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Created October 23, 2021 13:45
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Beginnings of a node-based bootstrapper for apps, abandoned for better bash scripting but there is a handy log function here and a few patterns useful when working with child_process sync
const fs = require('fs')
const exec = (cmd) => require('child_process').execSync(cmd, { shell: '/bin/bash' })
try {
let nodePath = exec('which node').toString().replace('\n', '')
let nodeVer = exec('node -v').toString().replace('\n', '')
const expectedNodeVer = fs.readFileSync('.nvmrc', 'utf-8').replace('\n', '')
const npmVer = exec('npm -v').toString().replace('\n', '')
const nodeVerComparison = versionCompare(nodeVer.substring(1), expectedNodeVer.substring(1))
log('INFO', `Detected node ${nodeVer} at ${nodePath}`)
log('INFO', `Detected npm ${npmVer}`)
if (nodeVerComparison === -1) {
log('ERROR', `Using node ${bold(nodeVer)}, expected ${bold(expectedNodeVer)}`)
log('>', 'Checking for Node Version Manager (nvm)...')
const nvmInfo = exec('command -v nvm').toString().replace('\n', '')
log('>', `Detected nvm at ${nvmInfo}`)
log('>', `nvm: Switching to ${expectedNodeVer}...`)
exec(`npm run setup-env`)
// execSync(`nvm use ${expectedNodeVer}`)
// let exitCode = spawn(`nvm install ${expectedNodeVer}`)
`Detected node ${exec('source ~/.bashrc && node -v')
.replace('\n', '')} at ${nodePath}`,
} else if (nodeVerComparison === 1) {
log('WARN', `node ${bold(nodeVer)} is newer, expected ${bold(expectedNodeVer)} in .nvmrc`)
} else {
log('OK', `Using node ${bold(nodeVer)} (npm ${npmVer}) at ${ul(nodePath)}`)
log('OK', nodeVer)
log('OK', expectedNodeVer)
log(exec('which bash && $0'))
} catch (err) {
log('ERROR', err)
function log(level, msg) {
const levels = {
INFO: `\x1b[37m[INFO]\x1b[0m`,
OK: '[\x1b[32mOK\x1b[0m]',
WARN: '[\x1b[33mWARN\x1b[0m]',
ERROR: '[\x1b[31mERROR\x1b[0m]',
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().slice(11).substring(8, 0)
console.log(`${levels[level] || `[${level}]`} ${msg || ''}`)
function ul(str) {
return `\x1b[4m${str}\x1b[0m`
function bold(str) {
return `\x1b[1m${str}\x1b[0m`
function versionCompare(v1, v2) {
const v1Parts = v1.split('.')
const v2Parts = v2.split('.')
const length = Math.max(v1Parts.length, v2Parts.length)
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const value = (parseInt(v1Parts[i]) || 0) - (parseInt(v2Parts[i]) || 0)
if (value < 0) return -1
if (value > 0) return 1
return 0
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