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Created July 15, 2021 00:33
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Stateful purgatory

Stateful purgatory

Keep track of strings or numbers, and tell me whenever they are no longer needed.

Make something we want to keep track of to be self-purging. i.e. keep track of keys, by telling you've used them, if after a time isn't used, fill a list

Based on debounce-with-map.

Example basic

import { StatefulPurgatory } from './stateful-purgatory'

const state = new StatefulPurgatory()

// What should be called when the probe found expired keys
const maybePurge = (expiredKeys: string[] = []) => {
  if (expiredKeys.length > 0) {
    // Make a call and use expiredKeys list as argument!
// The probe we use so we can watch
const probe = (expiredKeys) => {
  console.log('debounce: ', key);
// Set the thing we want to run for checks
state.setDebounce(probe, 5000)


* After 5 seconds of last keyed-called function output will be:
* debounce:  key2
* debounce:  key1
import { StatefulPurgatory } from './stateful-purgatory'
const EXAMPLE_KEYS = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] as const
const createDomTree = (id: string, datasetKey?: string): HTMLDivElement => {
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.textContent = 'Click Me!'
if (datasetKey) {
button.dataset.key = datasetKey
const rootEl = document.createElement('div')
rootEl.setAttribute('id', id)
return rootEl
describe('common/stateful-purgatory', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
afterAll(() => {
describe('internal state', () => {
let state: StatefulPurgatory<string>
beforeEach(() => {
state = new StatefulPurgatory()
describe('coordinating with DOM', () => {
type PleasePurge = { expired: string[] }
const tree = createDomTree('alpha', EXPECTED_KEY)
const spyPleasePurgeEvent = jest.fn()
const pleasePurgeEventListener = (event: Event) => {
if ('detail' in event) {
const detail = (event as CustomEvent<PleasePurge>).detail
const probe = jest.fn((recv: Set<string>) => {
const expired = [...recv]
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<PleasePurge>('please-purge', { detail: { expired } }))
return expired
const clickHandler = (event: HTMLElementEventMap['click']) => {
if ( {
const dataset = ( as HTMLButtonElement).dataset
const { key } = dataset // data-key="foo"
beforeEach(() => {
state.setDebounce(probe, PROBE_TIMEOUT_TIME)
tree.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', clickHandler)
jest.advanceTimersByTime(PROBE_TIMEOUT_TIME - 100)
afterEach(() => {
beforeAll(() => {
document.addEventListener('please-purge', pleasePurgeEventListener)
afterAll(() => {
document.removeEventListener('please-purge', pleasePurgeEventListener)
test('clicking on an element', () => {
expect(probe).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, expect.objectContaining(new Set([EXPECTED_KEY])))
expect(spyPleasePurgeEvent).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, expect.objectContaining([EXPECTED_KEY]))
describe('expiration', () => {
// The probe we use so we can watch
const probe = jest.fn()
beforeEach(() => {
state.setDebounce(probe, PROBE_TIMEOUT_TIME)
// Track a few keys
EXAMPLE_KEYS.forEach(k => state.yup(k))
jest.advanceTimersByTime(PROBE_TIMEOUT_TIME - 100)
afterEach(() => {
test('keys are not expired before timeout', () => {
test('after timeout time, keys apears in expired list', () => {
expect(probe).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, expect.objectContaining(new Set([...EXAMPLE_KEYS])))
test('after timeout time, only keys not called becomes expired', () => {
// Turns out that all, except the first one we want to omit
const stillBeingWatchedItems = EXAMPLE_KEYS.slice(1)
// Poke only the rest, omit only one ^ (the first)
stillBeingWatchedItems.forEach(k => state.yup(k)) // bar,bazz
expect(state.expired).toMatchObject([EXAMPLE_KEYS[0]]) // foo
expect(probe).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, expect.objectContaining(new Set([EXAMPLE_KEYS[0]])))
const defaultKeyValidator = (key: unknown): boolean => typeof key === 'string' || typeof key === 'number'
export type StatefulPurgatoryKeyValidator = typeof defaultKeyValidator
export class StatefulPurgatory<T> {
readonly #timerMap = new Map<T, number>()
readonly #expiredKeys = new Set<T>()
get expired(): T[] {
return [...this.#expiredKeys]
* Method to call regularly to make sure it stays in the time.
* This keys keeps track of when a key is still being used, and keeps them in timerMap.
* If a key in the timerMap is not called at the timeout from setDebounce, it'll be moved into expired.
#yup?: (key: T) => void
constructor(public readonly keyValidator: StatefulPurgatoryKeyValidator = defaultKeyValidator) {
Object.defineProperty(this, '__expired', { value: this.#expiredKeys, enumerable: true, configurable: false })
Object.defineProperty(this, '__timerMap', { value: this.#timerMap, enumerable: true, configurable: false })
* Method to keep calling around.
* Naming debate: ... yup that thing's still needed. Name TBD.
public yup(key: T): void {
if (!this.#yup) {
throw new Error(`Missing required setup step, did you use setDebounce on that instance?`)
* Make something we want to keep track of to be self-purging.
* I.e. keep track of keys, by telling you've used them, if after a time isn't used, fill a list
* The first argument of this method is a function we can call to do cleanup, and from it we can ask
* members expired.
* Thank you:
public setDebounce = (fn: Exclude<TimerHandler, string>, delay = 1000) => {
if (this.#yup) {
throw new Error(`It is best NOT to set this method twice`)
this.#yup = (key: T): void => {
if (!key) {
throw Error('You need to set a key')
if (this.keyValidator(key) === false) {
throw Error(
`This key "${key}" did not match key format validation, refer to this instance’s keyValidator method`,
;((...args) => {
// Start by checking if there's still an item in the #timerMap
// i.e. something that we're still checking, we're going to check, right now.
let timeOutId: number = this.#timerMap.get(key)
if (timeOutId) {
// We’ll set another timeoutId for that one, carry on.
// If it was expired but hasn't been cleaned up yet
// Remove it it is no longer expired
// !! --- Trigger warning, use of window.something --- !!
// If we don't set window.setTimeout, it would use NodeJS’
// In the case of setTimeout would return NodeJS.Timeout
timeOutId = window.setTimeout(() => {
// Call that function that'll do the check, it might need to be purged.
// Stop tracking it
// Add it to expired keys (i.e. id’s we no longer need in use or tracking)
// This function will be used as a ticker to run self-cleanup things
// That's why it is at the end
/** @TODO Error handling and purging only if worked */
fn?.(this.#expiredKeys, ...args)
// this.#expiredKeys.clear()
}, delay)
this.#timerMap.set(key, timeOutId)
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