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Update ACF location fields (Google Map) after WP All Import CSV import (Google map update not triggered correctly) - Credits:
global $ld_recalc;
global $geolocate_api_key;
$geolocate_api_key = "YOUR_GOOGLE_GEOLOCATE_API_KEY";
$ld_recalc = array(
'posts_per_run' => 16,
'post_types' => array( 'distributor' ),
'scan_key' => 'acf-recalc-scan',
'scan_identifier' => '2015-09-23', // Change this if you want to scan again in the future.
'fields' => array(
'google_map' => 'field_55f05bb1f5f9d',
// the address from the google_map field will be used first, if it is available. otherwise, these will get used:
'address' => 'field_56031abc0cb98', // address may also include city, state, zip, if those fields are not used.
'city' => 'field_56031ad50cb9a',
'state' => 'field_56031aec0cb9b',
'zip' => 'field_56031b1f0cb9c',
function recalc_acf_locations_init() {
if ( !isset($_REQUEST['acf-recalc-locations']) ) return;
global $ld_recalc;
$args = array(
'post_type' => $ld_recalc['post_types'],
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => $ld_recalc['scan_key'],
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',
'value' => ' ',
'key' => $ld_recalc['scan_key'],
'compare' => '!=',
'value' => $ld_recalc['scan_identifier'],
'posts_per_page' => $ld_recalc['posts_per_run'],
$locations = new WP_Query($args);
if ( $locations->have_posts() ) {
echo '<h2>Scanning '. min($locations->found_posts, $ld_recalc['posts_per_run']).' of '. $locations->found_posts.'...</h2>';
echo '<div style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">';
foreach( $locations->posts as $i => $p ) {
echo '<div style="width: 50%; float: left; overflow: auto;">';
$url = get_permalink( $p->ID );
$edit = get_edit_post_link( $p->ID );
echo '<p><strong>'.($i+1).') '.ucwords(str_replace(array('-','_'), ' ', $p->post_type)).' #'. $p->ID .'</strong> - <a href="'.esc_attr($url).'" target="_blank">'. esc_html($p->post_title) .'</a> (<a href="'.esc_attr($edit).'" target="_blank">Edit</a>)</p>';
echo '<pre style="border-bottom: 1px solid #666; padding-bottom: 15px; margin: 15px 0;">';
recalc_acf_location_single( $p->ID );
echo '</pre>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
wp_die('<p><strong>ACF Recalc Locations:</strong> All locations have latitude/longitude present! All done!</p>');
add_action( 'wp', 'recalc_acf_locations_init' );
function recalc_acf_location_single( $post_id ) {
global $ld_recalc;
$location = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['google_map'], $post_id );
$lookup_address = null;
$result = null;
$full_address = null;
if ( isset($location['address']) ) {
$full_address = $location['address'];
if ( empty($ld_recalc['fields']['city']) || empty($ld_recalc['fields']['state']) || empty($ld_recalc['fields']['zip']) ) {
$full_address = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['address'], $post_id );
$address = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['address'], $post_id );
$city = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['city'], $post_id );
$state = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['state'], $post_id );
$zip = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['zip'], $post_id );
$full_address = sprintf('%s, %s, %s %s, USA', $address, $city, $state, $zip );
if ( empty($full_address) ) {
echo '<strong>ERROR:</strong> Location does not have a valid google map address, and no fallback address field is given. Aborting operation.';
echo '&ldquo;' . $full_address . '&rdquo;<br>';
$result = recalc_acf_location_lookup( $post_id, $full_address );
if ( $result ) {
echo 'Location has been found and saved!';
return true;
echo '<h2>ERROR! Google map could not locate this address. Aborting operation.</h2>';
function recalc_acf_location_lookup( $post_id, $full_address ) {
global $ld_recalc;
$address_one_line = preg_replace('/ *(\r\n|\r|\n)+ */', " ", $full_address);
$coords = recalc_acf_get_latlng( $address_one_line );
if ( $coords ) {
$location = get_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['google_map'], $post_id );
if ( !is_array($location) ) {
$location = array(
'address' => '',
'lat' => '',
'lng' => ''
if ( empty($location['address']) ) {
$location['address'] = $address_one_line;
if ( $address_one_line === $location['address'] && $location['lat'] === $coords['lat'] && $location['lng'] === $coords['lng'] ) {
echo 'Location is up to date, no changes were made.';
update_post_meta( $post_id, $ld_recalc['scan_key'], $ld_recalc['scan_identifier'] );
return true;
$location['lat'] = $coords['lat'];
$location['lng'] = $coords['lng'];
$result = update_field( $ld_recalc['fields']['google_map'], $location, $post_id );
if ( $result ) {
// Save lat/long as separate meta keys too.
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'latitude', $location['lat'] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'longitude', $location['lng'] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, $ld_recalc['scan_key'], $ld_recalc['scan_identifier'] );
return true;
echo '<h2>ERROR! Failed to update the google map field for post ID #'. $post_id .':</h2>';
return false;
function recalc_acf_get_latlng( $address ) {
$address = urlencode($address); // Spaces as + signs
$request = wp_remote_get("$address&key=$geolocate_api_key");
$json = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request );
if ( !$json ) {
echo 'Google Maps returned an empty response';
return false;
$data = json_decode($json);
if ( !$data ) {
echo '<h2>ERROR! Google Maps returned an invalid response, expected JSON data:</h2>';
echo esc_html(print_r($json, true));
if ( isset($data->{'error_message'}) ) {
echo '<h2>ERROR! Google Maps API returned an error:</h2>';
echo '<strong>'. esc_html($data->{'status'}) .'</strong> ' . esc_html($data->{'error_message'}) .'<br>';
if ( empty($data->{'results'}[0]->{'geometry'}->{'location'}->{'lat'}) || empty($data->{'results'}[0]->{'geometry'}->{'location'}->{'lng'}) ) {
echo '<h2>ERROR! Latitude/Longitude could not be found:</h2>';
echo esc_html(print_r($data, true));
$lat = $data->{'results'}[0]->{'geometry'}->{'location'}->{'lat'};
$lng = $data->{'results'}[0]->{'geometry'}->{'location'}->{'lng'};
// Value can be negative, so check for specifically 0.
if ( floatval( $lat ) === 0 || floatval( $lng ) === 0 ) {
echo '<h2>ERROR! Latitude/Longitude is invalid (exactly zero):</h2>';
var_dump('Latitude:', $lat);
var_dump('Longitude:', $lng);
var_dump('Result:', $data->{'results'}[0]);
return array( 'lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng );
function recalc_acf_clean_address( $address ) {
$address = preg_replace('/ *(\r\n|\r|\n)+ */', " ", $address); // No linebreaks
return $address;
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