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Last active July 8, 2021 19:18
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Burpcraft 8

Burpcraft 8

Burpcraft is invite only approved by veteran members of Burpcraft. See discord for more info.

Property Value
Version 1.17.1
Seed Burpcraft8 (-728125623)
PVP Enabled
Whitelist Enabled

Game Rules

A few minor game rules have been changed

Rule Value
playersSleepingPercentage 0
universalAnger true
doFireTick false


There are many changes to our server for moar fun, better utility, and automations.


  • Chests can be crafted with logs
  • Saddles can be crafted
  • Horse armor can be crafted
  • Flint can be crafted back into gravel
  • Slab crafting produces a more realistic amount
  • Stair crafting produces a more realistic amount
  • Trapdoor crafting produces a more realistic amount
  • All quartz variants can be crafted into stairs
  • Concrete powder can be smelted into the colored glass variant
  • Sand and variants can be stained red
  • Slabs can be crafted back into blocks
  • Stairs can be crafted back into blocks
  • Ice blocks can now be uncrafted
  • Netherwart blocks can now be uncrafted
  • Dye all the things... no longer requires "uncolored" to dye an item


  • Bedrock is completely flat instead of noisy and only a single layer
  • Tile Entities (chests, dispensers, furnaces, etc...) are movable with pistons
  • Right clicking plants will harvest and replant them
  • Animals will eat food found on the ground when hungry
  • Leaves will instantly break after a tree is broken
  • Saplings turn into dead shrubs in hot climates and no water access
  • Nether portal teleportation reduced to half the normal time
  • Nether basalt generator without soul sand below will convert into blackstone instead
  • Coral structures will grow with bonemeal from coral plants
  • Dispensers can place blocks
  • Dispensers can fill minecarts with with hoppers, chests, tnt and furnace
  • Dispensers can play records if there's a jukebox in front of them
  • Dispensers with hoes can till soil
  • Dispensers containing a stick can toggle things (buttons, redstone, noteblocks, etc...)
  • Dispensers can now interact with couldrons with bottles and buckets
  • Allows Hopper Minecarts to transfer items into containers below them
  • Placing a wither rose in a flowerpot will keep that chunk loaded
  • Multiple ice crushed by falling anvils make denser ice
  • Cobblestone crushed by falling anvils makes sand
  • You can implement autocrafting (
  • You can put an enchanted item and a book into the grindstone, and you will get the enchantments onto the book (and your unenchanted item back)


  • Shulkers will always drop two shells
  • Ender Dragon will always drop an Elytra and Egg
  • Silverfish drop a gravel item when breaking out of a block
  • Budding Amethyst can be silk touched
  • Spawners can be silk touched, but only with a netherite pick
  • Chickens can be sheared to get feathers. Beware! every time u shear a chicken, it gets damaged! Baby chickens can't be sheared.


  • Bows removed from fishing loot
  • Saddle removed from fishing loot
  • Boots removed from fishing loot


  • Only husks spawn in desert temples
  • Only creepers spawn in jungle temples
  • Only strays spawn in igloos
  • Piglins will respawn in bastion remnants includes piglins, brutes, and a few hoglins
  • Shulkers will respawn in end cities
  • Skeletons turn into Wither Skeletons when struck by lightning
  • Guardians turn into Elder Guardian when struck by lightning
  • Bats have went extinct


Custom commands added to the server (not including ops commands)

Command Description
/distance measure in game distance between points
/info for blocks
/log monitor events via chat and overlays
/perimeterinfo scans the area around the block for potential spawnable spots
/track Track a mobs AI
/ping Get your ping


  • Bonemeal can be used to grow sugarcane, cactus and lily pads
  • Blaze powder fertilizes netherwart
  • Clerics can warm nether farts
  • Comparators can read clocks in an item frame
  • Parrots don't get off your shoulders until you receive proper damage
  • Empty shulker boxes are now stackable
  • Summoning a lightning bolt has all the side effects of natural lightning
  • XP has been optimized for faster collection overall
  • Tab screen shows server tps and mob caps
antiCheatDisabled true
commandDistance true
commandInfo true
commandLog true
commandPerimeterInfo true
commandScript ops
commandSpawn ops
commandTick ops
commandTrackAI true
ctrlQCraftingFix true
defaultLoggers mobcaps,tps
desertShrubs true
fastRedstoneDust true
huskSpawningInTemples true
lagFreeSpawning true
leadFix true
lightningKillsDropsFix true
movableBlockEntities true
optimizedTNT true
persistentParrots true
piglinsSpawningInBastions true
placementRotationFix true
portalSurvivalDelay 40
quasiConnectivity true
renewableBlackstone true
renewableCoral true
renewableSponges true
shulkerSpawningInEndCities true
silverFishDropGravel true
smoothClientAnimations true
stackableShulkerBoxes true
summonNaturalLightning true
xpNoCooldown true
accurateBlockPlacement true
betterBonemeal true
blazeMeal true
chickenShearing true
clericsFarmWarts true
commandPing true
comparatorReadsClock true
creeperSpawningInJungleTemples true
dispenserPlacesBlocks true
dispensersFillMinecarts true
dispensersPlayRecords true
dispensersTillSoil true
dispensersToggleThings true
dispensersUseCauldrons true
emptyShulkerBoxStackAlways true
flowerPotChunkLoading true
hopperMinecartItemTransfer true
reloadSuffocationFix true
renewableIce true
renewableSand true
renewableWitherSkeletons true
straySpawningInIgloos true
"fastLeafDecay": true,
"fullChopDurabilityUsage": "BREAK_MID_CHOP",
"sneakToDisable": true,
"requireLeavesToChop": true,
"treeChopMode": "VANILLA_CHOP"
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