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Created March 10, 2018 02:17
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import time
class Account:
def __init__(self): = {'1':"sporty", '2':"gimmick", '3':"casual", '4':"kpop", '5':"simple"}
self.price = {'1':5, '2':10, '3':15, '4':20, '5':25}
def stock(self):
stock = {'sporty':5,'gimmick':5,'casual':5,'kpop':5,'simple':5}
for digit in enter_quantity:
for styles in enter_item:
a =[styles]
for a in stock:
b = int(stock[a])
if (b < digit):
print ("{} can't provide that quantity".format([styles]))
stock_left = b - digit
# print (stock_left)
def getTotal(self,final_order):
cont = "true"
list_style = []
while cont == "true":
overAllTotal = 0
# for num in entity:
# list_style.append([num])
# overAllTotal = 0
# for digit in quantity:
# cost = self.price[num] * digit
# total = float(format(cost, '.2f'))
# overAllTotal += total
# cont = "true"
for item,quantity in final_order.items():
overAllTotal += float(self.price[str(item)] * quantity)
print ("Total Payment: "+str(overAllTotal)+" php")
count1 = "true"
while (count1 == "true"):
Cash = int(input("AMOUNT: "))
if (Cash >= overAllTotal):
change = float(format(Cash - overAllTotal, '.2f'))
print ("CHANGE: "+str(change)+"php")
count1 = "false"
elif (Cash < overAllTotal):
print ("Your money is not enough!")
count1 = "true"
print ("\nCustomer's Receipt\nOutfit Style\t\t:\t"+str(list_style)+'\n'+"Quantity of Purchase\t: \t"+str(quantity)+" pieces"+"\nTotal\t\t\t: \t"+str(overAllTotal)+" php"+"\nAmount\t\t\t: \t"+str(Cash)+"php""\nChange\t\t\t: \t"+str(change)+"php")
now = time.strftime("%c")
print (now)
print ("Thank you!\nCome again!")
cont = "false"
print ("\t\t\tFASHION APPAREL\n\t\twhere you can fit your suit!\t\t\n")
print ("The following are the outfit that is available in one set.\nChoose the appropriate number of style.)")
print ("\tSTYLE\t\t\tPrice per Set\n"
count1 = "true"
enter_item = []
enter_quantity = []
while (count1 == "true"):
counter = "true"
while (counter == "true"):
item = input("\nItem to purchase: ")
if (item == '1' or item == '2' or item == '3' or item == '4' or item == '5'):
are_sure = input("are you sure?(y/n): ")
if (are_sure.lower() == "y" or are_sure.lower() == "yes"):
counter = "false"
elif (are_sure.lower() == "n" or are_sure.lower() == "no"):
counter = "true"
print("choose the number in the choices!")
counter = "true"
except ValueError:
print ("Please read the instruction!")
counter = "true"
counts = "true"
while (counts == "true"):
quantity = int(input("how many set?: "))
if (quantity <= 0):
print ("below 0 is not acceptabe!")
counts = "true"
counts = "false"
real_sure = input("are you sure?(y/n): ")
if (real_sure.lower() == "y" or real_sure.lower() == "yes"):
counts = "false"
elif (real_sure.lower() == "n" or real_sure.lower() == "no"):
counts = "true"
except ValueError:
print("it should be number!")
counts = "true"
order_again = input("do you want to order again?(y/n): ")
if (order_again.lower() == "y" or order_again.lower() == "yes"):
count1 = "true"
elif (order_again.lower() == "n" or order_again.lower() == "no"):
count1 = "false"
account1 = Account()
final_order = dict(zip(enter_item, enter_quantity))
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