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Last active October 25, 2015 02:48
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TinySegmenter written in D
// Written in the D programming language.
import std.datetime;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.file;
import tinysegmenter;
void main()
string text = cast(string)read("timemachineu8j.txt");
void f()
foreach (i; 0..100) {
auto times = benchmark!(f)(1);
writeln("segment: ", to!Duration(times[0]));
// Written in the D programming language.
* TinySegmenter written in D.
* Original version is here: $(WEB,
* TinySegmenter : Javascriptだけで書かれたコンパクトな分かち書きソフトウェア).
* Example:
* -----
* auto result = TinySegmenter.segment("それD言語で出来るよ");
* result.join("|") //-> "それ|D|言語|で|出来る|よ"
* -----
* Copyright: Copyright Masahiro Nakagawa 2010-.
* License: <a href="">New BSD License</a>.
* Authors: Masahiro Nakagawa
module tinysegmenter;
import std.algorithm : map;
import std.array : Appender;
import std.range : isInputRange;
import std.utf : decode, count, isValidDchar;
import std.stdio; // writeln
* TinySegmenter is a Super compact Japanese tokenizer.
struct TinySegmenter
static immutable
sizediff_t BIAS = -332;
sizediff_t[string] UP1, UP2, UP3;
sizediff_t[string] UC1, UC2, UC3, UC4, UC5, UC6;
sizediff_t[string] BP1, BP2;
sizediff_t[string] BC1, BC2, BC3;
sizediff_t[string] UQ1, UQ2, UQ3;
sizediff_t[string] TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4;
sizediff_t[string] BQ1, BQ2, BQ3, BQ4;
sizediff_t[string] TQ1, TQ2, TQ3, TQ4;
sizediff_t[string] UW1, UW2, UW3, UW4, UW5, UW6;
sizediff_t[string] BW1, BW2, BW3;
sizediff_t[string] TW1, TW2, TW3, TW4;
char[dchar] charTypeMap;
shared static this()
UP1 = ["O":-214];
UP2 = ["B":69,"O":935];
UP3 = ["B":189];
UC1 = ["A":484,"K":93,"M":645,"O":-505];
UC2 = ["A":819,"H":1059,"I":409,"M":3987,"N":5775,"O":646];
UC3 = ["A":-1370,"I":2311];
UC4 = ["A":-2643,"H":1809,"I":-1032,"K":-3450,"M":3565,"N":3876,"O":6646];
UC5 = ["H":313,"I":-1238,"K":-799,"M":539,"O":-831];
UC6 = ["H":-506,"I":-253,"K":87,"M":247,"O":-387];
BP1 = ["BB":295,"OB":304,"OO":-125,"UB":352];
BP2 = ["BO":60,"OO":-1762];
BC1 = ["HH":6,"II":2461,"KH":406,"OH":-1378];
BC2 = ["AA":-3267,"AI":2744,"AN":-878,"HH":-4070,"HM":-1711,"HN":4012,"HO":3761,"IA":1327,
BC3 = ["HH":996,"HI":626,"HK":-721,"HN":-1307,"HO":-836,"IH":-301,"KK":2762,"MK":1079,"MM":4034,"OA":-1652,"OH":266];
UQ1 = ["BH":21,"BI":-12,"BK":-99,"BN":142,"BO":-56,"OH":-95,"OI":477,"OK":410,"OO":-2422];
UQ2 = ["BH":216,"BI":113,"OK":1759];
UQ3 = ["BA":-479,"BH":42,"BI":1913,"BK":-7198,"BM":3160,"BN":6427,"BO":14761,"OI":-827,"ON":-3212];
TC1 = ["AAA":1093,"HHH":1029,"HHM":580,"HII":998,"HOH":-390,"HOM":-331,"IHI":1169,
TC2 = ["HHO":2088,"HII":-1023,"HMM":-1154,"IHI":-1965,"KKH":703,"OII":-2649];
TC3 = ["AAA":-294,"HHH":346,"HHI":-341,"HII":-1088,"HIK":731,"HOH":-1486,"IHH":128,
TC4 = ["HHH":-203,"HHI":1344,"HHK":365,"HHM":-122,"HHN":182,"HHO":669,"HIH":804,
BQ1 = ["BHH":1150,"BHM":1521,"BII":-1158,"BIM":886,"BMH":1208,"BNH":449,"BOH":-91,
BQ2 = ["BHH":118,"BHI":-1159,"BHM":466,"BIH":-919,"BKK":-1720,"BKO":864,"OHH":-1139,"OHM":-181,"OIH":153,"UHI":-1146];
BQ3 = ["BHH":-792,"BHI":2664,"BII":-299,"BKI":419,"BMH":937,"BMM":8335,"BNN":998,"BOH":775,
BQ4 = ["BHH":-3895,"BIH":3761,"BII":-4654,"BIK":1348,"BKK":-1806,"BMI":-3385,
TQ1 = ["BHHH":-227,"BHHI":316,"BHIH":-132,"BIHH":60,"BIII":1595,"BNHH":-744,"BOHH":225,
TQ2 = ["BIHH":-1401,"BIII":-1033,"BKAK":-543,"BOOO":-5591];
TQ3 = ["BHHH":478,"BHHM":-1073,"BHIH":222,"BHII":-504,"BIIH":-116,"BIII":-105,
TQ4 = ["BHHH":-721,"BHHM":-3604,"BHII":-966,"BIIH":-607,"BIII":-2181,"OAAA":-2763,"OAKK":180,"OHHH":-294,
UW1 = [",":156,"、":156,"「":-463,"あ":-941,"う":-127,"が":-553,"き":121,"こ":505,"で":-201,"と":-547,
UW2 = [",":-829,"、":-829,"〇":892,"「":-645,"」":3145,"あ":-538,"い":505,"う":134,"お":-502,"か":1454,
UW3 = [",":4889,"1":-800,"−":-1723,"、":4889,"々":-2311,"〇":5827,"」":2670,"〓":-3573,"あ":-2696,
UW4 = [",":3930,".":3508,"―":-4841,"、":3930,"。":3508,"〇":4999,"「":1895,"」":3798,"〓":-5156,
UW5 = [",":465,".":-299,"1":-514,"E2":-32768,"]":-2762,"、":465,"。":-299,"「":363,"あ":1655,"い":331,
UW6 = [",":227,".":808,"1":-270,"E1":306,"、":227,"。":808,"あ":-307,"う":189,"か":241,"が":-73,"く":-121,
BW1 = [",と":660,",同":727,"B1あ":1404,"B1同":542,"、と":660,"、同":727,"」と":1682,"あっ":1505,
BW2 = ["..":-11822,"11":-669,"――":-5730,"−−":-13175,"いう":-1609,"うか":2490,"かし":-1350,"かも":-602,
BW3 = ["あた":-2194,"あり":719,"ある":3846,"い.":-1185,"い。":-1185,"いい":5308,"いえ":2079,"いく":3029,
TW1 = ["につい":-4681,"東京都":2026];
TW2 = ["ある程":-2049,"いった":-1256,"ころが":-2434,"しょう":3873,"その後":-4430,
TW3 = ["いただ":-1734,"してい":1314,"として":-4314,"につい":-5483,"にとっ":-5989,"に当た":-6247,
TW4 = ["いう.":8576,"いう。":8576,"からな":-2348,"してい":2958,"たが,":1516,"たが、":1516,"ている":1538,
charTypeMap = buildCharTypeMap();
static immutable(char[dchar]) buildCharTypeMap()
// 'M' : [一二三四五六七八九十百千万億兆]
char[dchar] map = ['一':'M','二':'M','三':'M','四':'M','五':'M','六':'M','七':'M','八':'M','九':'M','十':'M','百':'M','千':'M','万':'M','億':'M','兆':'M'];
// 'H' : [一-龠々〆ヵヶ]. 一-龠 are done by getCharType.
foreach (dchar c; ['々', '〆', 'ヵ', 'ヶ']) { map[c] = 'H'; }
// 'I' : [ぁ-ん]
foreach (dchar c; 'ぁ'..'ん' + 1) { map[c] = 'I'; }
// 'K' : [ァ-ヴーア-ン゙ー]
foreach (dchar c; 'ァ'..'ヴ' + 1) { map[c] = 'K'; }
foreach (dchar c; 'ア'..'゙' + 1) { map[c] = 'K'; }
foreach (dchar c; ['ー', 'ー']) { map[c] = 'K'; }
// 'A' : [a-zA-Za-zA-Z]
foreach (dchar c; 'a'..'z' + 1) { map[c] = 'A'; }
foreach (dchar c; 'A'..'Z' + 1) { map[c] = 'A'; }
foreach (dchar c; 'a'..'z' + 1) { map[c] = 'A'; }
foreach (dchar c; 'A'..'Z' + 1) { map[c] = 'A'; }
// 'N' : [0-90-9]
foreach (dchar c; '0'..'9' + 1) { map[c] = 'N'; }
foreach (dchar c; '0'..'9' + 1) { map[c] = 'N'; }
return cast(immutable)map;
* Do morphological analysis.
* Params:
* source = the input to morphological analysis.
* Returns:
* an analyzed result that splits $(D_PARAM source).
static string[] segment(in string source)
* Helper for character-type mapping
static pure nothrow char getCharType(in dchar c)
assert(isValidDchar(c), "invalid UTF-32 character");
auto ct = c in charTypeMap;
if (ct)
return *ct;
if ('一' <= c && c <= '龠')
return 'H';
return 'O'; // othre type
* Core calculation function.
static string[] doAnalysis(string src, in string[] segments, in char[] chrTypes)
auto result = Appender!(string[])([]);
size_t index = segments[3].length, start;
char[3] ctset = ['U', 'U', 'U'];
foreach (i; 4..segments.length - 3) {
auto ctype = 'O';
immutable score = scoreFor(ctset[0], ctset[1], ctset[2], chrTypes[i - 3], chrTypes[i - 2], chrTypes[i - 1],
chrTypes[i], chrTypes[i + 1], chrTypes[i + 2], segments[i - 3], segments[i - 2],
segments[i - 1], segments[i], segments[i + 1], segments[i + 2]);
if (score > 0) {
start = index;
ctype = 'B';
ctset[0] = ctset[1];
ctset[1] = ctset[2];
ctset[2] = ctype;
index += segments[i].length;
debug writeln("word: ", word, ", score: ", score, ", ctype: ", ctype);
if (source.length == 0)
return [];
immutable num = source.count();
auto segments = new string[](num + 6);
auto chrTypes = new char[](num + 6);
segments[0..3] = ["B3", "B2", "B1"];
chrTypes[0..3] = 'O';
segments[$ - 3..$] = ["E1", "E2", "E3"];
chrTypes[$ - 3..$] = 'O';
for (size_t i, j = 3; i < source.length; j++) {
immutable k = i;
immutable c = source.decode(i);
segments[j] = source[k..i];
chrTypes[j] = getCharType(c);
return doAnalysis(source, segments, chrTypes);
* Returns a Range.
* Example:
* -----
* // range example is ["text", "テキスト", ...]
* foreach (splitted; TinySegmenter.segmenter(range)) {
* ... use splitted strings ...
* }
* -----
alias map!segment segmenter;
static sizediff_t scoreFor(in char p1, in char p2, in char p3,
in char c1, in char c2, in char c3, in char c4, in char c5, in char c6,
in string w1, in string w2, in string w3, in string w4, in string w5, in string w6)
char[1] temp1 = [p1];
char[2] temp2 = [p1, p2];
char[3] temp3 = [c1, c2, c3];
char[4] temp4 = [p2, c1, c2, c3];
sizediff_t score = BIAS;
score += UP1.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = p2;
score += UP2.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = p3;
score += UP3.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = c1;
score += UC1.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = c2;
score += UC2.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = c3;
score += UC3.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = c4;
score += UC4.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = c5;
score += UC5.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0); temp1[0] = c6;
score += UC6.get(cast(immutable)temp1, 0);
score += BP1.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = p2; temp2[1] = p3;
score += BP2.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = c2; temp2[1] = c3;
score += BC1.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = c3; temp2[1] = c4;
score += BC2.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = c4; temp2[1] = c5;
score += BC3.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = p1; temp2[1] = c1;
score += UQ1.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = p2; temp2[1] = c2;
score += UQ2.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0); temp2[0] = p3; temp2[1] = c3;
score += UQ3.get(cast(immutable)temp2, 0);
score += TC1.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = c2; temp3[1] = c3; temp3[2] = c4;
score += TC2.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = c3; temp3[1] = c4; temp3[2] = c5;
score += TC3.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = c4; temp3[1] = c5; temp3[2] = c6;
score += TC4.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = p2; temp3[1] = c2; temp3[2] = c3;
score += BQ1.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = p2; temp3[1] = c3; temp3[2] = c4;
score += BQ2.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = p3; temp3[1] = c2; temp3[2] = c3;
score += BQ3.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0); temp3[0] = p3; temp3[1] = c3; temp3[2] = c4;
score += BQ4.get(cast(immutable)temp3, 0);
score += TQ1.get(cast(immutable)temp4, 0); temp4[0] = p2; temp4[1] = c2; temp4[2] = c3; temp4[3] = c4;
score += TQ2.get(cast(immutable)temp4, 0); temp4[0] = p3; temp4[1] = c1; temp4[2] = c2; temp4[3] = c3;
score += TQ3.get(cast(immutable)temp4, 0); temp4[0] = p3; temp4[1] = c2; temp4[2] = c3; temp4[3] = c4;
score += TQ4.get(cast(immutable)temp4, 0);
score += UW1.get(w1, 0);
score += UW2.get(w2, 0);
score += UW3.get(w3, 0);
score += UW4.get(w4, 0);
score += UW5.get(w5, 0);
score += UW6.get(w6, 0);
score += BW1.get(w2 ~ w3, 0);
score += BW2.get(w3 ~ w4, 0);
score += BW3.get(w4 ~ w5, 0);
score += TW1.get(w1 ~ w2 ~ w3, 0);
score += TW2.get(w2 ~ w3 ~ w4, 0);
score += TW3.get(w3 ~ w4 ~ w5, 0);
score += TW4.get(w4 ~ w5 ~ w6, 0);
// Original code comments out this line.
//score += TC5.get([c4, c5, c6], 0);
return score;
static struct Test
string text;
string[] result;
auto tests = [
Test("私の名前は中野です", ["私", "の", "名前", "は", "中野", "です"]),
Test("それD言語で出来るよ", ["それ", "D", "言語", "で", "出来る", "よ"]),
assert(TinySegmenter.segment(tests[0].text) == tests[0].result);
assert(TinySegmenter.segment(tests[1].text) == tests[1].result);
// Range test
size_t i;
foreach (splitted; TinySegmenter.segmenter([tests[0].text, tests[1].text]))
assert(splitted == tests[i++].result);
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