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Elasticsearch - Ingest pipeline to add a timestamp field to a document at the time of the ingestion

Create the ingest pipeline

PUT _ingest/pipeline/timestamp
  "description": "Add a timestamp field to a document at the time of the ingestion",
  "processors": [
      "set": {
        "field": "@timestamp",
        "value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"

Create a index / document using the pipeline

POST auto_timestamp/_doc?pipeline=timestamp
  "msg": "Timestamp auto-generation"

Search the created document

GET auto_timestamp/_search


"hits" : [
    "_index" : "auto_timestamp",
    "_type" : "_doc",
    "_id" : "uqNXJGoBvxBjcKDft4xM",
    "_score" : 1.0,
    "_source" : {
      "msg" : "Check out the automated Timestamp generation!",
      "@timestamp" : "2019-04-16T04:11:29.484Z"
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