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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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(defmacro new-if [pred then-clause else-clause]
`(cond ~pred ~then-clause
:else ~else-clause))
"This works, in that if I call it like so:
(new-if (= 2 3) (while true (print "hi")) :bye)
"I don't get an infinite loop, but I don't understand how. I've unquoted
everything in the macro body, so shouldn't the normal evaluation order
apply? Why doesn't it evaluate then-clause when I do it this way?
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"if" is a special form with custom evaluation order. Usually people write macros in terms of "if" (or other things built on if like cond) to show how to write new syntax with delayed evaluation.

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I think I'll have more luck doing it with Scheme's define-syntax.

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