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Created January 13, 2021 02:59
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A sample GraphQL type defintion file
const {gql} = require('apollo-server');
module.exports = gql`
"""A custom scalar that returns time data as JavaScript Date object"""
scalar Date
scalar Object
enum SeatStatus {
"""The seat is in the process of being released from RESERVED or SOLD status"""
"""The seat is open for reservation or sale."""
"""The seat is in the process of being reserved."""
"""The seat has been reserved but not sold."""
"""The seat is in the process of being sold."""
"""The seat has been sold."""
type Query {
venues: [Venue]
venue(id: ID!): Venue
soldSeats(venueId: ID!): [Seat]
reservedSeats(venueId: ID!): [Seat]
openSeats(venueId: ID!):[Seat]
type Mutation {
reserveSeat(seat: SeatInput): Seat
buySeat(seat: SeatInput): Seat
releaseSeat(seat: SeatInput): Seat
type Subscription {
onSeatReserved: SeatEvent
onSeatSold: SeatEvent
onSeatReleased: SeatEvent
"""A venue is a organizational unit for seats. For example, a venue can be an arena or an airplane."""
type Venue {
id: ID
name: String
address: String
city: String
state_province: String
postal_code: String
country: String
seats: [Seat]
"""A seat in a venue"""
type Seat {
number: String!
section: String!
status: SeatStatus!
customer: Customer
input SeatInput {
"""The system assigned unique identifier of a venue"""
venueId: ID!
"""The unique seat number"""
number: String!
"""The customer interested in the seat"""
customer: CustomerInput!
input CustomerInput {
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
"""A customer type known the system uniquely according to email address"""
type Customer {
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
""" An event that describes activity around a seat. The event is generated by the system and sent as a message in a subscription."""
type SeatEvent {
message: String
venueId: ID
seatId: ID
number: String!
section: String
status: SeatStatus!
changeDate: Date
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