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Created September 13, 2019 07:51
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#!/bin/bash -e
type sat13 > /dev/null
if [[ $# -eq 2 && $1 = "-x" ]]; then
scala -nc SudokuEncode $2
sat13 < tmp.sat | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v '^~' | sort -n | sed "/^$/d" > ans.sat
scala -nc SudokuShow
rm tmp.sat ans.sat
case $1 in
"-c" )
echo "Complile scala scripts..."
scalac sudoku_encode.scala sudoku_show.scala ;;
"-d" )
echo "Delete scala class files..."
rm *.class ;;
* )
scala -nc sudoku_encode.scala $1
sat13 < tmp.sat | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v '^~' | sort -n | sed "/^$/d" > ans.sat
scala -nc sudoku_show.scala
rm tmp.sat ans.sat
/*case class Cell(i: Int, j: Int, n: Int, not: Boolean = false) {
override def toString: String = (if (not) "~" else "") + s"${i},${j},${n}"
def unary_! = Cell(i, j, n, !not)
abstract class Sudoku {
protected def url: String
def getTable: Seq[Seq[Int]] = {
println("Sudoku from " + url)
val src = Source.fromURL(url)
val lines = src.getLines().toSeq
protected def extractTable(lines: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[Int]]
final class JankoSudoku(val number: Int) extends Sudoku {
override protected def url: String = "" + "%04d".format(number) + ".a.htm"
override protected def extractTable(lines: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[Int]] = {
val top = lines.indexOf("problem")
for (i <- 1 to 9) yield {
lines(top+i).split("\\s+").map {
case "-" | "." => 0
case a => a.toInt
object JankoSudoku {
def apply(number: Int): JankoSudoku = new JankoSudoku(number)
object SudokuEncode {
def cell(i: Int, j: Int, n: Int, not: Boolean = false): String =
(if (not) "~" else "") + s"${i},${j},${n}"
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// 0 <= All value <= 9
/*val valueRanges = for (i <- 1 to 9; j <- 1 to 9) yield {
for (n <- 1 to 9) yield cell(i, j, n)
val valueRanges = for (i <- 1 to 9; j <- 1 to 9) yield (1 to 9).map(cell(i, j, _))
// Different numbers in rows and columns
val consRowCol = (for (r <- 1 to 9; i <- 1 until 9; j <- i+1 to 9; n <- 1 to 9)
yield Seq(
Seq(cell(r, i, n, not = true), cell(r, j, n, not = true)),
Seq(cell(i, r, n, not = true), cell(j, r, n, not = true))
// Different numbers in rows
val consRow = for (r <- 1 to 9; i <- 1 to 9; j <- i+1 to 9; n <- 1 to 9)
yield Seq(cell(r, i, n, not = true), cell(r, j, n, not = true))
// Different numbers in columns
val consCol = for (c <- 1 to 9; i <- 1 to 9; j <- i+1 to 9; n <- 1 to 9)
yield Seq(cell(i, c, n, not = true), cell(j, c, n, not = true))
// Different numbers in block
val cordPairs = Seq(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3).combinations(2).flatMap(_.permutations).toSeq.combinations(2)
val consBlock = for {
l <- 0 until 9 by 3
m <- 0 until 9 by 3
pair <- cordPairs
n <- 1 to 9
} yield Seq(
!Cell(l+pair(0)(0), m+pair(0)(1), n),
!Cell(l+pair(1)(0), m+pair(1)(1), n))
val consBlock = for {
l <- 0 until 9 by 3
m <- 0 until 9 by 3
i1 <- 1 to 2
j1 <- 1 to 3
i2 <- j1 to 3
j2 <- (1 to 3).filter(_ != j1)
n <- 1 to 9
} yield Seq(cell(l+i1, m+j1, n, not = true), cell(l+i2, m+j2, n, not = true))
// only one in row and column
val consOnlyRowCol = (for (i <- 1 to 9; n <- 1 to 9)
yield Seq(
(1 to 9).map(cell(i, _, n)),
(1 to 9).map(cell(_, i, n))
// only one in block
val cords = Seq(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3).combinations(2).flatMap(_.permutations).toSeq
val consOnlyBlock = for {
l <- 0 until 9 by 3
m <- 0 until 9 by 3
n <- 1 to 9
} yield => cell(l+p(0), m+p(1), n))
// Get sudoku table
val sudoku = JankoSudoku(args(0).toInt)
val t = sudoku.getTable
val constSet = => a.zipWithIndex.filter(b => b._1 != 0))
val consCell = constSet.zipWithIndex.flatMap(
a => => cell(a._2+1, b._2+1, b._1))
val clauses =
valueRanges ++ consRowCol ++ consBlock ++ consOnlyRowCol ++ consOnlyBlock ++ consCell
//val clauses = valueRanges ++: consRow ++: consCol ++: consBlock ++: consCell
val writer = new BufferedWriter((new FileWriter("tmp.sat"))) {
case c: Seq[_] => c.mkString(" ") + '\n'
case s: String => s + '\n'
//case d: Cell => d.toString + '\n'
object SudokuShow {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val s = Source.fromFile("ans.sat")
val lines = s.getLines.toSeq
val nums =",").last)
for (i <- 0 until 9) {
println("| " + nums.slice(9*i, 9*(i+1)).mkString(" | ") + " |")
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