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Last active November 17, 2018 10:01
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Regular Expression Cheat Sheet - PCRE

Anchor Description Example Valid match Invalid
^ start of string or line ^foam foam is fun bath foam
$ end of string or line ish$ finish finishing
\b word boundary; position between a word character (\w), and a nonword character (\W) \bis\b This island is beautiful This island isn't beautiful
\B not-word-boundary. \Bland island peninsula
Char class Description Example Valid match Invalid
. match any chars except new line b.ttle battle, bottle bttle
[ ] class definition [axf] a, x, f b
[ - ] class definition range [a-c] a, b, c d
[^ ] Not in class [^abc] d, e a
[:class:] POSIX class [:alpha:] string 0101
\s white space, [\n\r\f\t ] good\smorning good morning good.morning
\S no-white space, [^\n\r\f\t] good\Smorning goodmorning good morning
\d digit \d{2} 23 1a
\D non-digit \D{3} foo, bar fo1
\w word, [a-z-A-Z0-9_] \w{4} v411 v4.1
\W non word, [^a-z-A-Z0-9_] .$%? .$%? .ab?
Sequence Description Example Valid match Invalid
( ) subpattern foot(er|ball) footer or footbal footpath
(?:...) subpattern, but does not capture submatch (?:hello) hello hallo
+ one or more quantifier ye+ah yeah, yeeeah yah
* zero or more quantifier ye*ah yeeah, yeeeah, yah yeh
? zero or one quantifier yes? yes, ye yess
?? zero or one, as few times as possible (lazy) yea??h yeah yeaah
+? one or more lazy /<.+?>/g <P>foo</P> matches only <P> and </P>
*? zero or more, lazy /<.*?>/g <html>
{n} n times exactly fo{2} foo fooo
{n,m} from n to m times go{2,3}d good,goood gooood
Special character Description
|general escape
\n new line
\r carriage return
\t tab
\f form feed
[\b] backspace
Assertion Description Example Valid match Invalid
(?=...) positive lookahead question(?=s) questions question
(?!...) negative lookahead answer(?!s) answer answers
(?<=...) positive look-behind (?<=appl)e apple application
(?<!...) negative look-behind (?<!goo)d mood good
Pattern modifier Description
g global match
i case-insensitiv, match both uppercase and lowercase
m multiple lines
s single line (by default)
x ingore whitespace allows comments
A anchored, the pattern is forced to ^
D dollar end only, a dollar metacharacter matches only at the end
S extra analysis performed, useful for non-anchored patterns
U ungreedy, greedy patterns becomes lazy by default
X additional functionality of PCRE (PCRE extra)
J allow duplicate names for subpatterns
u unicode, pattern and subject strings are treated as UTF-8
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