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Created November 24, 2022 07:22
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use v5.24;
use DBI;
use Digest::SHA 'sha256_hex';
use File::Basename;
use File::Find::Rule;
use File::MimeInfo;
use Getopt::Long;
use Image::ExifTool ':Public';
use Mojo::Collection 'c';
use Mojo::File 'path';
use experimental 'signatures';
'path=s' => \my $path,
'db=s' => \my $db,
'mime-type=s' => \my $mime_type,
$mime_type //= 'image/';
$db //= './images.db';
_db( $db );
my $image_infos = _collect_images ( $path, $mime_type );
_add_to_db( $image_infos, $db );
use Data::Printer;
p $image_infos;
=head1 _collect_images
sub _collect_images( $path, $mime_type ) {
my $rule = File::Find::Rule->new
# collect only files, not directories
# collect only files with specific mime types
sub {
mimetype( $_ ) =~ qr{\Q$mime_type\E}i;
my $files = c( $rule->in( $path ) );
my $image_counter = 0;
my %info;
$files->each( sub {
say "process $_...";
my $image_info = _get_image_info( $_ );
$info{$_} = {
Latitude => $image_info->{GPSLatitude},
Longitude => $image_info->{GPSLongitude},
GPSTime => $image_info->{GPSDateTime},
Position => $image_info->{GPSPosition},
Model => $image_info->{Model},
Vendor => $image_info->{Make},
Path => $_,
CreatedInode => $image_info->{FileInodeChangeDate},
CreatedOrig => $image_info->{TimeStamp} // $image_info->{MediaCreateDate}
// $image_info->{TrackCreateDate} // $image_info->{FileModifyDate},
SHA256 => $image_info->{SHA256},
say "processed $image_counter images...";
return \%info;
=head1 _get_image_info
Collect all the information about an image. Returns a hashref
with all available data. Which data is available depends on
the type of image. E.g. for some photos GPS information might
be available.
my $info_hash = _get_image_info( $full_path_to_image );
sub _get_image_info ( $filepath ) {
my $info = ImageInfo( $filepath );
my $sha256 = sha256_hex( path( $filepath )->slurp );
$info->{SHA256} = $sha256;
for my $timestamp_key ( qw/TimeStamp FileInodeChangeDate GPSDateTime TrackCreateDate MediaCreateDate FileModifyDate/ ) {
if ( $info->{$timestamp_key} ) {
my ($date, $time) = split / /, $info->{$timestamp_key}, 2;
$date =~ s{:}{-}g;
$time =~ s{\.\d+}{}g;
$info->{$timestamp_key} = join ' ', $date, $time;
return $info;
=head1 _add_to_db
Add the image information to the database. It doesn't check for duplicates,
that's the database's task.
_add_to_db( $hash_ref_with_image_information, $path_to_database_file );
sub _add_to_db ( $images, $db ) {
say "Add images to database...";
my $dbh = _db( $db );
my $insert = q~
INSERT INTO image_data (
filename, path, sha256, model, vendor, create_inode, create_orig,
gps_position, gps_latitude, gps_longitude, gps_time
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $insert );
my $insert_counter = 0;
for my $path ( sort keys $images->%* ) {
basename( $path ),
Path SHA256 Model Vendor CreatedInode CreatedOrig
Position Latitude Longitude GPSTime
say "$insert_counter..." if !( $insert_counter % 100 );
=head1 _db
Establish connection to SQLite database. If it doesn't exist yet,
create the database and create the table that stores the image
my $dbh = _db( $path_to_database_file );
The table columns:
=over 4
=item * filename
=item * path (PRIMARY KEY)
=item * sha256
=item * model (of the device that was used to take the photo)
=item * vendor (of the mentioned device)
=item * create_inode
=item * create_orig
=item * gps_position (GPS position, lat/lon combined
=item * gps_latitude (GPS position -- latitude)
=item * gps_longitude (GPS position -- longitude)
=item * gps_time
sub _db ( $db ) {
my $create_db;
if ( !-f $db ) {
my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:SQLite:' . $db );
my $table_sql = qq~
CREATE TABLE image_data (
filename VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
sha256 VARCHAR(250),
model VARCHAR(250),
vendor VARCHAR(250),
create_inode DATETIME,
create_orig DATETIME,
gps_position VARCHAR(50),
gps_latitude VARCHAR(50),
gps_longitude VARCHAR(50),
gps_time VARCHAR(50),
if ( $create_db ) {
$dbh->do( $table_sql );
return $dbh;
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