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Renê Schneider renews

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# to install
git clone --depth 1 NVIM_CONFIG_SOURCE ~/.config/TARGET_FOLDER --depth 1
# to run:
renews / debouce.ts
Created October 8, 2023 07:47
Debouce Function
function debounce(fn, delay) {
let timeoutId;
return (...args) => {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), delay);
to call it
const debouncedFunction = debounce(functionToDebounce, 1000);
renews / simple_s3_upload.ex
Created October 8, 2023 07:28 — forked from plicjo/simple_s3_upload.ex
LiveView Uploads to S3
defmodule SimpleS3Upload do
@moduledoc """
Dependency-free S3 Form Upload using HTTP POST sigv4
@doc """
Signs a form upload.
The configuration is a map which must contain the following keys:
* `:region` - The AWS region, such as "us-east-1"
renews / 1_framework.rb
Created March 31, 2023 19:42 — forked from APiercey/1_framework.rb
Ruby 6 Line Micro Testing Framework
module MT
def self.assert(desc, left, operator, right = nil) = puts (if msgs = self.send(operator, desc, left, right) then failure(msgs) else success(desc) end)
def self.test(desc, &block) ; puts desc ; yield ; puts "\n" end
def self.success(msg) = " \e[32m#{msg}\e[0m"
def self.failure(msgs) = " \e[31m#{msgs.join("\n ")}\e[0m"
renews /
Created April 8, 2021 04:01 — forked from Laurian/ subtitles example
from moviepy.editor import *
from import SubtitlesClip
generator = lambda txt: TextClip(txt, font='Arial', fontsize=16, color='white')
subtitles = SubtitlesClip("", generator)
video = VideoFileClip("some.mp4")
result = CompositeVideoClip([video, subtitles.set_pos(('center','bottom'))])
result.write_videofile("out.mp4", fps=video.fps, temp_audiofile="temp-audio.m4a", remove_temp=True, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac")
renews / cloudSettings
Last active April 3, 2019 17:51
Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
renews / default.vcl
Created October 30, 2017 17:46 — forked from markdorison/default.vcl
Varnish vcl
# This is a basic VCL configuration file for varnish. See the vcl(7)
# man page for details on VCL syntax and semantics.
# Define the internal network subnet.
# These are used below to allow internal access to certain files while not
# allowing access from the public internet.
acl internal {
renews / time_elapsed.rb
Last active August 17, 2017 19:28
Show the elapsed time formated as HH:MM:SS in ruby.
start_time = - '%H:%M:%S'
Sub Test()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ThisSheet As Worksheet
Dim NumOfColumns As Integer
Dim RangeToCopy As Range
Dim RangeOfHeader As Range 'data (range) of header row
Dim WorkbookCounter As Integer
Dim RowsInFile 'how many rows (incl. header) in new files?
renews / list_memcache_keys.rb
Last active September 28, 2016 19:54 — forked from bkimble/gist:1365005
List local memcached keys using Ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# List all keys stored in memcache.
# Credit to Graham King at for the original article on how to get the data from memcache in the first place.
require 'net/telnet'
headings = %w(id expires bytes cache_key)
rows = []