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Last active November 5, 2021 10:04
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# A BoxStarter script for use with
# Updates a Windows machine and installs a range of developer tools
# Show more info for files in Explorer
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
# Enable remote desktop
# Small taskbar
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Combine Always
# Allow running PowerShell scripts
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
# Allow unattended reboots
New-Item -Path "$env:userprofile\AppData\Local\ChocoCache" -ItemType directory -Force | Out-Null
$common = "--cacheLocation=`"$env:userprofile\AppData\Local\ChocoCache`""
# Update Windows and reboot if necessary
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
# Java & IntelliJ IDEA
cinst jdk8 $common
# Dev tools
cinst git $common
cinst git-credential-manager-for-windows $common
cinst gitkraken $common
cinst python3 $common
cinst nodejs $common
cinst vscode $common
cinst notepadplusplus $common
cinst postman $common
cinst microsoft-windows-terminal $common
# Remove in favour of the new Windows Terminal
# cinst hyper $common
cinst firacode-ttf $common
cinst unity-hub $common
choco pin add -n="unity-hub"
cinst teamviewer $common
choco pin add -n="teamviewer"
cinst visualstudio2019community --package-parameters "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedGame --passive --locale en-US" $common
choco pin add -n="visualstudio2019community"
# Networking
cinst syncthing $common
cinst synctrayzor $common
cinst openconnect-gui $common
cinst fiddler $common
# Browsers
cinst GoogleChrome $common
choco pin add -n="GoogleChrome" $common
cinst firefox $common
choco pin add -n="firefox" $common
# Messaging
cinst discord $common
choco pin add -n="discord" $common
cinst whatsapp $common
choco pin add -n="whatsapp" $common
cinst telegram $common
choco pin add -n="telegram" $common
cinst skype $common
choco pin add -n="skype" $common
# Other essential junk
cinst 7zip.install $common
# Remove in favour of winscp
# cinst filezilla $common
cinst winscp $common
cinst adobereader $common
cinst dropbox $common
cinst google-backup-and-sync $common
cinst screentogif $common
cinst keepassxc $common
cinst treesizefree $common
cinst greenshot $common
cinst ccleaner $common
# Fun
cinst vlc $common
cinst steam $common
choco pin add -n="steam" $common
# Graphic Tools
cinst $common
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
# Enable Linux subsystem (requires developer mode enabled)
cinst Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux -source windowsFeatures $common
# Configure windows Hyper-V virtualization
cinst Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -source windowsFeatures $common
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
# Cleanup
del C:\eula*.txt
del C:\install.*
del C:\vcredist.*
del C:\vc_red.*
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