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Last active January 18, 2016 10:45
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Salt stack master to use remote git for both pillar and state files
## Use-case: Host in a remote git (on a ssh-able host) both pillars and states on Salt Stack 0.17.x
## See thread:!topic/salt-users/bOz2cdY-pnY
# Salt stack master and minion procedure, short version:
# - On the Master:
# wget -O - | sudo sh -s -- -M git v0.17.0
# sudo sh -c 'echo "master: INTERNAL_IP_GOES_HERE" >> /etc/salt/minion.d/master.conf'
# sudo service salt-minion restart
# sudo service salt-master restart
# - On the Minions:
# wget -O - | sudo sh -s -- git v0.17.0
# sudo sh -c 'echo "master: INTERNAL_IP_GOES_HERE" >> /etc/salt/minion.d/master.conf'
# - On the Master, continue with:
# sudo salt '*' pkg.install python-pip,python-virtualenv
# sudo salt '*' pkg.latest_version python-git
# - Copy contents of this file in a salt-master node in `master.d/` folder
# with a file name ending by `.conf`, e.g.: `/etc/salt/master.d/sample.conf`
# - Restart the services
# salt '*' service.restart salt-minion
# salt-call service.restart salt-master
# Config proposal
# Assumed, by reading:
# but contradicting
- git # <- Didn't we had 'gitfs' here before?
- roots
- ssh://user@remote:~/git/salt
# See comment head in:
- git: work-refactor-201310 ssh://user@remote:~/git/pillar
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