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Last active April 11, 2024 17:00
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contract BitPeople {
function proofOfUniqueHuman(uint t, address account) external view returns (bool) {}
function population(uint t) external view returns (uint) {}
contract PAN { function setTaxRate(uint tax) external {} }
contract Schedule {
uint constant public genesis = 1710568800;
uint constant public period = 4 weeks;
function schedule() public view returns(uint) { return ((block.timestamp - genesis) / period); }
contract TaxVote is Schedule {
BitPeople bitPeople = BitPeople(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000010);
PAN pan = PAN(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000012);
uint public constant MAX_LENGTH = 60;
struct Label {
uint data;
uint length;
struct Node {
uint votes;
Label label;
uint[2] branches;
struct SmartNode {
Node node;
uint highestPathVotes;
uint highestPathBranch;
uint parentIndex;
struct VoterNode {
Node node;
uint votedOnPath;
struct Data {
SmartNode[] nodes;
mapping (address => VoterNode[]) voterNodes;
mapping (address => uint) votes;
mapping (address => uint) balanceOf;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) allowed;
mapping (address => bool) claimedVoteToken;
mapping(uint => Data) data;
function direction(Label memory label) internal pure returns (uint) {
return >> label.length - 1;
function removePrefix(Label memory label, uint prefixLength) internal pure returns (Label memory suffix) { = & (1 << label.length - prefixLength) - 1;
suffix.length = label.length - prefixLength;
function splitLabel(Label memory label, uint commonLength) internal pure returns (Label memory prefix, Label memory suffix) { = >> label.length - commonLength;
prefix.length = commonLength;
suffix = removePrefix(label, commonLength);
function splitSmartNode(uint smartNodeIndex, uint commonLength, SmartNode[] storage nodes) internal {
SmartNode storage smartNode = nodes[smartNodeIndex];
(Label memory prefix, Label memory suffix) = splitLabel(smartNode.node.label, commonLength);
nodes[nodes.length-1].node.label = suffix;
nodes[nodes.length-1].parentIndex = smartNodeIndex;
delete smartNode.node;
smartNode.node.label = prefix;
smartNode.node.branches[direction(suffix)] = nodes.length - 1;
smartNode.highestPathBranch = direction(suffix);
function splitVoterNode(VoterNode storage voterNode, uint commonLength, VoterNode[] storage voterNodes) internal {
(Label memory prefix, Label memory suffix) = splitLabel(voterNode.node.label, commonLength);
VoterNode storage suffixVoterNode = voterNodes[voterNodes.length - 1];
suffixVoterNode.node.label = suffix;
delete voterNode.node;
voterNode.node.label = prefix;
voterNode.votedOnPath += suffixVoterNode.node.votes;
voterNode.node.branches[direction(suffix)] = voterNodes.length - 1;
function commonPrefix(Label memory self, Label memory other) internal pure returns (uint prefixLength) {
uint length = self.length < other.length ? self.length : other.length;
while(prefixLength < length) {
if(>>self.length-1-prefixLength !=>>other.length-1-prefixLength) break;
function newVoterNode(VoterNode[] storage voterNodes, VoterNode storage voterNode, Label memory label) internal returns (uint) {
voterNodes.push(VoterNode(Node(0, label, [uint(0), 0]), 0));
voterNode.node.branches[direction(label)] = voterNodes.length - 1;
return voterNodes.length - 1;
function processVoterNode(VoterNode storage voterNode, uint votesRemaining, uint votes) internal returns (uint) {
if(voterNode.votedOnPath < votes) voterNode.votedOnPath = votes;
if(voterNode.node.votes > 0) votesRemaining -= voterNode.node.votes;
return votesRemaining;
function processVoterTrie(Label memory label, uint votes, Data storage currentData) internal returns (uint votesRemaining) {
VoterNode storage voterNode;
VoterNode[] storage voterNodes = currentData.voterNodes[msg.sender];
uint nodeIndex;
votesRemaining = votes;
if (voterNodes.length > 0) {
while(true) {
voterNode = voterNodes[nodeIndex];
uint commonLength = commonPrefix(label, voterNode.node.label);
if(commonLength == voterNode.node.label.length) {
if(label.length == commonLength) {
votesRemaining = processVoterNode(voterNode, votesRemaining, votes);
label = removePrefix(label, commonLength);
nodeIndex = voterNode.node.branches[direction(label)];
if(nodeIndex != 0) {
nodeIndex = newVoterNode(voterNodes, voterNode, label);
} else {
splitVoterNode(voterNode, commonLength, voterNodes);
if(commonLength < label.length) {
votesRemaining = processVoterNode(voterNode, votesRemaining, votes);
label = removePrefix(label, commonLength);
nodeIndex = newVoterNode(voterNodes, voterNode, label);
} else {
voterNodes.push(VoterNode(Node(0, label, [uint(0), 0]), 0));
voterNode = voterNodes[nodeIndex];
if(voterNode.votedOnPath > 0) votesRemaining -= voterNode.votedOnPath;
if(voterNode.node.votes > 0) votesRemaining -= voterNode.node.votes;
voterNode.node.votes += votesRemaining;
function newSmartNode(SmartNode[] storage nodes, SmartNode storage smartNode, Label memory label, uint parentIndex) internal returns (uint) {
nodes.push(SmartNode(Node(0, label, [uint(0), 0]), 0, 0, parentIndex));
smartNode.node.branches[direction(label)] = nodes.length - 1;
return nodes.length - 1;
function vote(uint _data, uint length, uint votes) external {
require(length <= MAX_LENGTH);
Data storage currentData = data[schedule()];
if (votes == 0) votes = currentData.votes[msg.sender];
require(votes <= currentData.votes[msg.sender]);
_data &= (1 << length) - 1;
Label memory label = Label(_data, length);
votes = processVoterTrie(label, votes, currentData);
require(votes > 0);
uint nodeIndex;
uint highestPathVotes;
SmartNode storage smartNode;
SmartNode[] storage nodes = currentData.nodes;
if (nodes.length > 0) {
while (true) {
smartNode = nodes[nodeIndex];
uint commonLength = commonPrefix(label, smartNode.node.label);
if(commonLength == smartNode.node.label.length) {
if(label.length == commonLength) {
if(smartNode.node.votes != 0) highestPathVotes += smartNode.node.votes;
label = removePrefix(label, commonLength);
nodeIndex = smartNode.node.branches[direction(label)];
if(nodeIndex != 0) {
nodeIndex = newSmartNode(nodes, smartNode, label, nodeIndex);
} else {
splitSmartNode(nodeIndex, commonLength, nodes);
if(commonLength < label.length) {
if(smartNode.node.votes != 0) highestPathVotes += smartNode.node.votes;
nodeIndex = newSmartNode(nodes, smartNode, removePrefix(label, commonLength), nodeIndex);
} else {
nodes.push(SmartNode(Node(0, label, [uint(0), 0]), 0, 0, 0));
smartNode = nodes[nodeIndex];
smartNode.node.votes += votes;
while (smartNode.node.branches[0] != 0 || smartNode.node.branches[1] != 0) {
if(smartNode.node.votes != 0) highestPathVotes += smartNode.node.votes;
nodeIndex = smartNode.node.branches[smartNode.highestPathBranch];
smartNode = nodes[nodeIndex];
if(smartNode.node.votes != 0) highestPathVotes += smartNode.node.votes;
smartNode.highestPathVotes = highestPathVotes;
while(nodeIndex != 0) {
uint childBranch = direction(smartNode.node.label);
nodeIndex = smartNode.parentIndex;
smartNode = nodes[nodeIndex];
if(highestPathVotes <= smartNode.highestPathVotes) {
smartNode.highestPathVotes = highestPathVotes;
smartNode.highestPathBranch = childBranch;
function setTaxRate() external {
uint t = schedule()-1;
SmartNode storage smartNode = data[t].nodes[0];
Label memory label = smartNode.node.label;
while (smartNode.node.branches[0] != 0 || smartNode.node.branches[1] != 0) {
uint nodeIndex = smartNode.node.branches[smartNode.highestPathBranch];
smartNode = data[t].nodes[nodeIndex]; = << smartNode.node.label.length |;
label.length += smartNode.node.label.length;
require(smartNode.highestPathVotes > bitPeople.population(t)/2);
uint segmentAverage;
if(label.length < MAX_LENGTH) segmentAverage = (1 << MAX_LENGTH - label.length - 1) - 1;
pan.setTaxRate( << MAX_LENGTH - label.length | segmentAverage);
smartNode.highestPathVotes = 0;
function claimVotes() external {
uint t = schedule();
data[t].votes[msg.sender] += data[t].balanceOf[msg.sender];
data[t].balanceOf[msg.sender] = 0;
function allocateVoteToken() external {
uint t = schedule();
require(bitPeople.proofOfUniqueHuman(t, msg.sender));
data[t].claimedVoteToken[msg.sender] = true;
function _transfer(uint t, address from, address to, uint value) internal {
require(data[t].balanceOf[from] >= value);
data[t].balanceOf[from] -= value;
data[t].balanceOf[to] += value;
function transfer(address to, uint value) external {
_transfer(schedule(), msg.sender, to, value);
function approve(address spender, uint value) external {
data[schedule()].allowed[msg.sender][spender] = value;
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external {
uint t = schedule();
require(data[t].allowed[from][msg.sender] >= value);
_transfer(t, from, to, value);
data[t].allowed[from][msg.sender] -= value;
function getNode(uint t, uint i) external view returns (SmartNode memory) { return data[t].nodes[i]; }
function getNodeCount(uint t) external view returns (uint) { return data[t].nodes.length; }
function getNodes(uint t) external view returns (SmartNode[] memory) { return data[t].nodes; }
function getVoterNode(uint t, address account, uint i) external view returns (VoterNode memory) { return data[t].voterNodes[account][i]; }
function getVoterNodeCount(uint t, address account) external view returns (uint) { return data[t].voterNodes[account].length; }
function getVoterNodes(uint t, address account) external view returns (VoterNode[] memory) { return data[t].voterNodes[account]; }
function getVotes(uint t, address account) external view returns (uint) { return data[t].votes[account]; }
function getBalanceOf(uint t, address account) external view returns (uint) { return data[t].balanceOf[account]; }
function getAllowed(uint t, address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint) { return data[t].allowed[owner][spender]; }
function getClaimedVoteToken(uint t, address account) external view returns (bool) { return data[t].claimedVoteToken[account]; }
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