameters;
// Back and fast backward button
if (!$start == 0) {
echo "<th class='left'>";
echo "<a href='$fulltarget&amp;start=0'>";
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/first.png' alt=\"".__s('Start').
"\" title=\"".__s('Start')."\" class='pointer'>";
echo "</a></th>";
echo "<th class='left'>";
echo "<a href='$fulltarget&amp;start=$back'>";
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/left.png' alt=\"".__s('Previous').
"\" title=\"".__s('Previous')."\" class='pointer'>";
echo "</a></th>";
// Print the "where am I?"
echo "<td width='31%' class='tab_bg_2'>";
echo "</td>";
if (!empty($additional_info)) {
echo "<td class='tab_bg_2'>";
echo $additional_info;
echo "</td>";
if (!empty($item_type_output)
&& isset($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"])
&& ($_SESSION["glpiactiveprofile"]["interface"] == "central")) {
echo "<td class='tab_bg_2 responsive_hidden' width='30%'>";
echo "<form method='GET' action='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/front/report.dynamic.php'
echo Html::hidden('item_type', array('value' => $item_type_output));
if ($item_type_output_param != 0) {
echo Html::hidden('item_type_param',
array('value' => Toolbox::prepareArrayForInput($item_type_output_param)));
$split = explode("&amp;",$parameters);
for ($i=0 ; $i<count($split) ; $i++) {
$pos = Toolbox::strpos($split[$i], '=');
$length = Toolbox::strlen($split[$i]);
echo Html::hidden(Toolbox::substr($split[$i],0,$pos), array('value' => urldecode(Toolbox::substr($split[$i], $pos+1))));
echo "</td>" ;
echo "<td width='20%' class='tab_bg_2 b'>";
//TRANS: %1$d, %2$d, %3$d are page numbers
printf(__('From %1$d to %2$d on %3$d'), $current_start, $current_end, $numrows);
echo "</td>\n";
// Forward and fast forward button
if ($forward<$numrows) {
echo "<th class='right'>";
echo "<a href='$fulltarget&amp;start=$forward'>";
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/right.png' alt=\"".__s('Next').
"\" title=\"".__s('Next')."\" class='pointer'>";
echo "</a></th>\n";
echo "<th class='right'>";
echo "<a href='$fulltarget&amp;start=$end'>";
echo "<img src='".$CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]."/pics/last.png' alt=\"".__s('End').
"\" title=\"".__s('End')."\" class='pointer'>";
echo "</a></th>\n";
// End pager
echo "</tr></table></div>";
* Display the list_limit combo choice
* @param $action page would be posted when change the value (URL + param) (default '')
* ajax Pager will be displayed if empty
* @return nothing (print a combo)
static function printPagerForm($action="") {
if ($action) {
echo "<form method='POST' action=\"$action\">";
echo "<span class='responsive_hidden'>".__('Display (number of items)')."</span>&nbsp;";
} else {
echo "<form method='POST' action =''>\n";
echo "<span class='responsive_hidden'>".__('Display (number of items)')."</span>&nbsp;";
* Create a title for list, as "List (5 on 35)"
* @param $string String text for title
* @param $num Integer number of item displayed
* @param $tot Integer number of item existing
* @since version 0.83.1
* @return String
static function makeTitle ($string, $num, $tot) {
if (($num > 0) && ($num < $tot)) {
// TRANS %1$d %2$d are numbers (displayed, total)
$cpt = sprintf(__('%1$d on %2$d'), $num, $tot);
} else {
// $num is 0, so means configured to display nothing
// or $num == $tot
$cpt = $tot;
return sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $string, $cpt);
* create a minimal form for simple action
* @param $action String URL to call on submit
* @param $btname String button name (maybe if name <> value)
* @param $btlabel String button label
* @param $fields Array field name => field value
* @param $btimage String button image uri (optional) (default '')
* @param $btoption String optional button option (default '')
* @param $confirm String optional confirm message (default '')
* @since version 0.84
static function getSimpleForm($action, $btname, $btlabel, Array $fields=array(), $btimage='',
$btoption='', $confirm='') {
$fields['_glpi_csrf_token'] = Session::getNewCSRFToken();
$fields['_glpi_simple_form'] = 1;
$button = $btname;
if (!is_array($btname)) {
$button = array();
$button[$btname] = $btname;
$fields = array_merge($button, $fields);
$javascriptArray = array();
foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
/// TODO : trouble : urlencode not available for array / do not pass array fields...
if (!is_array($value)) {
// Javascript no gettext
$javascriptArray[] = "'$name': '".urlencode($value)."'";
$link = "<a ";
if (!empty($btoption)) {
$link .= ' '.$btoption.' ';
// Do not force class if already defined
if (!strstr($btoption, 'class=')) {
if (empty($btimage)) {
$link .= " class='vsubmit' ";
} else {
$link .= " class='pointer' ";
$btlabel = htmlentities($btlabel, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$action = " submitGetLink('$action', {" .implode(', ', $javascriptArray) ."});";
if (is_array($confirm) || strlen($confirm)) {
$link .= self::addConfirmationOnAction($confirm, $action);
} else {
$link .= " onclick=\"$action\" ";
$link .= '>';
if (empty($btimage)) {
$link .= $btlabel;
} else {
$link .= "<img src='$btimage' title='$btlabel' alt='$btlabel' class='pointer'>";
$link .="</a>";
return $link;
// global $SIMPLE_FORMS;
// $id = 'minimal_form'.mt_rand();
// $SIMPLE_FORMS .= "<form method='post' id='$id' name='$id' action='$action'>";
// if (is_array($fields) && count($fields)) {
// foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
// $SIMPLE_FORMS .= "<input type='hidden' name='$name' value='$value'>";
// }
// }
// $SIMPLE_FORMS .= "<input type='hidden' name='$btname' value='$btname'>";
// echo "<a href='#' class='vsubmit' class='submit' $btoption
// onClick=\"document.$id.submit()\">";
// $btlabel = htmlentities($btlabel, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
// if (empty($btimage)) {
// echo $btlabel;
// } else {
// echo "<img src='$btimage' title='$btlabel' alt='$btlabel'>";
// }
// echo "</a>";
// $SIMPLE_FORMS .= Html::closeForm(false);
* create a minimal form for simple action
* @param $action String URL to call on submit
* @param $btname String button name
* @param $btlabel String button label
* @param $fields Array field name => field value
* @param $btimage String button image uri (optional) (default '')
* @param $btoption String optional button option (default '')
* @param $confirm String optional confirm message (default '')
* @since version 0.83.3
static function showSimpleForm($action, $btname, $btlabel, Array $fields=array(), $btimage='',
$btoption='', $confirm='') {
echo self::getSimpleForm($action, $btname, $btlabel, $fields, $btimage, $btoption, $confirm);
* Create a close form part including CSRF token
* @param $display boolean Display or return string (default true)
* @since version 0.83.
* @return String
static function closeForm ($display=true) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$out = "\n";
$out .= Html::hidden('_glpi_csrf_token', array('value' => Session::getNewCSRFToken()))."\n";
if (isset($CFG_GLPI['checkbox-zero-on-empty']) && $CFG_GLPI['checkbox-zero-on-empty']) {
$js = " $('form').submit(function() {
// If the checkbox is not validated, we add a hidden field with '0' as value
if ($(this).attr('name')) {
type: 'hidden',
name: $(this).attr('name'),
value: '0'
$out .= Html::scriptBlock($js)."\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";
if ($display) {
echo $out;
return true;
return $out;
* Get javascript code for hide an item
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsHide($id) {
return self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".hide();\n";
* Get javascript code for hide an item
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsShow($id) {
return self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".show();\n";
* Get javascript code for enable an item
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsEnable($id) {
return self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".removeAttr('disabled');\n";
* Get javascript code for disable an item
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsDisable($id) {
return self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".attr('disabled', 'disabled');\n";
* Clean ID used for HTML elements
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function cleanId($id) {
return str_replace(array('[',']'), '_', $id);
* Get javascript code to get item by id
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsGetElementbyID($id) {
return "$('#$id')";
* Set dropdown value
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @param $value string value to set
* @since version 0.85.
* @return string
static function jsSetDropdownValue($id, $value) {
return self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".val('$value').trigger('change');";
* Get item value
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @since version 0.85.
* @return string
static function jsGetDropdownValue($id) {
return self::jsGetElementbyID($id).".val()";
* Adapt dropdown to clean JS
* @param $id string id of the dom element
* @param $params array of parameters
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsAdaptDropdown($id, $params=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$width = '';
if (isset($params["width"]) && !empty($params["width"])) {
$width = $params["width"];
$js = "$('#$id').select2({
width: '$width',
closeOnSelect: false,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
quietMillis: 100,
minimumResultsForSearch: ".$CFG_GLPI['ajax_limit_count'].",
formatSelection: function(object, container) {
text = object.text;
if (object.element[0].parentElement.nodeName == 'OPTGROUP') {
text = object.element[0].parentElement.getAttribute('label') + ' - ' + text;
return text;
formatResult: function (result, container) {
return $('<div>', {title: result.title}).text(result.text);
return Html::scriptBlock($js);
* Create Ajax dropdown to clean JS
* @param $name
* @param $field_id string id of the dom element
* @param $url string URL to get datas
* @param $params array of parameters
* must contains :
* - 'value' : default value selected
* - 'valuename' : default name of selected value
* @since version 0.85.
* @return String
static function jsAjaxDropdown($name, $field_id, $url, $params=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
if (!isset($params['value'])) {
$value = 0;
} else {
$value = $params['value'];
if (!isset($params['value'])) {
$valuename = Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE;
} else {
$valuename = $params['valuename'];
$on_change = '';
if (isset($params["on_change"])) {
$on_change = $params["on_change"];
$width = '80%';
if (isset($params["width"])) {
$width = $params["width"];
$options = array('value' => $value, 'id' => $field_id);
if (!empty($params['specific_tags'])) {
foreach ($params['specific_tags'] as $tag => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$val = implode(' ', $val);
$options[$tag] = $val;
$output = Html::hidden($name, $options);
$js = "";
$js .= " $('#$field_id').select2({
width: '$width',
minimumInputLength: 0,
quietMillis: 100,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
minimumResultsForSearch: ".$CFG_GLPI['ajax_limit_count'].",
closeOnSelect: false,
ajax: {
url: '$url',
dataType: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return { ";
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
// Specific boolean case
if (is_bool($val)) {
$js .= "$key: ".($val?1:0).",\n";
} else {
$js .= "$key: ".json_encode($val).",\n";
$js .= " searchText: term,
page_limit: ".$CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'].", // page size
page: page, // page number
results: function (data, page) {
// var more = (page * ".$CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'].") <;
// alert(data.count+' '+".$CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'].");
var more = (data.count >= ".$CFG_GLPI['dropdown_max'].");
return {results: data.results, more: more};
// return {results: data.results};
initSelection: function (element, callback) {
var id=$(element).val();
var defaultid = '$value';
if (id !== '') {
// No ajax call for first item
if (id === defaultid) {
var data = {id: ".json_encode($value).",
text: ".json_encode($valuename)."};
} else {
$.ajax('$url', {
data: {";
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
$js .= "$key: ".json_encode($val).",\n";
$js .= " _one_id: id},
dataType: 'json',
}).done(function(data) { callback(data); });
formatResult: function(result, container, query, escapeMarkup) {
container.attr('title', result.title);
var markup=[];
window.Select2.util.markMatch(result.text, query.term, markup, escapeMarkup);
if (result.level) {
var a='';
var i=result.level;
while (i>1) {
a = a+'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
return a+'&raquo;'+markup.join('');
return markup.join('');
if (!empty($on_change)) {
$js .= " $('#$field_id').on('change', function(e) {".
$output .= Html::scriptBlock($js);
return $output;
* Creates a formatted IMG element.
* This method will set an empty alt attribute if no alt and no title is not supplied
* @since version 0.85
* @param $path Path to the image file
* @param $options Array of HTML attributes
* - `url` If provided an image link will be generated and the link will point at
* `$options['url']`.
* @return string completed img tag
static function image($path, $options=array()) {
if (!isset($options['title'])) {
$options['title'] = '';
if (!isset($options['alt'])) {
$options['alt'] = $options['title'];
if (empty($options['title'])
&& !empty($options['alt'])) {
$options['title'] = $options['alt'];
$url = false;
if (!empty($options['url'])) {
$url = $options['url'];
$image = sprintf('<img src="%1$s" %2$s class="pointer">', $path, Html::parseAttributes($options));
if ($url) {
return Html::link($image, $url);
return $image;
* Creates an HTML link.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $text The content to be wrapped by a tags.
* @param $url URL parameter
* @param $options Array of HTML attributes:
* - `confirm` JavaScript confirmation message.
* - `confirmaction` optional action to do on confirmation
* @return string an `a` element.
static function link($text, $url, $options=array()) {
if (isset($options['confirm'])) {
if (!empty($options['confirm'])) {
$confirmMessage = $options['confirm'];
$confirmAction = '';
if (isset($options['confirmaction'])) {
if (!empty($options['confirmaction'])) {
$confirmAction = $options['confirmaction'];
$options['onclick'] = Html::getConfirmationOnActionScript($options['confirm'],
// Do not escape title if it is an image
if (!preg_match('/^<img.*/', $text)) {
$text = Html::cleanInputText($text);
return sprintf('<a href="%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</a>', Html::cleanInputText($url),
Html::parseAttributes($options), $text);
* Creates a hidden input field.
* If value of options is an array then recursively parse it
* to generate as many hidden input as necessary
* @since version 0.85
* @param $fieldName Name of a field
* @param $options Array of HTML attributes.
* @return string A generated hidden input
static function hidden($fieldName, $options=array()) {
if ((isset($options['value'])) && (is_array($options['value']))) {
$result = '';
foreach ($options['value'] as $key => $value) {
$options2 = $options;
$options2['value'] = $value;
$result .= static::hidden($fieldName.'['.$key.']', $options2)."\n";
return $result;
return sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%1$s" %2$s>',
Html::cleanInputText($fieldName), Html::parseAttributes($options));
* Creates a text input field.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $fieldName Name of a field
* @param $options Array of HTML attributes.
* @return string A generated hidden input
static function input($fieldName, $options=array()) {
return sprintf('<input type="text" name="%1$s" %2$s>',
Html::cleanInputText($fieldName), Html::parseAttributes($options));
* Creates a submit button element. This method will generate input elements that
* can be used to submit, and reset forms by using $options. Image submits can be created by supplying an
* image option
* @since version 0.85
* @param $caption caption of the input
* @param $options Array of options.
* - image : will use a submit image input
* - `confirm` JavaScript confirmation message.
* - `confirmaction` optional action to do on confirmation
* @return string A HTML submit button
static function submit($caption, $options=array()) {
$image = false;
if (isset($options['image'])) {
if (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png|ico)$/', $options['image'])) {
$image = $options['image'];
// Set default class to submit
if (!isset($options['class'])) {
$options['class'] = 'submit';
if (isset($options['confirm'])) {
if (!empty($options['confirm'])) {
$confirmMessage = $options['confirm'];
$confirmAction = '';
if (isset($options['confirmaction'])) {
if (!empty($options['confirmaction'])) {
$confirmAction = $options['confirmaction'];
$options['onclick'] = Html::getConfirmationOnActionScript($options['confirm'],
if ($image) {
$options['title'] = $caption;
$options['alt'] = $caption;
return sprintf('<input type="image" src="%s" %s>',
Html::cleanInputText($image), Html::parseAttributes($options));
return sprintf('<input type="submit" value="%s" %s>',
Html::cleanInputText($caption), Html::parseAttributes($options));
* Returns a space-delimited string with items of the $options array.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options Array of options.
* @return string Composed attributes.
static function parseAttributes($options=array()) {
if (!is_string($options)) {
$attributes = array();
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
$attributes[] = Html::formatAttribute($key, $value);
$out = implode(' ', $attributes);
} else {
$out = $options;
return $out;
* Formats an individual attribute, and returns the string value of the composed attribute.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $key The name of the attribute to create
* @param $value The value of the attribute to create.
* @return string The composed attribute.
static function formatAttribute($key, $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = implode(' ' , $value);
return sprintf('%1$s="%2$s"', $key, Html::cleanInputText($value));
* Wrap $script in a script tag.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $script The script to wrap
* @return string
static function scriptBlock($script) {
$script = "\n" . '//<![CDATA[' . "\n\n" . $script . "\n\n" . '//]]>' . "\n";
return sprintf('<script type="text/javascript">%s</script>', $script);
* Begin a script block that captures output until HtmlHelper::scriptEnd()
* is called. This capturing block will capture all output between the methods
* and create a scriptBlock from it.
* @since version 0.85
static function scriptStart() {
return null;
* End a Buffered section of Javascript capturing.
* Generates a script tag inline
* @since version 0.85
* @return mixed depending on the settings of scriptStart() either a script tag or null
static function scriptEnd() {
$buffer = ob_get_clean();
$buffer = "$( document ).ready(function() {\n".$buffer."\n});";
return Html::scriptBlock($buffer);
* Returns one or many script tags depending on the number of scripts given.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $url String of javascript file to include
* @return String of script tags
static function script($url) {
return sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%1$s"></script>', $url);
* Creates a link element for CSS stylesheets.
* @since version 0.85
* @param $url String of javascript file to include
* @param $options Array of HTML attributes.
* @return string CSS link tag
static function css($url, $options=array()) {
if (!isset($options['media'])) {
$options['media'] = 'screen';
return sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" %s>', $url,
* Creates an input file field. Send file names in _$name field as array.
* Files are uploaded in files/_tmp/ directory
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options array of options
* - name string field name (default filename)
* - multiple boolean allow multiple file upload (default false)
* - onlyimages boolean restrict to image files (default false)
* - showfilecontainer string DOM ID of the container showing file uploaded:
* use selector to display
* - showfilesize boolean show file size with file name
* - rand string already computed rand value
* - pasteZone string DOM ID of the paste zone
* - dropZone string DOM ID of the drop zone
* @return string input file field
static function file($options=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;
$randupload = mt_rand();
$p['name'] = 'filename';
$p['multiple'] = false;
$p['onlyimages'] = false;
$p['showfilecontainer'] = '';
$p['showfilesize'] = true;
$p['pasteZone'] = false;
$p['dropZone'] = 'dropdoc'.$randupload;
$p['rand'] = $randupload;
$p['values'] = array();
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$p[$key] = $val;
$addshowfilecontainer = false;
if (empty($p['showfilecontainer'])) {
$addshowfilecontainer = true;
$p['showfilecontainer'] = "filedata$randupload";
//echo "<input type='file' name='filename' value='".$this->fields["filename"]."' size='39'>";
$out = "<div class='fileupload' id='".$p['dropZone']."'>";
$out .= "<span class='b'>".__('Drag and drop your file here, or').'</span><br>';
$out .= "<input id='fileupload$randupload' type='file' name='".$p['name']."[]' data-url='".
if ($addshowfilecontainer) {
$out .= "<div id='".$p['showfilecontainer']."'></div>";
$script = self::fileScript($p)."\n uploadFile".$p['rand']."();";
$out .= Html::scriptBlock($script);
$out .= "<div id='progress$randupload' style='display:none'>".
"<div class='uploadbar' style='width: 0%;'></div></div>";
$out .= "</div>";
return $out;
* imagePaste : Show image paste for an item, with TinyMce
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options array of options
* - name string field name (default filename)
* - multiple boolean allow multiple file upload (default false
* - onlyimages boolean restrict to image files (default false)
* - showfilecontainer string DOM ID of the container showing file uploaded:
* use selector to display
* - imagePaste boolean image paste with tinyMce
* - dropZone string DOM ID of the drop zone
* - rand string already computed rand value
* - pasteZone string DOM ID of the paste zone
* @return nothing (print the image paste)
static function imagePaste($options=array()) {
$rand = mt_rand();
$p['name'] = 'stock_image';
$p['multiple'] = true;
$p['onlyimages'] = true;
$p['showfilecontainer'] = 'fileupload_info';
$p['imagePaste'] = 1;
$p['dropZone'] = 'image_paste';
$p['rand'] = $rand;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$p[$key] = $val;
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo Html::fileScript($p);
echo '</script>';
echo "<div class='fileupload' id='".$p['dropZone']."'></div>\n";
* fileScript : file upload script
* @since version 0.85
* @param $options array of possible options:
* - imagePaste boolean image paste with tinyMce
* - name string field name (default filename)
* - multiple boolean allow multiple file upload (default false)
* - onlyimages boolean restrict to image files (default false)
* - showfilecontainer string DOM ID of the container showing file uploaded:
* use selector to display
* - pasteZone string DOM ID of the paste zone
* - dropZone string DOM ID of the drop zone
* - rand string already computed rand value
* @return nothing (print the image paste)
static function fileScript($options=array()){
global $CFG_GLPI;
$randupload = mt_rand();
$p['imagePaste'] = 0;
$p['name'] = 'filename';
$p['multiple'] = false;
$p['onlyimages'] = false;
$p['showfilecontainer'] = '';
$p['pasteZone'] = false;
$p['dropZone'] = 'dropdoc'.$randupload;
$p['rand'] = $randupload;
$p['values'] = array();
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$p[$key] = $val;
$script = "fileindex".$p['rand']." = 0;
function uploadFile".$p['rand']."() {
//forceIframeTransport: true,
//replaceFileInput: false,
dataType: 'json',";
if ($p['pasteZone'] != false) {
$script .= "pasteZone : $('#".$p['pasteZone']."'),";
} else if (!$p['imagePaste']) {
$script .= "pasteZone : false,";
if ($p['dropZone'] != false) {
$script .= "dropZone : $('#".$p['dropZone']."'),";
} else {
$script .= "dropZone : false,";
if ($p['onlyimages']) {
$script .= "acceptFileTypes: '/(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i',";
$script .= " progressall: function (e, data) {
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10);
$('#progress".$p['rand']." .uploadbar').css({
'width':progress + '%'
$('#progress".$p['rand']." .uploadbar').text(progress + '%').show().delay(5000).fadeOut('slow');
send: function (e, data) {
if (1==".(($p['imagePaste'])?1:0)."
&& tinyMCE != undefined
&& tinyMCE.imagePaste != undefined
&& tinyMCE.imagePaste.pasteddata == undefined
&& tinyMCE.imagePaste.stockimage == undefined) {
if (!tinyMCE.isIE) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsDataURL(data.originalFiles[0]);//Convert the blob from clipboard to base64
reader.onloadend = function(e){
'"._sx('button', 'Paste image')."',
return false
done: function (e, data) {
var filedata = data;
// Load image tag, and display image uploaded
type: 'POST',
url: '".$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/ajax/getFileTag.php',
data: {'data':data.result.".$p['name']."},
dataType: 'JSON',
success: function(tag){
$.each(filedata.result.".$p['name'].", function (index, file) {
if (file.error == undefined) {\n
if ($p['imagePaste']) {
$script.= " // Insert tag in textarea
if (tinyMCE != undefined) {\n
tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<p>'+tag[index].tag+'</p>');\n
if (tinyMCE.imagePaste != undefined) {
tinyMCE.imagePaste.pasteddata = undefined;
tinyMCE.imagePaste.stockimage = undefined;
$script.=" $('#progress".$p['rand']." .uploadbar').text('".__('Upload successful')."');\n
$('#progress".$p['rand']." .uploadbar').css('width', '100%');\n
} else {\n
$('#progress".$p['rand']." .uploadbar').text(file.error);\n
$('#progress".$p['rand']." .uploadbar').css('width', '100%');\n
function displayUploadedFile".$p['rand']."(file, tag){
var p = $('<p/>').attr('id','<b>".__('File')." : </b>'+file.display+' <b>".__('Tag')." : </b>'+tag.tag+' ').appendTo('#".$p['showfilecontainer']."');\n
var p2 = $('<p/>').attr('id','2').css({'display':'none'}).appendTo('#".$p['showfilecontainer']."');\n
// File
$('<input/>').attr('type', 'hidden').attr('name', '_".$p['name']."['+fileindex".$p['rand']."+']').attr('value',;\n
// Tag
$('<input/>').attr('type', 'hidden').attr('name', '_tag_".$p['name']."['+fileindex".$p['rand']."+']').attr('value',;\n
// Coordinates
if (tinyMCE != undefined
&& tinyMCE.imagePaste != undefined
&& (tinyMCE.imagePaste.imageCoordinates != undefined || tinyMCE.imagePaste.imageCoordinates != null)) {
$('<input/>').attr('type', 'hidden').attr('name', '_coordinates['+fileindex".$p['rand']."+']').attr('value', encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tinyMCE.imagePaste.imageCoordinates))).appendTo(p2);
tinyMCE.imagePaste.imageCoordinates = null;
// Delete button
var elementsIdToRemove = {,'2'};
$('<img src=\"".$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/pics/delete.png\" class=\"pointer\">').click(function(){\n
deleteImagePasted(elementsIdToRemove, tag.tag);\n
if ($p['multiple']) {
$script.= " fileindex".$p['rand']." = fileindex".$p['rand']."+1;\n";
$script .= "}
function deleteImagePasted(elementsIdToRemove, tagToRemove){\n
// Remove file display lines
$.each(elementsIdToRemove, function (index, id) {\n
if ($p['imagePaste']) {
$script.= "
// TINYMCE : Remove tag from textarea
if (tinyMCE != undefined) {
tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent().replace('<p>'+tagToRemove+'</p>', ''));\n
$script.= "
// File counter
if (fileindex".$p['rand']." > 0) {\n
if (is_array($p['values']) && isset($p['values']['filename'])
&& is_array($p['values']['filename']) && count($p['values']['filename'])) {
foreach ($p['values']['filename'] as $key => $name) {
if (isset($p['values']['tag'][$key])) {
$file = GLPI_TMP_DIR.'/'.$p['values']['filename'][$key];
if (file_exists($file)) {
$display = sprintf('%1$s %2$s', $p['values']['filename'][$key],
$script .= "var tag$key = {};
tag$key.tag = '".$p['values']['tag'][$key]."';
tag$ = '#".$p['values']['tag'][$key]."#';
var file$key= {};
file$ = '".addslashes($p['values']['filename'][$key])."'
file$key.display = '".addslashes($display)."';
file$ = 'file$key';
displayUploadedFile".$p['rand']."(file$key, tag$key);
return $script;
* @since version 0.85
* @return string
static function generateImageName(){
return 'pastedImage'.str_replace('-', '', Html::convDateTime(date('Y-m-d', time())));
* Display choice matrix
* @since version 0.85
* @param $columns array of column field name => column label
* @param $rows array of field name => array(
* 'label' the label of the row
* 'columns' an array of specific information regaring current row and given column indexed by column field_name
* * a string if only have to display a string
* * an array('value' => ???, 'readonly' => ???) that is used to Dropdown::showYesNo()
* @param $options array possible:
* 'title' of the matrix
* 'first_cell' the content of the upper-left cell
* 'row_check_all' set to true to display a checkbox to check all elements of the row
* 'col_check_all' set to true to display a checkbox to check all elements of the col
* 'rand' random number to use for ids
* @return random value used to generate the ids
static function showCheckboxMatrix(array $columns, array $rows, array $options=array()) {
$param['title'] = '';
$param['first_cell'] = '&nbsp;';
$param['row_check_all'] = false;
$param['col_check_all'] = false;
$param['rotate_column_titles'] = false;
$param['rand'] = mt_rand();
$param['table_class'] = 'tab_cadre_fixehov';
$param['cell_class_method'] = NULL;
if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
$param[$key] = $val;
$cb_options = array('title' => __s('Check/uncheck all'));
$number_columns = (count($columns) + 1);
if ($param['row_check_all']) {
$number_columns += 1;
$width = round(100/$number_columns);
echo "\n<table class='".$param['table_class']."'>\n";
if (!empty($param['title'])) {
echo "\t<tr>\n";
echo "\t\t<th colspan='$number_columns'>".$param['title']."</th>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
echo "\t<tr class='tab_bg_1'>\n";
echo "\t\t<td>".$param['first_cell']."</td>\n";
foreach ($columns as $col_name => $column) {
$nb_cb_per_col[$col_name] = array('total' => 0,
'checked' => 0);
$col_id = Html::cleanId('col_label_'.$col_name.'_'.$param['rand']);
echo "\t\t<td class='center b";
if ($param['rotate_column_titles']) {
echo " rotate";
echo "' id='$col_id' width='$width%'>";
if (!is_array($column)) {
$columns[$col_name] = $column = array('label' => $column);
if (isset($column['short'])
&& isset($column['long'])) {
echo $column['short'];
self::showToolTip($column['long'], array('applyto' => $col_id));
} else {
echo $column['label'];
echo "</td>\n";
if ($param['row_check_all']) {
$col_id = Html::cleanId('col_of_table_'.$param['rand']);
echo "\t\t<td class='center";
if ($param['rotate_column_titles']) {
echo " rotate";
echo "' id='$col_id'>".__('Select/unselect all')."</td>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
foreach ($rows as $row_name => $row) {
if ((!is_string($row)) && (!is_array($row))) {
echo "\t<tr class='tab_bg_1'>\n";
if (is_string($row)) {
echo "\t\t<th colspan='$number_columns'>$row</th>\n";
} else {
$row_id = Html::cleanId('row_label_'.$row_name.'_'.$param['rand']);
if (isset($row['class'])) {
$class = $row['class'];
} else {
$class = '';
echo "\t\t<td class='b $class' id='$row_id'>";
if (!empty($row['label'])) {
echo $row['label'];
} else {
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td>\n";
$nb_cb_per_row = array('total' => 0,
'checked' => 0);
foreach ($columns as $col_name => $column) {
$class = '';
if ((!empty($row['class'])) && (!empty($column['class']))) {
if (is_callable($param['cell_class_method'])) {
$class = $param['cell_class_method']($row['class'], $column['class']);
} else if (!empty($row['class'])) {
$class = $row['class'];
} else if (!empty($column['class'])) {
$class = $column['class'];
echo "\t\t<td class='center $class'>";
// Warning: isset return false if the value is NULL ...
if (array_key_exists($col_name, $row['columns'])) {
$content = $row['columns'][$col_name];
if (is_array($content)
&& array_key_exists('checked', $content)) {
if (!array_key_exists('readonly', $content)) {
$content['readonly'] = false;
$content['massive_tags'] = array();
if ($param['row_check_all']) {
$content['massive_tags'][] = 'row_'.$row_name.'_'.$param['rand'];
if ($param['col_check_all']) {
$content['massive_tags'][] = 'col_'.$col_name.'_'.$param['rand'];
if ($param['row_check_all'] && $param['col_check_all']) {
$content['massive_tags'][] = 'table_'.$param['rand'];
$content['name'] = $row_name."[$col_name]";
$content['id'] = Html::cleanId('cb_'.$row_name.'_'.$col_name.'_'.
$nb_cb_per_col[$col_name]['total'] ++;
$nb_cb_per_row['total'] ++;
if ($content['checked']) {
$nb_cb_per_col[$col_name]['checked'] ++;
$nb_cb_per_row['checked'] ++;
} else if (is_string($content)) {
echo $content;
} else {
echo "&nbsp;";
} else {
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td>\n";
if (($param['row_check_all'])
&& (!is_string($row))
&& ($nb_cb_per_row['total'] > 1)) {
$cb_options['criterion'] = array('tag_for_massive' => 'row_'.$row_name.'_'.
$cb_options['massive_tags'] = 'table_'.$param['rand'];
$cb_options['id'] = Html::cleanId('cb_checkall_row_'.$row_name.'_'.
$cb_options['checked'] = ($nb_cb_per_row['checked']
> ($nb_cb_per_row['total'] / 2));
echo "\t\t<td class='center'>".Html::getCheckbox($cb_options)."</td>\n";
if ($nb_cb_per_row['total'] == 1) {
echo "\t\t<td class='center'></td>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
if ($param['col_check_all']) {
echo "\t<tr class='tab_bg_1'>\n";
echo "\t\t<td>".__('Select/unselect all')."</td>\n";
foreach ($columns as $col_name => $column) {
echo "\t\t<td class='center'>";
if ($nb_cb_per_col[$col_name]['total'] > 1) {
$cb_options['criterion'] = array('tag_for_massive' => 'col_'.$col_name.'_'.
$cb_options['massive_tags'] = 'table_'.$param['rand'];
$cb_options['id'] = Html::cleanId('cb_checkall_col_'.$col_name.'_'.
$cb_options['checked'] = ($nb_cb_per_col[$col_name]['checked']
> ($nb_cb_per_col[$col_name]['total'] / 2));
echo Html::getCheckbox($cb_options);
} else {
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td>\n";
if ($param['row_check_all']) {
$cb_options['criterion'] = array('tag_for_massive' => 'table_'.$param['rand']);
$cb_options['massive_tags'] = '';
$cb_options['id'] = Html::cleanId('cb_checkall_table_'.$param['rand']);
echo "\t\t<td class='center'>".Html::getCheckbox($cb_options)."</td>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
return $param['rand'];
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