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Created February 29, 2012 16:18
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/* Copyright (c) Colorado School of Mines, 2011.*/
/* All rights reserved. */
/* SUTTOZ: $Revision: 1.20 $ ; $Date: 2011/11/16 23:21:55 $ */
#include "su.h"
#include "segy.h"
#include "header.h"
/*********************** self documentation ******************************/
char *sdoc[] = {
" ",
" SUTTOZ - resample from time to depth ",
" ",
" suttoz <stdin >stdout [optional parms] ",
" ",
" Optional Parameters: ",
" nz=1+(nt-1)*dt*vmax/(2.0*dz) number of depth samples in output ",
" dz=vmin*dt/2 depth sampling interval (defaults avoids aliasing)",
" fz=v(ft)*ft/2 first depth sample ",
" t=0.0,... times corresponding to interval velocities in v",
" v=1500.0,... interval velocities corresponding to times in v",
" vfile= binary (non-ascii) file containing velocities v(t)",
" verbose=0 >0 to print depth sampling information ",
" ",
" Notes: ",
" Default value of nz set to avoid aliasing ",
" The t and v arrays specify an interval velocity function of time. ",
" ",
" Note that t and v are given as arrays of floats separated by commas, ",
" for example: ",
" t=0.0,0.01,.2,... v=1500.0,1720.0,1833.5,... with the number of t values",
" equaling the number of v values. The velocities are linearly interpolated",
" to make a continuous, piecewise linear v(t) profile. ",
" ",
" Linear interpolation and constant extrapolation is used to determine ",
" interval velocities at times not specified. Values specified in t ",
" must increase monotonically. ",
" ",
" Alternatively, interval velocities may be stored in a binary file ",
" containing one velocity for every time sample. If vfile is specified,",
" then the t and v arrays are ignored. ",
" ",
" see selfdoc of suztot for depth to time conversion ",
" ",
" Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, and delrt ",
" Trace header fields modified: trid, ns, d1, and f1 ",
" ",
/* Credits:
* CWP: Dave Hale c. 1992
/**************** end self doc *******************************************/
/* functions defined and used internally */
static void maketz (int nt, float dt, float ft, float v[],
int nz, float dz, float fz, float t[]);
static void zttz(int nt, float dt, float ft, float zt[], float vft, float vlt,
int nz, float dz, float fz, float tz[]);
segy tr;
main(int argc, char **argv)
int nt; /* number of time samples */
int it; /* counter */
int nz; /* numer of depth samples */
int ntpar; /* number of getparred time values for velocities */
int nvpar; /* number of getparred velocity values */
int itpar; /* counter */
int verbose; /* verbose flag, =0 silent, =1 chatty */
float dt; /* time sampling interval */
float ft; /* first time value */
float dz; /* depth sampling interval for velocities */
float fz; /* first depth value */
float t; /* timevalues for velocities */
float vmin; /* minimum velocity */
float vmax; /* maximum velocity */
float *tpar=NULL; /* values of t getparred */
float *vpar=NULL; /* values of v getparred */
float *vt=NULL; /* v(t) velocity as a function of t */
float *tz=NULL; /* t(z) time as a function of z */
float *temp=NULL; /* temporary storage array */
char *vfile=""; /* name of the velocity file */
/* hook up getpar */
/* get time sampling from first header */
if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace");
nt = tr.ns;
dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0;
ft = tr.delrt/1000.0;
/* determine velocity function v(t) */
vt = ealloc1float(nt);
if (!getparstring("vfile",&vfile)) {
ntpar = countparval("t");
if (ntpar==0) ntpar = 1;
tpar = ealloc1float(ntpar);
if (!getparfloat("t",tpar)) tpar[0] = 0.0;
nvpar = countparval("v");
if (nvpar==0) nvpar = 1;
if (nvpar!=ntpar)err("number of t and v values must be equal");
vpar = ealloc1float(nvpar);
if (!getparfloat("v",vpar)) vpar[0] = 1500.0;
for (itpar=1; itpar<ntpar; ++itpar)
if (tpar[itpar]<=tpar[itpar-1])
err("tpar must increase monotonically");
for (it=0,t=0.0; it<nt; ++it,t+=dt)
} else {
if (fread(vt,sizeof(float),nt,fopen(vfile,"r"))!=nt)
err("cannot read %d velocities from file %s",nt,vfile);
/* determine minimum and maximum velocities */
for (it=1,vmin=vmax=vt[0]; it<nt; ++it) {
if (vt[it]<vmin) vmin = vt[it];
if (vt[it]>vmax) vmax = vt[it];
/* get parameters */
if (!getparfloat("dz",&dz)) dz = vmin*dt/2.0;
if (!getparfloat("fz",&fz)) fz = vt[0]*ft/2.0;
if (!getparint("nz",&nz)) nz = 1+(nt-1)*dt*vmax/(2.0*dz);
if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose = 0;
/* if requested, print depth sampling */
if (verbose) {
warn("\tnumber of time samples = %d",nt);
warn("\ttime sampling interval = %g",dt);
warn("\tfirst time sample = %g",ft);
warn("\tnumber of depth samples = %d",nz);
warn("\tdepth sampling interval = %g",dz);
warn("\tfirst depth sample = %g",fz);
/* allocate workspace */
tz = ealloc1float(nz);
temp = ealloc1float(nt);
/* make t(z) function */
/* loop over traces */
do {
/* update header fields */
tr.trid = TRID_DEPTH;
tr.ns = nz;
tr.d1 = dz;
tr.f1 = fz;
/* resample */
memcpy((void *) temp, (const void *),nt*sizeof(float));
/* put this trace before getting another */
} while(gettr(&tr));
static void maketz (int nt, float dt, float ft, float v[],
int nz, float dz, float fz, float t[])
maketz - compute t(z) from v(t)
nt number of time samples
dt time sampling interval
ft first time sample
v[] array of velocities as a function of time t
nz number of z values (output)
dz depth sampling interval (output)
fz first depth value (output)
t[] array of t values as a function of z
Author: CWP: Dave Hale (c. 1992)
int it; /* counter */
float vft; /* velocity at the first time sample */
float vlt; /* velocity at the last time sample */
float *z=NULL; /* array of depth values as a function of t */
/* allocate space */
z = ealloc1float(nt);
/* calculate z(t) from v(t) */
z[0] = 0.5*ft*v[0];
for (it=1; it<nt; it++)
z[it] = z[it-1]+0.5*dt*v[it-1];
vft = v[0];
vlt = v[nt-1];
/* compute t(z) from z(t) */
static void zttz(int nt, float dt, float ft, float zt[], float vft, float vlt,
int nz, float dz, float fz, float tz[])
zttz - compute t(z) from z(t)
nt number of time samples
dt time sampling interval
ft first time value
zt[] array of z values as a function of time
vft velocity at first time sample
vlt velocity at last time sample
nz number of z values (output)
dz depth sampling interval (output)
fz first z value
tz[] array of time values as a function of depth
Author: CWP: Dave Hale (c. 1992)
int iz; /* depth counter */
float z; /* depth */
float lt=ft+(nt-1)*dt; /* last time */
float lz=fz+(nz-1)*dz; /* last depth */
/* switch from z(t) to t(z) */
/* for z values before fz, use first velocity to calculate t(z) */
for (iz=0,z=fz; z<=zt[0]; iz++,z+=dz)
tz[iz] = 2.0*z/vft;
/* for z values from lz down to fz, calculate t(z) */
for (iz=nz-1,z=lz; z>=zt[nt-1]; iz--,z-=dz)
tz[iz] = lt+2.0*(z-zt[nt-1])/vlt;
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