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Last active March 22, 2023 08:33
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Assignment for the first "Computer Enhance" course. Instruction Decoding on the 8086
#import "Basic";
#import "File";
main :: (){
args := get_command_line_arguments();
if(args.count < 2){
print_err("no file to decode");
print_err("args : %", args);
file := args[1];
file_contents, ok := read_entire_file(file);
print_err("unable to read file %", file);
bytes : []u8 = cast([]u8)file_contents;
if(ADD_HEADER)//helps with unit tests
print("bits 16\n\n");
ptr := 0;
b1 := bytes[ptr];
b2 := bytes[ptr+1];
opcode := b1>>2 & 0b111111;
D := b1&0b10 == 0b10;
W := b1&0b01 == 0b01;
// a lambda thingy
name := ifx (W) reg_name_w else reg_name;
mod := b2>>6 & 0b011;
reg := name(b2>>3 & 0b111);
rm := name(b2>>0 & 0b111);
//we don't check mod -- yet?
if(opcode & OP_MOV == OP_MOV){
from := ifx D rm else reg;
to := ifx D reg else rm;
print("mov %, %\n", to, from);
print_err("NOT A MOV 0b% \n", formatInt(opcode, base = 2, minimum_digits = 6));
ADD_HEADER :: true;
OP_MOV :: 0b100010;
registers :: enum u8 {
al :: 0b000;
cl :: 0b001;
dl :: 0b010;
bl :: 0b011;
ah :: 0b100;
ch :: 0b101;
dh :: 0b110;
bh :: 0b111;
registersW :: enum u8 {
ax :: 0b000;
cx :: 0b001;
dx :: 0b010;
bx :: 0b011;
sp :: 0b100;
bp :: 0b101;
si :: 0b110;
di :: 0b111;
reg_name_w :: (reg : u8) -> string{
return tprint("%", cast(registersW)reg);
reg_name :: (reg : u8) -> string{
return tprint("%", cast(registers)reg);
print_err :: (format_string: string, args: .. Any){
print(format_string, ..args, to_standard_error = true);
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