// A timeline component for d3 |
// version v0.1 |
function timeline(domElement) { |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// chart |
// |
// chart geometry |
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20}, |
outerWidth = 960, |
outerHeight = 500, |
width = outerWidth - margin.left - margin.right, |
height = outerHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom; |
// global timeline variables |
var timeline = {}, // The timeline |
data = {}, // Container for the data |
components = [], // All the components of the timeline for redrawing |
bandGap = 25, // Arbitray gap between to consecutive bands |
bands = {}, // Registry for all the bands in the timeline |
bandY = 0, // Y-Position of the next band |
bandNum = 0; // Count of bands for ids |
// Create svg element |
var svg = d3.select(domElement).append("svg") |
.attr("class", "svg") |
.attr("id", "svg") |
.attr("width", outerWidth) |
.attr("height", outerHeight) |
.append("g") |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); |
svg.append("clipPath") |
.attr("id", "chart-area") |
.append("rect") |
.attr("width", width) |
.attr("height", height); |
var chart = svg.append("g") |
.attr("class", "chart") |
.attr("clip-path", "url(#chart-area)" ); |
var tooltip = d3.select("body") |
.append("div") |
.attr("class", "tooltip") |
.style("visibility", "visible"); |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// data |
// |
timeline.data = function(items) { |
var today = new Date(), |
tracks = [], |
yearMillis = 31622400000, |
instantOffset = 100 * yearMillis; |
data.items = items; |
function showItems(n) { |
var count = 0, n = n || 10; |
console.log("\n"); |
items.forEach(function (d) { |
count++; |
if (count > n) return; |
console.log(toYear(d.start) + " - " + toYear(d.end) + ": " + d.label); |
}) |
} |
function compareAscending(item1, item2) { |
// Every item must have two fields: 'start' and 'end'. |
var result = item1.start - item2.start; |
// earlier first |
if (result < 0) { return -1; } |
if (result > 0) { return 1; } |
// longer first |
result = item2.end - item1.end; |
if (result < 0) { return -1; } |
if (result > 0) { return 1; } |
return 0; |
} |
function compareDescending(item1, item2) { |
// Every item must have two fields: 'start' and 'end'. |
var result = item1.start - item2.start; |
// later first |
if (result < 0) { return 1; } |
if (result > 0) { return -1; } |
// shorter first |
result = item2.end - item1.end; |
if (result < 0) { return 1; } |
if (result > 0) { return -1; } |
return 0; |
} |
function calculateTracks(items, sortOrder, timeOrder) { |
var i, track; |
sortOrder = sortOrder || "descending"; // "ascending", "descending" |
timeOrder = timeOrder || "backward"; // "forward", "backward" |
function sortBackward() { |
// older items end deeper |
items.forEach(function (item) { |
for (i = 0, track = 0; i < tracks.length; i++, track++) { |
if (item.end < tracks[i]) { break; } |
} |
item.track = track; |
tracks[track] = item.start; |
}); |
} |
function sortForward() { |
// younger items end deeper |
items.forEach(function (item) { |
for (i = 0, track = 0; i < tracks.length; i++, track++) { |
if (item.start > tracks[i]) { break; } |
} |
item.track = track; |
tracks[track] = item.end; |
}); |
} |
if (sortOrder === "ascending") |
data.items.sort(compareAscending); |
else |
data.items.sort(compareDescending); |
if (timeOrder === "forward") |
sortForward(); |
else |
sortBackward(); |
} |
// Convert yearStrings into dates |
data.items.forEach(function (item){ |
item.start = parseDate(item.start); |
if (item.end == "") { |
//console.log("1 item.start: " + item.start); |
//console.log("2 item.end: " + item.end); |
item.end = new Date(item.start.getTime() + instantOffset); |
//console.log("3 item.end: " + item.end); |
item.instant = true; |
} else { |
//console.log("4 item.end: " + item.end); |
item.end = parseDate(item.end); |
item.instant = false; |
} |
// The timeline never reaches into the future. |
// This is an arbitrary decision. |
// Comment out, if dates in the future should be allowed. |
if (item.end > today) { item.end = today}; |
}); |
//calculateTracks(data.items); |
// Show patterns |
//calculateTracks(data.items, "ascending", "backward"); |
//calculateTracks(data.items, "descending", "forward"); |
// Show real data |
calculateTracks(data.items, "descending", "backward"); |
//calculateTracks(data.items, "ascending", "forward"); |
data.nTracks = tracks.length; |
data.minDate = d3.min(data.items, function (d) { return d.start; }); |
data.maxDate = d3.max(data.items, function (d) { return d.end; }); |
return timeline; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// band |
// |
timeline.band = function (bandName, sizeFactor) { |
var band = {}; |
band.id = "band" + bandNum; |
band.x = 0; |
band.y = bandY; |
band.w = width; |
band.h = height * (sizeFactor || 1); |
band.trackOffset = 4; |
// Prevent tracks from getting too high |
band.trackHeight = Math.min((band.h - band.trackOffset) / data.nTracks, 20); |
band.itemHeight = band.trackHeight * 0.8, |
band.parts = [], |
band.instantWidth = 100; // arbitray value |
band.xScale = d3.time.scale() |
.domain([data.minDate, data.maxDate]) |
.range([0, band.w]); |
band.yScale = function (track) { |
return band.trackOffset + track * band.trackHeight; |
}; |
band.g = chart.append("g") |
.attr("id", band.id) |
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + band.y + ")"); |
band.g.append("rect") |
.attr("class", "band") |
.attr("width", band.w) |
.attr("height", band.h); |
// Items |
var items = band.g.selectAll("g") |
.data(data.items) |
.enter().append("svg") |
.attr("y", function (d) { return band.yScale(d.track); }) |
.attr("height", band.itemHeight) |
.attr("class", function (d) { return d.instant ? "part instant" : "part interval";}); |
var intervals = d3.select("#band" + bandNum).selectAll(".interval"); |
intervals.append("rect") |
.attr("width", "100%") |
.attr("height", "100%"); |
intervals.append("text") |
.attr("class", "intervalLabel") |
.attr("x", 1) |
.attr("y", 10) |
.text(function (d) { return d.label; }); |
var instants = d3.select("#band" + bandNum).selectAll(".instant"); |
instants.append("circle") |
.attr("cx", band.itemHeight / 2) |
.attr("cy", band.itemHeight / 2) |
.attr("r", 5); |
instants.append("text") |
.attr("class", "instantLabel") |
.attr("x", 15) |
.attr("y", 10) |
.text(function (d) { return d.label; }); |
band.addActions = function(actions) { |
// actions - array: [[trigger, function], ...] |
actions.forEach(function (action) { |
items.on(action[0], action[1]); |
}) |
}; |
band.redraw = function () { |
items |
.attr("x", function (d) { return band.xScale(d.start);}) |
.attr("width", function (d) { |
return band.xScale(d.end) - band.xScale(d.start); }); |
band.parts.forEach(function(part) { part.redraw(); }) |
}; |
bands[bandName] = band; |
components.push(band); |
// Adjust values for next band |
bandY += band.h + bandGap; |
bandNum += 1; |
return timeline; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// labels |
// |
timeline.labels = function (bandName) { |
var band = bands[bandName], |
labelWidth = 46, |
labelHeight = 20, |
labelTop = band.y + band.h - 10, |
y = band.y + band.h + 1, |
yText = 15; |
var labelDefs = [ |
["start", "bandMinMaxLabel", 0, 4, |
function(min, max) { return toYear(min); }, |
"Start of the selected interval", band.x + 30, labelTop], |
["end", "bandMinMaxLabel", band.w - labelWidth, band.w - 4, |
function(min, max) { return toYear(max); }, |
"End of the selected interval", band.x + band.w - 152, labelTop], |
["middle", "bandMidLabel", (band.w - labelWidth) / 2, band.w / 2, |
function(min, max) { return max.getUTCFullYear() - min.getUTCFullYear(); }, |
"Length of the selected interval", band.x + band.w / 2 - 75, labelTop] |
]; |
var bandLabels = chart.append("g") |
.attr("id", bandName + "Labels") |
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + (band.y + band.h + 1) + ")") |
.selectAll("#" + bandName + "Labels") |
.data(labelDefs) |
.enter().append("g") |
.on("mouseover", function(d) { |
tooltip.html(d[5]) |
.style("top", d[7] + "px") |
.style("left", d[6] + "px") |
.style("visibility", "visible"); |
}) |
.on("mouseout", function(){ |
tooltip.style("visibility", "hidden"); |
}); |
bandLabels.append("rect") |
.attr("class", "bandLabel") |
.attr("x", function(d) { return d[2];}) |
.attr("width", labelWidth) |
.attr("height", labelHeight) |
.style("opacity", 1); |
var labels = bandLabels.append("text") |
.attr("class", function(d) { return d[1];}) |
.attr("id", function(d) { return d[0];}) |
.attr("x", function(d) { return d[3];}) |
.attr("y", yText) |
.attr("text-anchor", function(d) { return d[0];}); |
labels.redraw = function () { |
var min = band.xScale.domain()[0], |
max = band.xScale.domain()[1]; |
labels.text(function (d) { return d[4](min, max); }) |
}; |
band.parts.push(labels); |
components.push(labels); |
return timeline; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// tooltips |
// |
timeline.tooltips = function (bandName) { |
var band = bands[bandName]; |
band.addActions([ |
// trigger, function |
["mouseover", showTooltip], |
["mouseout", hideTooltip] |
]); |
function getHtml(element, d) { |
var html; |
if (element.attr("class") == "interval") { |
html = d.label + "<br>" + toYear(d.start) + " - " + toYear(d.end); |
} else { |
html = d.label + "<br>" + toYear(d.start); |
} |
return html; |
} |
function showTooltip (d) { |
var x = event.pageX < band.x + band.w / 2 |
? event.pageX + 10 |
: event.pageX - 110, |
y = event.pageY < band.y + band.h / 2 |
? event.pageY + 30 |
: event.pageY - 30; |
tooltip |
.html(getHtml(d3.select(this), d)) |
.style("top", y + "px") |
.style("left", x + "px") |
.style("visibility", "visible"); |
} |
function hideTooltip () { |
tooltip.style("visibility", "hidden"); |
} |
return timeline; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// xAxis |
// |
timeline.xAxis = function (bandName, orientation) { |
var band = bands[bandName]; |
var axis = d3.svg.axis() |
.scale(band.xScale) |
.orient(orientation || "bottom") |
.tickSize(6, 0) |
.tickFormat(function (d) { return toYear(d); }); |
var xAxis = chart.append("g") |
.attr("class", "axis") |
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + (band.y + band.h) + ")"); |
xAxis.redraw = function () { |
xAxis.call(axis); |
}; |
band.parts.push(xAxis); // for brush.redraw |
components.push(xAxis); // for timeline.redraw |
return timeline; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// brush |
// |
timeline.brush = function (bandName, targetNames) { |
var band = bands[bandName]; |
var brush = d3.svg.brush() |
.x(band.xScale.range([0, band.w])) |
.on("brush", function() { |
var domain = brush.empty() |
? band.xScale.domain() |
: brush.extent(); |
targetNames.forEach(function(d) { |
bands[d].xScale.domain(domain); |
bands[d].redraw(); |
}); |
}); |
var xBrush = band.g.append("svg") |
.attr("class", "x brush") |
.call(brush); |
xBrush.selectAll("rect") |
.attr("y", 4) |
.attr("height", band.h - 4); |
return timeline; |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// redraw |
// |
timeline.redraw = function () { |
components.forEach(function (component) { |
component.redraw(); |
}) |
}; |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// Utility functions |
// |
function parseDate(dateString) { |
// 'dateString' must either conform to the ISO date format YYYY-MM-DD |
// or be a full year without month and day. |
// AD years may not contain letters, only digits '0'-'9'! |
// Invalid AD years: '10 AD', '1234 AD', '500 CE', '300 n.Chr.' |
// Valid AD years: '1', '99', '2013' |
// BC years must contain letters or negative numbers! |
// Valid BC years: '1 BC', '-1', '12 BCE', '10 v.Chr.', '-384' |
// A dateString of '0' will be converted to '1 BC'. |
// Because JavaScript can't define AD years between 0..99, |
// these years require a special treatment. |
var format = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d"), |
date, |
year; |
date = format.parse(dateString); |
if (date !== null) return date; |
// BC yearStrings are not numbers! |
if (isNaN(dateString)) { // Handle BC year |
// Remove non-digits, convert to negative number |
year = -(dateString.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")); |
} else { // Handle AD year |
// Convert to positive number |
year = +dateString; |
} |
if (year < 0 || year > 99) { // 'Normal' dates |
date = new Date(year, 6, 1); |
} else if (year == 0) { // Year 0 is '1 BC' |
date = new Date (-1, 6, 1); |
} else { // Create arbitrary year and then set the correct year |
// For full years, I chose to set the date to mid year (1st of July). |
date = new Date(year, 6, 1); |
date.setUTCFullYear(("0000" + year).slice(-4)); |
} |
// Finally create the date |
return date; |
} |
function toYear(date, bcString) { |
// bcString is the prefix or postfix for BC dates. |
// If bcString starts with '-' (minus), |
// if will be placed in front of the year. |
bcString = bcString || " BC" // With blank! |
var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); |
if (year > 0) return year.toString(); |
if (bcString[0] == '-') return bcString + (-year); |
return (-year) + bcString; |
} |
return timeline; |
} |
I am interested in extending your code. Can you please let me know what license your code falls under?