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Created September 2, 2020 10:16
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//Actor inherits from the ActorPolicy class.
class TestActor : public Actors::ActorPolicy
TestActor() : ActorPolicy{}
//Fire & forget method runs in the actor message loop.
void RunVoidMethod(std::function<void()> scheduleFunction)
//Use the inherited ScheduleFunction method from the ActorPolicy to add the message to the actor queue.
return Tasks::GetCompletedTask();
//Method returns result of the processing wrapped in the Task<int>.
Tasks::Task<int> ProcessInt(int number)
//Use the inherited ScheduleFunction method from the ActorPolicy to add the message to the actor queue.
//ScheduleFunction returns Task<T>.
return ScheduleFunction([number] {
//Simply return the argument.
return number;
//Method returns result of the processing wrapped in the Task<int>.
Tasks::Task<int> ProcessInt(std::function<int(int)> processIntFunc, int number)
//Use the inherited ScheduleFunction method from the ActorPolicy to add the message to the actor queue.
//ScheduleFunction returns Task<T>.
return ScheduleFunction([number, processIntFunc] {
//Run the function in the actor 'logical' thread.
return processIntFunc(number);
//Check that the message in the actor qeueue is processed.
TEST(ActorPolicy, ScheduleFunctionWhenMethodCalledThenTaskIsCompletedWithExpectedResult)
const int EXPECTED_RESULT = 10;
TestActor actor;
//Add message to the actor queue.
auto intTask = actor.ProcessInt(EXPECTED_RESULT);
//Wait for the actor task.
//Check that the actor method returns expected value.
//Sum the data in the actor.
TEST(ActorPolicy, ScheduleFunctionWhenCalledThenAllFunctionsAreProcessedSequentially)
const int SUM_TO = 100;
const int EXPECTED_RESULT = SUM_TO * (SUM_TO + 1) / 2;
TestActor actor;
auto intTask = Tasks::Task<int>::InvalidPlaceholderTaskCreator()();
auto sumResult = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= SUM_TO; ++i)
//Call the actor method ProcessInt (std::function<int(int)> processIntFunc, int number) overload.
intTask = actor.ProcessInt([&sumResult](int number)
sumResult += number;
return sumResult;
}, i);
//Wait for the last processing result.
auto lastTaskResult = intTask.Result();
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