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Created April 7, 2010 18:33
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Perl wordlist generator
=head1 NAME
=head1 AUTHOR
Matteo Redaelli
This is a Word Generator: you can apply some useful options to filter the
=head1 USAGE
type perl -h
=head1 HISTORY
2000-01-06: the first lines of this script
2000-01-11 added getopt
2000-01-21: adjusted default parameters
2002-03-05: new option -n
2002-03-06: new option -s
2002-03-07: reorganization of all source code, more documentation
=head1 LICENSE
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the
terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
#use integer;
sub char2string {
# string generator: if I pass 'a' and 5, I'll get 'aaaaa'
sprintf "%s", @_[0] x @_[1];
sub occurs {
my $pat = @_[0];
my $astring = @_[1];
my $tot = $astring =~ s/$pat//g;
# print "tot $tot\n";
return $tot;
sub few_repeatitions {
my $astring = @_[0];
my $max = @_[1];
my $len = length($astring);
my $tot = 0;
my $mid = int( $len / 2 );
for ( my $step = 2 ; $step <= $mid ; $step++ ) {
for ( 0 .. $len - $step ) {
my $letters = substr( $astring, $_, $step );
# print "$letters\n";
$tot = occurs( $letters, $astring );
return $tot if $tot > $max;
return 0;
sub nple {
my $astring = @_[0];
my $len = length($astring);
my $tot = 0;
my $in = 0;
my $last = ' ';
for ( 0 .. $len - 1 ) {
my $letter = substr( $astring, $_, 1 );
# print "$astring $letter $last\n";
if ( ( $letter cmp $last ) == 0 ) {
# print "$letter = $last, $in, $tot";
if ( $in == 0 ) {
$in = 1;
else {
$in = 0;
$last = $letter;
return $tot;
sub substring {
my $string1 = @_[0];
my $string2 = @_[1];
$_ = $string2;
if (/$string1/) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
my %opts;
getopts( 'a:c:ehl:n:o:r:tu:v:z:', \%opts );
usage(0) if $opts{'h'};
$opts{'u'} and $opts{'v'} or usage(1);
# setup parameters
my $va_list = $opts{'v'};
my @va_list = split( //, $va_list ); # convert string to an array
my $min_depth = $opts{'l'} ? int( $opts{'l'} ) : 1;
my $max_depth = $opts{'u'} ? int( $opts{'u'} ) : 1;
usage(2) if $min_depth > $max_depth;
my $prefix = $opts{'a'} ? $opts{'a'} : '';
my $postfix = $opts{'z'} ? $opts{'z'} : '';
my $max_occurs = $opts{'o'} ? int( $opts{'o'} ) : $opts{'u'};
my $max_cons = $opts{'c'} ? int( $opts{'c'} ) : $opts{'u'};
my $max_nple = $opts{'n'};
my $max_reps = $opts{'r'};
if $min_depth < 1
|| $max_depth < 1
|| $max_occurs < 1
|| $max_cons < 1
|| $max_nple < 0
|| $max_reps < 0;
if ( $opts{'t'} ) {
print "Options:\n";
foreach my $key ( sort keys %opts ) { print "$key -> $opts{$key}\n"; }
print "Global vars:\n";
for ( $min_depth .. $max_depth ) {
wg( $_, "" );
sub print_vars {
print "min_depth = $min_depth\n";
print "max_depth = $max_depth\n";
print "max_occurs = $max_occurs\n";
print "max_cons = $max_cons\n";
print "max_nple = $max_nple\n";
print "max_reps = $max_reps\n";
# word generator
sub wg {
my $max_depth = @_[0];
my $myprefix = @_[1];
my $elem;
if ( $max_depth == 0 ) {
print "$prefix$myprefix$postfix\n";
if ( $opts{e} == 1 ) {
system "$prefix$myprefix$postfix\n";
else {
# print " n = $opts{'n'} r = $opts{'r'} \n";
# suggestion: the generation of the words is more variuos if
# I change the order of the list of the letters (@va_list)
foreach $elem (@va_list) {
my $newstring = "$myprefix$elem";
if ( $opts{'c'}
&& substring( char2string( $elem, $max_cons ), $myprefix ) ==
0 );
return if ( $opts{'n'} && nple($newstring) > $max_nple );
if ( $opts{'r'}
&& few_repeatitions( $newstring, $max_reps ) != 0 );
if ( $opts{'o'} && occurs( "$elem", $newstring ) > $max_occurs );
wg( $max_depth - 1, "$myprefix$elem" );
sub usage {
my $rc = @_[0];
USAGE: perl $0 options
options are:
-a string: prefix
-c number: max consecutive letters (how many consecutive 'a' do you want?)
-e : submit the output string to the operating system
-h : help
-l number: min length of the word
-o number: max number of occurrencies of a letter
-n number: max number of n-ple (AA, BBB, CCC, DDDD)
-r number: max number of repeatitions (ABCABABBCDBCD has 5 repeatitions: 3 reps of AB and 2 of BCD)
-t : trace on
-u number: max length of the word
-v string: list of valid characters (es, "01" "abcdef")
-z string: postfix
possible return code are:
0, ok
1, not all parameters
2, min length (-l) is greater than max lenght (-u)
3, at least one parameter is lower than 1
Return code: $rc
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