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Created August 13, 2018 17:45
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$serviceAppUrl = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.LoginAppUrl"]
$servicePassword = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.LoginPassword"]
$serviceTenantId = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.LoginTenantID"]
$serviceSubscriptionId = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.LoginSubscriptionID"]
$cosmosResourceGroupName = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.CosmosResourceGroup"]
$cosmosName = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.CosmosName"]
$cosmosDatabaseName = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.CosmosDataBaseName"]
$cosmosCollectionName = $OctopusParameters["Stemp.CosmosCollectionName"]
# Login with Service Principal
az login `
--service-principal -u $serviceAppUrl -p $servicePassword `
--tenant $serviceTenantId
# Set subscription
az account set --subscription $serviceSubscriptionId
#Check for existing Database
$exist = az cosmosdb database exists `
--db-name $cosmosDatabaseName `
--name $cosmosName `
--resource-group-name $cosmosResourceGroupName
if ($exist -eq "false")
Write-Host "Creating $cosmosDatabaseName database."
# Creating database
az cosmosdb database create `
--db-name $cosmosDatabaseName `
--name $cosmosName `
--resource-group-name $cosmosResourceGroupName
Write-Host "$cosmosDatabaseName database already exists."
#Check for existing Collection
$existc = az cosmosdb collection exists `
--collection-name $cosmosCollectionName `
--db-name $cosmosDatabaseName `
--name $cosmosName `
--resource-group-name $cosmosResourceGroupName
if ($existc -eq "false")
Write-Host "Creating $cosmosCollectionName collection."
# Creating collection
az cosmosdb collection create `
--collection-name $cosmosCollectionName `
--db-name $cosmosDatabaseName `
--name $cosmosName `
--resource-group-name $cosmosResourceGroupName
Write-Host "$cosmosCollectionName collection already exists."
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