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Last active August 3, 2023 09:14
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ADSR Envelope for Unity
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/* ****************
* Sample Usage *
// prerequisite : put a gameobject with the ADSR script on it in your scene
// this enables the update loop that transparently updates Envelope objects
// init-time
var e1 = new Envelope
A = { Target = 1, Duration = 2, Out = EasingType.Exponential },
S = { Duration = 0.5 },
R = { Duration = 3, In = EasingType.Exponential, Out = EasingType.Exponential },
var e2 = new Envelope(e1)
P = { Duration = 0.1 }
// when events occur
// mapping the modulated value to a thing (implicit cast to float)
someMaterial.SetFloat("_ShaderParam", e1);
public class ADSR : MonoBehaviour
public static ADSR Instance { get; private set; }
readonly List<Envelope> envelopes = new List<Envelope>();
void Start()
if (Instance) throw new InvalidOperationException("Two ADSR objects in scene!");
Instance = this;
void OnDestroy()
if (Instance != this) throw new InvalidOperationException("wat");
Instance = null;
void Update()
foreach (var e in envelopes)
public void RegisterEnvelope(Envelope e)
public void UnregisterEnvelope(Envelope e)
public class FlatEnvelopePhase
public double Duration;
public FlatEnvelopePhase() { }
public FlatEnvelopePhase(FlatEnvelopePhase other)
Duration = other.Duration;
public class EnvelopePhase
public double Duration;
public double Target;
public EasingType In = EasingType.Linear;
public EasingType Out = EasingType.Linear;
public EnvelopePhase() { }
public EnvelopePhase(EnvelopePhase other)
Duration = other.Duration;
Target = other.Target;
In = other.In;
Out = other.Out;
public float Ease(float step)
if (In == EasingType.Linear) return Easing.EaseOut(step, Out);
if (Out == EasingType.Linear) return Easing.EaseIn(step, In);
return Easing.EaseInOut(step, In, Out);
public class Envelope
float current;
float? sinceTriggered;
float? sinceReleased;
public FlatEnvelopePhase P { get; private set; }
public EnvelopePhase A { get; private set; }
public EnvelopePhase D { get; private set; }
public FlatEnvelopePhase S { get; private set; }
// R.Target is ignored, assumed to be 0
public EnvelopePhase R { get; private set; }
public Envelope()
P = new FlatEnvelopePhase();
A = new EnvelopePhase();
D = new EnvelopePhase();
S = new FlatEnvelopePhase();
R = new EnvelopePhase();
public Envelope(Envelope other)
P = new FlatEnvelopePhase(other.P);
A = new EnvelopePhase(other.A);
D = new EnvelopePhase(other.D);
S = new FlatEnvelopePhase(other.S);
R = new EnvelopePhase(other.R);
public void Trigger(float? scheduleReleaseIn = null)
sinceTriggered = 0;
sinceReleased = scheduleReleaseIn.HasValue ? (float?) -scheduleReleaseIn.Value : null;
public void Release()
sinceReleased = 0;
sinceTriggered = null;
public static implicit operator float(Envelope d)
return d.current;
internal void Update()
if (sinceTriggered == null && sinceReleased == null)
current = 0;
if (sinceReleased != null)
bool wasNegative = sinceReleased < 0;
sinceReleased += Time.deltaTime;
if (sinceReleased > 0)
if (wasNegative)
float step = Mathf.Clamp01(sinceReleased.Value / (float) R.Duration);
current = Mathf.Lerp((float) (D.Duration == 0 ? A.Target : D.Target), 0, R.Ease(step));
if (step >= 1)
current = 0;
sinceReleased = null;
if (sinceTriggered != null)
sinceTriggered += Time.deltaTime;
float t = sinceTriggered.Value;
float aStep = Mathf.Clamp01((t -= (float) P.Duration) / (float) A.Duration);
float dStep = Mathf.Clamp01((t -= (float) A.Duration) / (float) D.Duration);
float sStep = Mathf.Clamp01((t -= (float) D.Duration) / (float) S.Duration);
if (aStep < 1)
current = Mathf.Lerp(0, (float) A.Target, A.Ease(aStep));
else if (dStep < 1)
current = Mathf.Lerp((float) A.Target, (float) D.Target, D.Ease(dStep));
else if (sStep < 1)
current = (float) (D.Duration == 0 ? A.Target : D.Target);
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