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Created May 18, 2020 08:00
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use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Term::ANSIColor;
'otrs|o=s' => \my $otrs_home,
'version=s' => \my $version,
'db=s' => \my $db_type,
'dbu=s' => \my $db_user,
'otrsuser=s' => \my $otrs_user,
'otrsgroup=s' => \my $otrs_group,
'webuser=s' => \my $web_user,
'webgroup=s' => \my $web_group,
$db_type //= 'mysql';
$db_user //= 'otrs';
$web_user //= 'www-data';
$web_group //= 'www-data';
$otrs_user //= 'otrs';
$otrs_group //= 'otrs';
if ( !$otrs_home || !-d $otrs_home ) {
print colored( ["red"], "need --otrs parameter\n" );
exit 1;
my $current_release = $version // get_current_release( $otrs_home );
say colored( ["yellow"], "Current release: $current_release" );
my @releases = get_releases_for_upgrade( $current_release );
say colored( ["yellow"], "Versions for upgrade:" );
say "\t" . $_->{version} for @releases;
my @packages = package_list( $otrs_home, $current_release );
my %package_locations = package_locations( $otrs_home, $current_release );
my $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir;
my @parts = split /\//, $otrs_home;
pop @parts;
my $base_dir = File::Spec->catdir( @parts );
say "BASE_DIR: $base_dir";
my $old_release = move_current_release( $base_dir, $otrs_home, $current_release );
for my $release ( @releases ) {
my $file = download_otrs( $release, $tmp_dir );
unzip( $base_dir, $file, $release );
say colored( ["yellow"], "handle $release->{version}..." );
my $new_dir = File::Spec->catdir(
'otrs-' . $release->{version},
copy_files_from_current( $old_release, $new_dir );
copy_files_from_current( $old_release, $new_dir );
set_permissions($otrs_home, $release, $otrs_user, $otrs_group, $web_user, $web_group);
check_modules( $new_dir, $release );
run_migration_scripts( $new_dir, $release, lc $db_type, $db_user );
upgrade_packages( $new_dir, $release, \@packages, \%package_locations );
say colored( ["blue"], "You might want to check if everything works in the browser!" );
say colored( ["blue"], "You might want to copy the apache2 configuration!" );
say colored( ["blue"], "Check if all customizations are ported!" );
print colored( ["yellow"], "Continue with next version? (y/N) " );
chomp ( my $continue = <STDIN> );
last if lc $continue ne 'y';
say "done...";
# ==============================================================================
sub upgrade_packages {
my ($dir, $release, $packages, $map) = @_;
say colored( ["yellow"], "Upgrade packages..." );
my ($major, $minor) = split /\./, $release->{version};
my $command;
if ( $major < 3 ) {
say colored( ["red"], "This doesn't work for OTRS < 3" );
elsif ( $major < 5 ) {
my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' );
my @opts = qw/-a upgrade -p/;
$command = qq~perl $script @opts \%s~;
else {
my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' );
my @opts = qw/Admin::Package::Upgrade/;
$command = qq~su -c "perl $script @opts \%s" -s /bin/bash otrs~;
my $key = "$major.$minor";
for my $package ( @{ $packages || [] } ) {
my $url = $map->{$package}->{$key};
say colored( ["yellow"], "Upgrade $package... try $url" );
system sprintf $command, $url;
sub package_list {
my ($dir, $release) = @_;
say colored( ["yellow"], "Get package list..." );
my ($major, $minor) = split /\./, $release;
my $package_list;
if ( $major < 3 ) {
say colored( ["red"], "This doesn't work for OTRS < 3" );
elsif ( $major < 5 ) {
my $command = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' );
$package_list = qx{perl $command -a list};
else {
my $command = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' );
$package_list = qx{su -c "perl $command Admin::Package::List" -s /bin/bash otrs};
my @packages = $package_list =~ m{^ \| \s+ Name: \s+ ([^\n]+)}xmsg;
say colored( ["yellow"], "Found packages:" );
say "\t$_" for @packages;
return @packages;
sub package_locations {
my ($dir, $release) = @_;
say colored( ["yellow"], "Get package locations..." );
my ($major, $minor) = split /\./, $release;
my @locations;
if ( $major < 3 ) {
say colored( ["red"], "This doesn't work for OTRS < 3" );
elsif ( $major < 5 ) {
my $command = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' );
my $list = qx{yes 'n' | perl $command -a list-repository};
@locations = $list =~ m{URL: \s+ ([^\n]+)}xmsg;
else {
my $command = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' );
my $full = qx{su -c "perl $command Admin::Package::List" -s /bin/bash otrs};
my ($list) = split /\n\n/, $full;
@locations = $list =~ m{URL: \s+ ([^\n]+)}xmsg;
say "Get repository index...";
my %map;
for my $repo ( @locations ) {
my $index = get $repo . '/otrs.xml';
my @packages = $index =~ m{<Package>(.*?)</Package>}xms;
for my $package ( @packages ) {
my ($name) = $package =~ m{<Name>\s*(.*?)\s*</Name>}xms;
my @frameworks = $package =~ m{<Framework>\s*(.*?)\s*</Framework>}xmsg;
my ($file) = $package =~ m{<File>\s*(.*?)\s*</File>}xmsg;
for my $framework ( @frameworks ) {
$framework =~ s{\.\*}{};
$map{$name}->{$framework} = $repo . $file;
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
return %map;
sub run_migration_scripts {
my ($dir, $release, $db_type, $db_user) = @_;
say colored( ["yellow"], "run migration scripts..." );
my ($major, $minor) = split /\./, $release->{version};
my $suffix = $major;
$suffix .= '.' . $minor if $major < 4;
# run .sql script
say "Apply database changes...";
if ( $db_type eq 'mysql' ) {
system qq~mysql -p -u $db_user -h localhost otrs~ .
' < ' . File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'scripts', 'DBUpdate-to-' . $suffix . '.' . $db_type . '.sql' );
elsif ( $db_type eq 'postgresql' ) {
system qq~psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on --single-transaction $db_user otrs~ .
' < ' . File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'scripts', 'DBUpdate-to-' . $suffix . '.' . $db_type . '.sql' );
else {
say colored( ["red"], "Apply database changes (.sql) manually!" );
say colored( ["red"], "Continue with RETURN" );
# run DBUpdate script
say "run DBUpdate script...";
my $script = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'scripts', 'DBUpdate-to-' . $suffix . '.pl' );
system 'perl', $script;
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
sub check_modules {
my ($dir, $release) = @_;
print colored( ["yellow"], "Check modules..." );
my ($major, $minor) = split /\./, $release->{version};
my $script = '';
if ( $major < 3 ) {
$script = 'otrs.checkModules';
my $bin_path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', $script );
my @modules = qx{perl $bin_path};
my $installer;
my @to_install;
for my $module ( @modules ) {
next if $module =~ m{\.+ (\e\[32m)? ok}xms;
my ($mod_name) = $module =~ m{ \s+ ([A-Za-z0-9:_]+) \.}xms;
if ( !$mod_name ) {
say colored( ["blue"], "Cannot determine module from line $module" );
next MODULE;
print colored( ["yellow"], "Install $mod_name? (y/N) " );
chomp (my $install = <STDIN>);
if ( lc $install eq 'y' ) {
my ($tmp_installer , $package) = $module =~ m{
Use: \s '([^']+) \s+ ([A-Za-z0-9-]+)'
$installer = $tmp_installer if $tmp_installer;
push @to_install, $package if $package;
push @to_install, $mod_name if !$package;
if ( @to_install && !$installer ) {
say colored( ["red"], "\nCannot determine installer. Please install modules manually..." );
say colored( ["red"], "Press RETURN to continue OTRS upgrade..." );
elsif ( @to_install ) {
system $installer, @to_install;
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
sub download_otrs {
my ($rel, $dir) = @_;
print colored( ["yellow"], "download $rel->{version}..." );
my $target = File::Spec->catfile( $tmp_dir, $rel->{file} );
getstore( "$rel->{file}", $target );
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
return $target;
sub unzip {
my ($dir, $file, $release) = @_;
print colored( ["yellow"], "unzip otrs archive..." );
system "tar zxf $file -C $dir";
system "rm $dir/otrs";
my $version = $release->{version};
system "ln -s $dir/otrs-$version $dir/otrs";
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
sub move_current_release {
my ($dir, $home, $current_release) = @_;
my $target = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'otrs-' . $current_release );
if ( -d $target ) {
say colored( ["green"], "$target already exists... do not move" );
return $target;
print colored( ["yellow"], "move old release to $target..." );
system "mv $home $target";
system "mkdir $home";
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
return $target;
sub copy_files_from_current {
my ($old_dir, $new_dir) = @_;
say colored( ["yellow"], "Copy files from old release ($old_dir // $new_dir)..." );
# Copy
say "\tcopy";
system "cp", File::Spec->catfile( $old_dir, 'Kernel', '' ),
File::Spec->catfile( $new_dir, 'Kernel', '' );
# Copy
say "\tcopy";
system "cp", File::Spec->catfile( $old_dir, 'Kernel', 'Config', 'Files', '' ),
File::Spec->catfile( $new_dir, 'Kernel', 'Config', 'Files', '' );
# Copy TicketCounter.log
say "\tcopy TicketCounter.log";
system "cp", File::Spec->catfile( $old_dir, 'var', 'log', 'TicketCounter.log' ),
File::Spec->catfile( $new_dir, 'var', 'log', 'TicketCounter.log' );
# Copy article data
say "\tcopy article data";
system "cp", "-R", File::Spec->catfile( $old_dir, 'var', 'article', '*' ),
File::Spec->catdir( $new_dir, 'var', 'article' );
# Copy cronjobs
say "\tcopy cronjobs";
my $cronjob_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $old_dir, 'var', 'cron' );
opendir( my $dirh, $cronjob_dir );
while ( my $entry = readdir $dirh ) {
my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $cronjob_dir, $entry );
next if -d $path;
next if $entry =~ m{\.dist$};
system "cp", $path, File::Spec->catfile( $new_dir, 'var', 'cron', $entry );
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
sub set_permissions {
my ($dir, $release, $otrs_user, $otrs_group, $web_user, $web_group) = @_;
say colored( ["yellow"], "Set permissions..." );
my %opts = (
'< 3' => [
$dir, $otrs_user, $otrs_group, $web_user, $web_group,
'== 3' => [
'--otrs-user' => $otrs_user,
'--otrs-group' => $otrs_group,
'--web-user' => $web_user,
'--web-group' => $web_group,
'== 4' => [
'--otrs-user' => $otrs_user,
'--web-group' => $web_group,
'>= 5' => [
'--otrs-user' => $otrs_user,
'--web-group' => $web_group,
my @opts;
my ($major) = split /\./, $release->{version};
for my $key ( keys %opts ) {
if ( eval $major . $key ) {
@opts = @{ $opts{$key} };
if ( $major < 3 ) {
system 'sh', File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' ), @opts;
system 'perl', File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'bin', '' ), @opts, $dir;
say colored( ["green"], "done" );
sub get_current_release {
my ($dir) = @_;
my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'RELEASE' );
my $content = do{ local (@ARGV, $/) = $path; <> };
my ($current_release) = $content =~ m{VERSION \s+ = \s+ ([^\s]+)}xms;
return $current_release;
sub get_releases_for_upgrade {
my ($current) = @_;
my ($major, $minor, $patch) = split /\./, $current;
my %version_groups;
my %otrs_map;
my $listing = get "";
while ( $listing =~ m{
(?<version> [0-9\.]+ )
" }xmsg ) {
my $version = $-{version}->[0];
my ($tmajor, $tminor, $tpatch) = split /\./, $version;
next if $tmajor < $major;
next if $tmajor == $major && $tminor <= $minor;
my $group_key = sprintf "%03d.%03d", $tmajor, $tminor;
my $otrs_key = sprintf "%03d.%03d%03d", $tmajor, $tminor, $tpatch;
$otrs_map{$otrs_key} = {
file => $-{file}->[0],
version => $version,
push @{ $version_groups{$group_key} }, $otrs_key;
my @otrs;
for my $group_key ( sort keys %version_groups ) {
my $max = max @{ $version_groups{$group_key} };
push @otrs, $otrs_map{$max};
return @otrs;
sub check_root {
if ( $< != 0 ) {
say colored( ["red"], "Need to run this script as root/sudo user" );
exit 1;
sub check_running_services {
# check apache
# check crontab
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