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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Autohotkey script that changes wildstar controls to be like tera (asian action rpg style)
;;; CombatMouseLock
;;; v1
;;; 9/6/2014
;;; Combat mouse lock attempts to recreate a jrpg style of play
;;; comparable to the game Tera. This differs from combing plugins
;;; like steer and mousebindings in that we don't get the clunkiness
;;; of rebinding the mouse buttons, so objects remain selectable
;;; without triggering the bound abilities. The windows key is used
;;; to enguage the lock, while pressing left alt will temporairy
;;; disable the lock.
;;; Rebound buttons:
;;; Left Mouse Button
;;; Right Mouse Button
;;; Left Alt (retains its default functionality)
;;; Left Window key
;;; Keybinds are modified via the "LBF-RBR.ini" file
;;; which will be created on the first execution of
;;; LeftButtonFire.exe. Any changes made to .ini will
;;; take effect once the settings have been reloaded
;;; Important keys (these only work while IN Wildstar)
;;; F11: reload settings from LBF-RBR.ini
;;; F12: exit CombatMouseLock
#SingleInstance force
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
Gosub, GetBindings
#IfWinActive, WildStar
global h_stdout
DebugConsoleInitialize() ; start console window if not yet started
str .= "`n" ; add line feed
DllCall("WriteFile", "uint", h_Stdout, "uint", &str, "uint", StrLen(str), "uint*", BytesWritten, "uint", NULL) ; write into the console
WinSet, Bottom,, ahk_id %h_stout% ; keep console on bottom
global h_Stdout ; Handle for console
static is_open = 0 ; toogle whether opened before
if (is_open = 1) ; yes, so don't open again
is_open := 1
; two calls to open, no error check (it's debug, so you know what you are doing)
DllCall("AttachConsole", int, -1, int)
DllCall("AllocConsole", int)
dllcall("SetConsoleTitle", "str","Paddy Debug Console") ; Set the name. Example. Probably could use a_scriptname here
h_Stdout := DllCall("GetStdHandle", "int", -11) ; get the handle
WinSet, Bottom,, ahk_id %h_stout% ; make sure it's on the bottom
WinActivate,Lightroom ; Application specific; I need to make sure this application is running in the foreground. YMMV
; Functions for locking the mouse
locked:= false
temp_locked:= false
ToggleLock() {
global locked
if ( locked ) {
locked:= false
SendInput, {RButton UP}
locked:= true
SendInput, {RButton DOWN}
TempUnlock() {
global locked
global temp_locked
if(locked && !temp_locked ) {
temp_locked:= true
locked:= false
SendInput, {RButton UP}
Templock() {
global locked
global temp_locked
if(temp_locked) {
temp_locked:= false
locked:= true
SendInput, {RButton DOWN}
; Function for keys with BOTH down and up events
; Left Mouse Button
ButtonFireDown(bind, button, fire_during_temp) {
global locked
global temp_locked
if ( locked )
Send, {%bind% DOWN}
else if((temp_locked && fire_during_temp) || !temp_locked)
Send, {%button% DOWN}
ButtonFireUp(bind, button, respect_lock) {
global locked
if ( respect_lock ) {
if (locked) {
SendInput, {%bind% UP}
SendInput, {%button% UP}
SendInput, {%bind% UP}
SendInput, {%button% UP}
~F11:: Gosub, GetBindings
~F12:: ExitApp
; Button binds
$LButton:: ButtonFireDown(Left_Click, "LButton", true)
$LButton UP:: ButtonFireUp(Left_Click, "LButton", false)
$RButton:: ButtonFireDown(Right_Click, "RButton", true)
$RButton UP:: ButtonFireUp(Right_Click, "RButton", true)
; Toggle the mouse lock
LWin:: ToggleLock()
; Temporary unlock
~*LAlt:: TempUnlock()
~*LAlt UP:: Templock()
; Ensure that hitting escape removes the mouse lock
locked:= false
temp_locked:= false
Send, {RButton UP}
; Sometimes when portaling between zones, wildstar releases the right mouse button
; this re-enables lock if the lock was on but the mouse button gets released for some
; reason within the game.
If (locked && !GetKeyState("RButton","P")) {
Send, {RButton DOWN}
; Ventrillo rebind
; Subroutines
; LBF-RBR.ini is created at first run, you can change the mouse bindings here
; after running the script for the first time. Defaults to:
; Left mouse - 1
; Right mouse - 2
IniRead, Left_Click, LBF-RBR.ini, LBFire, Left_Click, 1
IniWrite, %Left_Click%, LBF-RBR.ini, LBFire, Left_Click
IniRead, Right_Click, LBF-RBR.ini, LBFire, Right_Click, 2
IniWrite, %Right_Click%, LBF-RBR.ini, LBFire, Right_Click
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