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Created July 3, 2014 16:07
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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Combining the Repustate API with the SurveyMonkey API to understand open ended
import requests
import json
SM_HOST = ''
# This token is the one you get after doing the OAUTH 2 handshake.
# Get this key after signing up with SurveyMonkey.
# Sign up at to get a free API key.
def chunks(a_list, N):
Create evenly sized chunks of a list.
for i in xrange(0, len(a_list), N):
yield a_list[i:i+N]
def run(survey_id, question_ids):
client = requests.session()
client.headers = {
"Authorization": "bearer %s" % SM_TOKEN,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
post_args = {
'page':1 # defaults to the first 1000 respondents.
# NB: If you have lots of respondents, you'll have to page through them by
# passing increasing values for N.
respondent_data = + '/v2/surveys/get_respondent_list?api_key=%s' % SM_API_KEY, post_args).json()
# Get the individual respondent_ids.
respondent_ids = []
for respondent in respondent_data['data']['respondents']:
# Now get our responses for each of our respondents. The SurveyMonkey API let's
# you get at most 100 at a time, so you'll have to page through your list of IDs.
for groups_of_ids in chunks(respondent_ids, 100):
post_args = {
response_data = + '/v2/surveys/get_responses?api_key=%s' % SM_API_KEY, post_args).json()
for response_set in response_data['data']:
# Get the ID for this person.
respondent_id = response_set['respondent_id']
for question in response_set['questions']:
# Loop over each question, looking for the ones that match the
# IDs were interested in. When we find them, extract the open
# ended response and then send to Repustate for analysis.
if question['question_id'] in question_ids:
# Take a look at how answers are formatted:
answer_text = question['answers'][0]['text']
# Here you can persist the text to your database or
# whatever, but we'll analyze it real-time.
repustate_response =
'' % REPUSTATE_API_KEY, {'text':text}
entities = repustate_response['entities']
# Now do what you will with the entities. Run them through
# Repustate's topical sentiment analysis, or generate the
# n-grams or adjectives surrounding this term. Lots of
# possibilities here.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The survey we want to analyze.
# We know the survey ID we want, but if you didn't, you can access your surveys via this API call:
# surveys ='/v2/surveys/get_survey_list', params).json()
survey_id = 'YOUR_SURVEY_ID'
# These would be the IDs of the open ended questions were interested in.
question_ids = set(['1', '2', '3', '4'])
# Run it!
run(survey_id, question_ids)
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