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Created June 26, 2018 20:12
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Nombre en lettres (VBA)
' Conversion des nombres en lettres
' Copyright (c) 1999 René & Guy DEVICHI
Option Explicit
Dim dizaines(9) As String
Dim unités(19) As String
Dim initialisé As Boolean
Public Function NL(x As Double) As String
NL = francs_lettres(x, "franc", "francs")
End Function
Public Function NLF(x As Double) As String
NLF = francs_lettres(x, "franc", "francs")
End Function
Public Function NLE(x As Double) As String
NLE = francs_lettres(x, "euro", "euro")
End Function
Public Function Ordinal(x As Long) As String
Dim l As String
If x = 0 Then
Ordinal = "zéro"
ElseIf x = 1 Then
Ordinal = "premier"
Ordinal = entier_lettres(x)
l = Right$(Ordinal, 1)
If l = "e" Then
Ordinal = Left$(Ordinal, Len(Ordinal) - 1) & "ième"
ElseIf l = "q" Then
Ordinal = Ordinal & "uième"
ElseIf l = "f" Then
Ordinal = Left$(Ordinal, Len(Ordinal) - 1) & "vième"
ElseIf Right$(Ordinal, 6) = "vingts" Then
Ordinal = Left$(Ordinal, Len(Ordinal) - 1) & "ième"
ElseIf Right$(Ordinal, 5) = "cents" Then
Ordinal = Left$(Ordinal, Len(Ordinal) - 1) & "ième"
Ordinal = Ordinal & "ième"
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub initialiser()
If initialisé Then Exit Sub
dizaines(2) = "vingt"
dizaines(3) = "trente"
dizaines(4) = "quarante"
dizaines(5) = "cinquante"
dizaines(6) = "soixante"
dizaines(8) = "quatre-vingt"
unités(0) = ""
unités(1) = "un"
unités(2) = "deux"
unités(3) = "trois"
unités(4) = "quatre"
unités(5) = "cinq"
unités(6) = "six"
unités(7) = "sept"
unités(8) = "huit"
unités(9) = "neuf"
unités(10) = "dix"
unités(11) = "onze"
unités(12) = "douze"
unités(13) = "treize"
unités(14) = "quatorze"
unités(15) = "quinze"
unités(16) = "seize"
unités(17) = "dix-sept"
unités(18) = "dix-huit"
unités(19) = "dix-neuf"
initialisé = True
End Sub
Private Function francs_lettres(ByVal x As Double, monnaie As String, monnaies As String) As String
Dim c As Integer ' centimes
Dim f As Long ' francs (entier)
' montant négatif: on l'encadre de parenthèses
If x < 0 Then
francs_lettres = "(" & francs_lettres(-x, monnaie, monnaies) & ")"
Exit Function
End If
f = Int(x + 0.005) ' francs arrondis
If f >= 1000000 Then
francs_lettres = "pfff... trop cher !"
Exit Function
End If
If x = 0 Then
francs_lettres = "zéro"
' calcule les centimes arrondis
c = Int(x * 100 + 0.5) Mod 100
If c <> 0 Then
' on précise les centimes
francs_lettres = francs_lettres(f, monnaie, monnaies) & " " & _
c & " centime" & IIf(c <= 1, "", "s")
Exit Function
End If
' le nombre s'arrondit à un entier
francs_lettres = entier_lettres(f)
End If
' rajoute le mot franc à la suite du nombre entier
If x <= 1 Then
francs_lettres = francs_lettres & " " & monnaie
francs_lettres = francs_lettres & " " & monnaies
End If
End Function
Private Function entier_lettres(ByVal x As Long) As String
Dim u As Integer ' unités
Dim d As Integer ' dizaines
Dim c As Integer ' centaines
' on ne traite pas les nombres négatifs
If x < 0 Then x = -x
If x < 20 Then
entier_lettres = unités(x)
If x < 70 Then
d = x \ 10
u = x Mod 10
Select Case u
Case 0
entier_lettres = dizaines(d)
Case 1
entier_lettres = dizaines(d) & " et " & unités(u)
Case Is > 1
entier_lettres = dizaines(d) & "-" & unités(u)
End Select
ElseIf x < 80 Then
' nombres compris entre 70 et 79
u = x Mod 10
If x = 71 Then
entier_lettres = dizaines(6) & " et " & unités(11)
entier_lettres = dizaines(6) & "-" & unités(u + 10)
End If
ElseIf x < 90 Then
' nombres compris entre 80 et 89
u = x Mod 10
If x = 80 Then
entier_lettres = dizaines(8) & "s"
entier_lettres = dizaines(8) & "-" & unités(u)
End If
ElseIf x < 100 Then
' nombres entre 90 et 91
u = x Mod 10
entier_lettres = dizaines(8) & "-" & unités(u + 10)
ElseIf x < 1000 Then
c = x \ 100 ' les centaines
d = x Mod 100 ' unités et dizaines
If c >= 2 Then
If d = 0 Then
entier_lettres = unités(c) & " cents"
entier_lettres = unités(c) & " cent " & entier_lettres(d)
End If
If d > 0 Then
entier_lettres = "cent " & entier_lettres(d)
entier_lettres = "cent"
End If
End If
ElseIf x < 1000000 Then
c = x \ 1000 ' les milliers
d = x Mod 1000 ' entre 0 et 999
If c = 1 Then
entier_lettres = "mille"
entier_lettres = entier_lettres(c) & " mille"
End If
If d <> 0 Then
entier_lettres = entier_lettres & " " & entier_lettres(d)
End If
' nombre trop gros
entier_lettres = "dépassement"
End If
End If
End Function
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