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Last active April 10, 2021 09:18
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A document about Syretia.

I'd like to bring up a difficult topic, today. Simon. For a while, he's been using an alternate account to watch me (I'm clearly a very interesting person). This has been going on for a while, and you may not realize this. Simon has been messaging me with warnings about speaking about him at two separate times, and it's quite obvious that he's using his alternate account exactly for this. I shouldn't have to remind you that this behaviour is extremely inappropriate, and I hope that you'll put a stop to it immediately. He's also been using another server to contact me (the Blargbot one), but I've left that one. I don't want to leave this one.

You're probably wondering why I don't just block the account? I have literally just a moment ago, but I really don't want anyone to experience this too. It's completely inappropriate for a moderator to be contacting me, and issuing threats like the following.

It's my job to know who everyone in the server is

I'd also like to add that this Simon has looked me up on the internet, as that's the only way he could even know of my old account (I have my real names on both accounts, so Googling is easy). From what Simon is saying, he thinks keeping two alternate accounts and looking people up is part of moderation. It may be what he does, but it's completely alien to me.

I really think it spoils the experience when you have a moderator messaging you with threats, especially when you really have much better things to do than engage in such pettiness. If you really want to prevent this, you have two options.

  • Tell everyone to turn direct messages off, and show them workarounds for messaging people.
  • Ban Simon and his alternate account from this server.

I was advised to keep this under 2000 lines, but I think we can agree he's had quite an impact on this community, commenting on the fact that this server is a "clone", and that Pont should "So try making something original for once in your life". I think we need to stop this permenantly, as another moderator from a different Linux-focused server has banned him for his shocking attitude, and I think we can all agree with that.

But he can just make more accounts!

Then let him, and advise users to report this to a member of the administration as soon as he shows himself.

I can see he's already been banned, looking at your moderation logs, but he's been unbanned.

I'll leave this in your hands. If this were my server (and I were Pont), he would've been banned as soon as he insulted me, but it's really up to you. I invite you to discuss this topic, as it's really one that has an easy fix.

Thanks, and all the best. Will 👍

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Something is very wrong with you.

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So wrong that you are STILL spreading this to people. Make it stop.

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See the above message. You probably didn't read it, as the script is that I'm a parasite, and I should just stop at your request.

Please stop bullying me with these messages:

Something is very wrong with you.

I suggest there's something wrong with you, as evidenced above.
Furthermore, since you continue to bother me, I shall block both of your accounts, as I have no interest in communicating with you.

Many thanks,

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Here are logs of this conversation, as you seem to be skilled in deleting messages.

Image one
Image two
Image three
Image four
Image five
Image six

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is there a following up to this beautiful drama? lmao

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