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Last active March 11, 2021 07:03
Find unused and used content files in your Joomla website
# jfindfiles -- Find used and unused content files in your Joomla website
# This scripts supports Joomla versions 2.5 - 3.x
# Copyright 2014 Rene Kreijveld -
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it.
# Warning! This script needs the file jfunctions. This has to be installed in the same directory as this script.
# general variables
mypath=$(cd $(dirname ${0}); pwd -P)
myname=$(basename ${0})
# include general functions
. ${mypath}/jfunctions
# version
# Setup Vvariables
echo "Creating database dump..."
# Dump the database to a .sql file
if mysqldump --skip-opt --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --disable-keys --lock-tables --quick --set-charset --host=${host} --user=${dbuser} --password=${password} ${database} > ${database}.sql
echo "Database dump ${database}.sql created."
echo "Error creating database dump."
exit 1
echo "The following files were mentioned in your Joomla database:" > ${usedfile}
echo "The following files were NOT mentioned in your Joomla database:" > ${notusedfile}
echo "Checking for used and unused files..."
# Move into the images/stories directory
cd ${start}
# Find all files and check if they are mentioned in the database dump
for file in `find . -type f -print | cut -c 3- | sed 's/ /#}/g'`
file2=`echo $file | sed 's/#}/ /g'`
file3=`echo $file | sed 's/#}/%20/g'`
result1=`grep -c "$file2" ${dbdump}`
result2=`grep -c "$file3" ${dbdump}`
if [[ $result1 = 0 ]]; then
if [[ $result2 = 0 ]]; then
echo $file2 >> ${notusedfile}
echo $file2 >> ${usedfile}
echo $file2 >> ${usedfile}
# Move back to the root of the website
cd ${curdir}
# Cleanup database dump
rm ${dbdump}
# Report findings
echo "Files checking done."
echo "Check the following text-files for results:"
echo "${usedfile}"
echo "${notusedfile}"
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bolando commented Apr 11, 2018

I am not experienced in Linux, but I need to run this script with my Joomla.
So I launched it and got to the point that it works, but I get an error "Error creating database dump."

What can be the causes? How to fix it? I have diskspace available, so it's not the problem.

My system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 (Santiago)


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quodo commented Jun 10, 2019

Thank you so much renekreijveld, wehseman and psyray!

With the usage comment by user psyray and his adapted files (as commented above) I was able to get it to work (I'm new to ssh).
I learned

  • SSH access is needed for this (found on webhost help pages how to do that)
  • putty ( is a nice program for SSH access
  • with ls -lh there is a list of who owns the files and what the permissions are (the user that uses Putty has to have execute rights) and via ftp the chmod command changes the permissions

There were three errors for the file

grep: ./libraries/cms/version/version.php: No such file or directory
grep: ./libraries/cms/version/version.php: No such file or directory
grep: ./libraries/cms/version/version.php: No such file or directory

just because the version directory does not exist in in my Joomla 3.9.6 installation. That is not a problem at all though!

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byman64 commented Feb 1, 2021

First of All let me say T H A N K S ! to Author Rene for sharing this fantastic "time saving" script.

It works fine on my joomla 3.x

Some notes

2 files:


  • Download and upload jfindfiles and jfunctions on your joomla root, in my case in keep joomla on site folder
  • chmod +x jfindfiles (I also done for jfunction but I think it's not necessary)
  • ./findfiles

findfiles created 2 files : mysitename-notused.txt and mysitename--used.thx

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